Bryce & trueSpace plus back into Bryce...

silbersulfursilbersulfur Posts: 9
edited January 2018 in Bryce Discussion


Been out of the Bryce scene for many years due to hobbying in the audio realm as well. Getting back into 3D found the freebie trueSpace 7.61 modelside 2.1 on the flat 2D website...Current build with VRay as well for free. What a hoot. Looking at different render engine possibilities found Bryce imports COB & SCN trueSpace files. Strange though the SCN files load & render with full material assignments whilst COB is just the bare model.

I looked all through the forum & never even found one post about trueSpace>Bryce it's just mainly been Wings3D>Bryce. Nothing wrong with that as anything based off Mirai-Nendo rocks but so does trueSpace.

Hoping someone could explain why COB files lose material assignments on import into Bryce...OR ANY OTHER TIPS.

By the way if anyone is interested the link is

If you are interested in trueSpace, comes loaded with plugs, shaders, PDFs and FULL VRAY...I basically ditched blender & went with trueSpace.

                                                             Thanks All

Post edited by Chohole on


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