[Released] Now-Crowd Billboards - Modern City Life



  • Wolpi said:

    So many nice ideas. After all I hope you will decide to give preference to the most quotidian and most often used scenarios. Simple and easy but various poses, activities, ages, seasons, styles, environments ... pooh, the agony of choice. I feel pity for you, dear RiverSoft Artist

    laugh   Ah, but it is the abundance of riches.  This is vastly preferable to the times when I am going, "I'm stuck.  I don't have any new ideas.  I guess I could do another pose product"  smiley

  • WolpiWolpi Posts: 323
    edited February 2018

    oho, you even topped your unique English term 'abundance' I like so much :)

    Meanwhile there was time to give the gigantic 'Now-Crowd' a try ... and I found, that I'm still too green yet to take use of more angles of view. I hoped they were easily clickable as they are with the 'Insta-Crowd'. But I don't complain! It's useable though - and I'm still learning, both English and skills.

    Post edited by Wolpi on
  • Wolpi said:

    oho, you even topped your unique English term 'abundance' I like so much :)

    Meanwhile there was time to give the gigantic 'Now-Crowd' a try ... and I found, that I'm still too green yet to take use of more angles of view. I hoped they were easily clickable as they are with the 'Insta-Crowd'. But I don't complain! It's useable though - and I'm still learning, both English and skills.

    I am sorry you are having difficulty.  To do the angles:

    • Add a figure (Props->People) to your scene
    • Select the billboard in the scene
    • With the billboard selected, find and double-click the Now-Crowd Orient Billboard script and click accept (this orients the billboard to face your viewport camera)
    • With the billboard selected, find and double-click the Now-Crowd Change Billboard Angle script
    • Drag Horizontal/Vertical sliders around, click Accept.
  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505
    Greybro said:

    People in Military Battle Dress Uniform walking about, like on a military base or something might be a cool niche.

    I am planning a War series at some point.  This could be a nice expansion.  Thanks.

    Nice! I've finally gotten a chance to use the product on a commerical commission. It turned out seamlessly on the first attempt. The script is a real boon to make them face the camera.



  • Greybro said:
    Greybro said:

    People in Military Battle Dress Uniform walking about, like on a military base or something might be a cool niche.

    I am planning a War series at some point.  This could be a nice expansion.  Thanks.

    Nice! I've finally gotten a chance to use the product on a commerical commission. It turned out seamlessly on the first attempt. The script is a real boon to make them face the camera.
















    Nicely done!  Cannot tell which figures are billboards and which are not!


  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505
    Greybro said:
    Greybro said:

    People in Military Battle Dress Uniform walking about, like on a military base or something might be a cool niche.

    I am planning a War series at some point.  This could be a nice expansion.  Thanks.

    Nice! I've finally gotten a chance to use the product on a commerical commission. It turned out seamlessly on the first attempt. The script is a real boon to make them face the camera.
















    Nicely done!  Cannot tell which figures are billboards and which are not!


    Thanks again!

  • WolpiWolpi Posts: 323

    smiley You're soo adjuvant, dear RiverArtist, but my difficuties are not your fault. They are the price for my chosen pace and my restraint to dare new steps. So my cravenness to update DS 4.6 for the risk of unexpected changes is probably the reason that your advice occurs an error message, assumely the same one as told in this thread: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3321251/#Comment_3321251

    As said, I will make do with the Billboards without the option of different angles until I'm a runaway in this point.


  • Wolpi said:

    smiley You're soo adjuvant, dear RiverArtist, but my difficuties are not your fault. They are the price for my chosen pace and my restraint to dare new steps. So my cravenness to update DS 4.6 for the risk of unexpected changes is probably the reason that your advice occurs an error message, assumely the same one as told in this thread: https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/comment/3321251/#Comment_3321251

    As said, I will make do with the Billboards without the option of different angles until I'm a runaway in this point.


    Ah!  I understand.  Yes, to use the scripts you need to upgrade to

  • WolpiWolpi Posts: 323
    edited February 2018

    yes, sigh. Probably sooner or later I will be forced to install the latest version. But up to then I'm contented with what I got :)

    Nevertheless, let me think aloudly about the advantages I'm missing:

    Yesterday I created my first image using billboards - Insta-Crowd however, which came simultaneously and I estimated to be yours also.

    I usually use one single view for my pics. So as the library offers three or four different angles of a person in the Insta-Crowd preview I choose an according one ... and bang!

    If I find an appropriate billboard within yours there's only one angle for my limited abilities (even though there are further idle 14GB of other positions). But what if I was able to take use of all the other ones? Presumed the necessary angle for my single image wasn't shown in the prewiew (and in most cases it won't), wouldn't it be complicated to find and make fit it?

    My English is poor and often misunderstanding I know, so let's invent an example:

    I'm a pupil sitting in the classroom, watching the teacher in the front. So my eyes are the one and only cam.

    The teacher is watching to the right, let's say to the door.

    Insta-Crowd library preview would offer the teacher looking straight, right and left.

    Yours would allow the straight one only (looking at me instead to the door).

    What would I have to do to make him look to the right then?

    Another question:

    Pack 1/15 seems to contain anything you need for the few basic positions. All the other big packs seem to contain textures only but assumely all the various angles. 

    Wouldn't it be feasible to make the other angles visible and chooseable in the props also?


    Post edited by Wolpi on
  • Wolpi said:

    yes, sigh. Probably sooner or later I will be forced to install the latest version. But up to then I'm contented with what I got :)

    Nevertheless, let me think aloudly about the advantages I'm missing:

    Yesterday I created my first image using billboards - Insta-Crowd however, which came simultaneously and I estimated to be yours also.

    I usually use one single view for my pics. So as the library offers three or four different angles of a person in the Insta-Crowd preview I choose an according one ... and bang!

    If I find an appropriate billboard within yours there's only one angle for my limited abilities (even though there are further idle 14GB of other positions). But what if I was able to take use of all the other ones? Presumed the necessary angle for my single image wasn't shown in the prewiew (and in most cases it won't), wouldn't it be complicated to find and make fit it?

    My English is poor and often misunderstanding I know, so let's invent an example:

    I'm a pupil sitting in the classroom, watching the teacher in the front. So my eyes are the one and only cam.

    The teacher is watching to the right, let's say to the door.

    Insta-Crowd library preview would offer the teacher looking straight, right and left.

    Yours would allow the straight one only (looking at me instead to the door).

    What would I have to do to make him look to the right then?

    Another question:

    Pack 1/15 seems to contain anything you need for the few basic positions. All the other big packs seem to contain textures only but assumely all the various angles. 

    Wouldn't it be feasible to make the other angles visible and chooseable in the props also?


    It would not be advisable to show all the other angles in presets... there would be over 2000 of them for this product alone.  If you want to change the angle manually,

    • Select the billboard
    • Go to the Surfaces Pane and select the Billboard Surface
    • Left-click on the Diffuse Color.... Browse... The Open Dialog should open you to the correct directory.  If not, navigate to Runtime/Textures/RiverSoft Art/Now-Crowd Billboards/Modern City Life/<Billboard Name>  Within that directory are 216 files for the figure.  The ones named "<NAME> <NUMBER> <NUMBER>.png" are the ones you want to select.  Click Open
    • Left-click on the Opacity Strength... Browse... Select the same name as the last option except it should end with ".mask.png" for the soft mask, or ".solidmask.png" for the hard mask (no shadows)


  • WolpiWolpi Posts: 323
    edited February 2018

    hey woow! smiley That's fantastic! 

    What a surprise that there is an unexpected backdoor for me laugh And good that I have been so persistant. wink

    Thank you very much for your patience and for your pellucid instructions, dear RSArtist

    I'm looking forward to your works to come! 



    Post edited by Wolpi on
  • Wolpi said:

    hey woow! smiley That's fantastic! 

    What a surprise that there is an unexpected backdoor for me laugh And good that I have been so persistant. wink

    Thank you very much for your patience and for your pellucid instructions, dear RSArtist

    I'm looking forward to your works to come! 



    I am glad I could help!  Enjoy the product!

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    These are proving incredibly useful here. One suggestion for a modern day line that I could definitely use would be police. It's not too difficult to create a major crime scene in Daz Studio, but it does kind of distract from the realism when only one (or two at a push) officers are attending! I expect you're getting plenty of other suggestions and have lots of ideas of your own, but at least this one shouldn't mean much in the way of obtaining resources since all the officers could be wearing the same uniform as the one in this product already does :)

  • These are proving incredibly useful here. One suggestion for a modern day line that I could definitely use would be police. It's not too difficult to create a major crime scene in Daz Studio, but it does kind of distract from the realism when only one (or two at a push) officers are attending! I expect you're getting plenty of other suggestions and have lots of ideas of your own, but at least this one shouldn't mean much in the way of obtaining resources since all the officers could be wearing the same uniform as the one in this product already does :)

    This is a good idea!  It could be a small expansion.  I will put it on the list.

  • BlueIreneBlueIrene Posts: 1,318

    These are proving incredibly useful here. One suggestion for a modern day line that I could definitely use would be police. It's not too difficult to create a major crime scene in Daz Studio, but it does kind of distract from the realism when only one (or two at a push) officers are attending! I expect you're getting plenty of other suggestions and have lots of ideas of your own, but at least this one shouldn't mean much in the way of obtaining resources since all the officers could be wearing the same uniform as the one in this product already does :)

    This is a good idea!  It could be a small expansion.  I will put it on the list.

    Great stuff! Thank you :)

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    I'm looking for a way to make all of the scene's billboards turn to face another object in my scene, like the way Look at That works for figures. I want all my billboard people to turn to face a specific object within my camera view, but be able to see the correct view of the billboard from my camera. I tried to use Look at That, but billobards don't have "head" bones, so it didin't work.

    Is there a way to do this easily, or will I have to rotate each billboard manually with the Change Billboard Angle script?

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,657
    barbult said:

    I'm looking for a way to make all of the scene's billboards turn to face another object in my scene, like the way Look at That works for figures. I want all my billboard people to turn to face a specific object within my camera view, but be able to see the correct view of the billboard from my camera. I tried to use Look at That, but billobards don't have "head" bones, so it didin't work.

    Is there a way to do this easily, or will I have to rotate each billboard manually with the Change Billboard Angle script?

    Sorry, there is no way to do this easily.  You have to do this manually from the Change Angle script.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    barbult said:

    I'm looking for a way to make all of the scene's billboards turn to face another object in my scene, like the way Look at That works for figures. I want all my billboard people to turn to face a specific object within my camera view, but be able to see the correct view of the billboard from my camera. I tried to use Look at That, but billobards don't have "head" bones, so it didin't work.

    Is there a way to do this easily, or will I have to rotate each billboard manually with the Change Billboard Angle script?

    Sorry, there is no way to do this easily.  You have to do this manually from the Change Angle script.

    OK, thanks for the reply. Perhaps that could be a future enhancement.
  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,657
    barbult said:
    barbult said:

    I'm looking for a way to make all of the scene's billboards turn to face another object in my scene, like the way Look at That works for figures. I want all my billboard people to turn to face a specific object within my camera view, but be able to see the correct view of the billboard from my camera. I tried to use Look at That, but billobards don't have "head" bones, so it didin't work.

    Is there a way to do this easily, or will I have to rotate each billboard manually with the Change Billboard Angle script?

    Sorry, there is no way to do this easily.  You have to do this manually from the Change Angle script.


    OK, thanks for the reply. Perhaps that could be a future enhancement.

    This isn't really something I can script.  The billboard images are not made to look in any particular direction.  Figuring out how to make the billboard character look in a certain direction would be very hard.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    barbult said:
    barbult said:

    I'm looking for a way to make all of the scene's billboards turn to face another object in my scene, like the way Look at That works for figures. I want all my billboard people to turn to face a specific object within my camera view, but be able to see the correct view of the billboard from my camera. I tried to use Look at That, but billobards don't have "head" bones, so it didin't work.

    Is there a way to do this easily, or will I have to rotate each billboard manually with the Change Billboard Angle script?

    Sorry, there is no way to do this easily.  You have to do this manually from the Change Angle script.


    OK, thanks for the reply. Perhaps that could be a future enhancement.

    This isn't really something I can script.  The billboard images are not made to look in any particular direction.  Figuring out how to make the billboard character look in a certain direction would be very hard.

    Oh, rats. It would have been handy. Thanks for considering it and explaining.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    I got an update today in Daz Connect. What change should I look for?

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,657
    barbult said:

    I got an update today in Daz Connect. What change should I look for?

    I haven't done an update.  Sometimes Daz does something that marks a product for redownload - I have no reason why.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    barbult said:

    I got an update today in Daz Connect. What change should I look for?

    I haven't done an update.  Sometimes Daz does something that marks a product for redownload - I have no reason why.

    Huh, well that's a waste of bandwidth. frown But no problem, I'm not metered and I have fast broadband. Thanks for the information.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

    I haven't posted an image lately, but I still love the product and use it frequently. Here is one I just completed. I used some of my same favorite billboards that I reuse often. I guess they just resonate with me and fit my scenes. the only "real" 3D character is the woman with the red suitcase (P3D Fara for V8). The other 3 are billboards.

    The list of items used is listed in my gallery.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,657
    edited January 2019
    barbult said:

    I haven't posted an image lately, but I still love the product and use it frequently. Here is one I just completed. I used some of my same favorite billboards that I reuse often. I guess they just resonate with me and fit my scenes. the only "real" 3D character is the woman with the red suitcase (P3D Fara for V8). The other 3 are billboards.

    The list of items used is listed in my gallery.

    Nice!  I really like this one!  I am definitely going to be making another Modern City Life at some point (though probably with colder weather clothes) as I want more, more, more.  It's on my list; it's just a long list. smiley

    Post edited by RiverSoft Art on
  • RainRain Posts: 335
    barbult said:
    barbult said:

    I haven't posted an image lately, but I still love the product and use it frequently. Here is one I just completed. I used some of my same favorite billboards that I reuse often. I guess they just resonate with me and fit my scenes. the only "real" 3D character is the woman with the red suitcase (P3D Fara for V8). The other 3 are billboards.


    barbult said:

    I love the Billboads too, as I do all of RiverSoftArt products.  I always enjoy seeing your artwork, barbult. This is great!

  • spuffy said:
    barbult said:
    barbult said:
    I love the Billboads too, as I do all of RiverSoftArt products.  

    Thank you for your support! smiley

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    I have many RiverSoftArt products that make Daz Studio easier and more fun to use. Keep them coming!
  • barbult said:
    I have many RiverSoftArt products that make Daz Studio easier and more fun to use. Keep them coming!

    Thanks and I will! smiley

  • RainRain Posts: 335
    barbult said:
    I have many RiverSoftArt products that make Daz Studio easier and more fun to use. Keep them coming!

    Me too!  I second the “keep them coming”.  And I have a couple wishlisted because I’m away from my computer for two months.  Sigh!  

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