Oso Master Shader1 for Iray [Commercial]



  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Please put in a ticket so it can be handled properly and thank you! Hope you love it!

  • Am I right in looking at this and thinking this can be used to blend emissive and non-emissive materials without a whole bunch of fiddling?

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,249

    Glad to know this is a merchant resource as well Will.  Bougth and downloading... will play and discover when I have some time.... Thanks! 

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Agent unawares:

    yep. One layer can glow and the other could be tapioca.

    Metal and fabric. Air and toadskin.

    There are a few parameters that won’t vary between layers, but a LOT can.

  • Oso3D said:

    Agent unawares:

    yep. One layer can glow and the other could be tapioca.


  • Im looking forward to using it but i think either a written quick start guide or even better a vid tutorial just showing the basics of how to use these would be really welcome, and make it even more popular. 

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128

    I have been experimenting with it. This is a dress where I've applied different overlays to panels of the skirt, and then pasted the base surface back over the Master Overlay preset. I have no idea if that's what I should be doing. I spent a while experimenting with the noise category but rock-crystal skirt, while useful eventually, I did not render.

    The front panel is gold overlay, and I eventually applied the 'flatten displacement' pattern to it after messing with noise for a while.

    The middle panel is ...red flesh as an overlay, I believe?

    The back panel is blood overlay.

    OSO fabric fun 2 (blood overlay) 2.png
    1000 x 1000 - 737K
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Martin: have you checked the documentation?

    Dream: heh. That sounds workable... it may be safer to start with a ‘regular’ Iray surface, copy it, apply some OMS shader, paste, and then apply an Overlay. 

    Another option, if you want to get fancy, is to save a material or shader preset and only select the values you want to keep.

  • BruganBrugan Posts: 365

    Grats on another awesome product Will! Bought it tonight, can't wait to start tinkering with it!

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I’ll be excited what you do with it!

  • This should probably have a zeroed out base shader preset but I can't find one. Really don't want to clear out textures every time I use this.

    Oso3D said:

    Martin: have you checked the documentation?

    The what now?

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Most full presets will eliminate textures unless you right-click to keep them.

    And apparently the readme didn't quite make it into the final product. So until I get that straightened out, here it is.


    OMS1 Readme.txt
  • Oso3D said:

    Most full presets will eliminate textures unless you right-click to keep them.

    I'm saying I want it to load without any textures at all.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,677

    Looks amazing. I definitely will buy it

  • Oso3D said:

    Most full presets will eliminate textures unless you right-click to keep them.

    And apparently the readme didn't quite make it into the final product. So until I get that straightened out, here it is.


    Thanks that goes some way to helping. Im one of those people who loves a tutorial as i learn quicker by watching somenoe do something than by reading about it. So if you feel inclined ( or someone else does) then that would still go down a storm with me, and i suspect, many other people too.  This product looks wonderful and im going to have a play with it in a bit. But with something this complex ( remember its simple to you because you know it inside out) , to get the most out of it an idiots step by step would be really really helpful. 

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Don’t worry, I don’t think it’s simple. :)


    In the meantime if anyone has questions about what something is or how to do something, please ask here.

    (any bugs, please submit a ticket.)

  • Oso3D said:

    Most full presets will eliminate textures unless you right-click to keep them.

    And apparently the readme didn't quite make it into the final product. So until I get that straightened out, here it is.


    Thanks that goes some way to helping. Im one of those people who loves a tutorial as i learn quicker by watching somenoe do something than by reading about it. So if you feel inclined ( or someone else does) then that would still go down a storm with me, and i suspect, many other people too.  This product looks wonderful and im going to have a play with it in a bit. But with something this complex ( remember its simple to you because you know it inside out) , to get the most out of it an idiots step by step would be really really helpful. 


    Absolutely second this. I've been playing around with this today and I think it looks great, really interesting. A demo of how to put things together would really help speed up the learning process for me too :-)

  • I've followed your various experiments over the years and I was glad to see you made it as a PA!  I couldn't resist this one for two reasons, one because I'm a shader fanatic and two the combinations just seem incredible!

  • Bought and bought. Thanks, sir!

  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,490
    edited December 2017

    Got my first chance to play with these tonight. As I expected there are so many variations begging to be experimented with! Thanks for the ReadMe too - without it I think I would be rather lost!

    As it is I have only one query (so far): it says that the "mix is generated randomly" - does this mean
    (a) different effect on different objects in the same scene
    (b) if you save a scene it may reload with a different random generation?
    (c) will the same randomising parameters will be used each time the scene is reloaded?

    Of course I can keep trying things to work this out for myself, but it's New Year here (UK) in 30 mins so I have to pack up for the night or hubby will be a little annoyed laugh

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I THINK the same pattern will appear on every object in the same scene; one benefit to the Overlay Rotation and Tiling is so you can vary two objects with otherwise similar patterns -- if you want.

    The same 'random' pattern will appear between saves.

    So, properly speaking, it's 'pseudorandom noise' -- the same figure with the same parameters will have the same 'random' pattern.


  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,490

    Sorry I went AWOL for most of the day - thanks for replying. That fits with what I saw so far (still waiting for the chance to play more, maybe tomorrow).

    Happy New Year!

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Was playing around with cloud settings. This is Rising Smoke with SSS color dropped a bunch (making it more opaque)


    Cloud Giant.jpg
    1000 x 1300 - 263K
  • Sven DullahSven Dullah Posts: 7,621
    Oso3D said:

    Was playing around with cloud settings. This is Rising Smoke with SSS color dropped a bunch (making it more opaque)


    That's very cool:)

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Anyone have any cool renders?

    One powerful tool is the Magnitude map. Here I baked an AO map (using Substance Painter) of the recent Orc, then inverted it and plugged it into the Magnitude map with the Standing Lava preset and Orc green skin (I copied the skin, applyed Standing Lava, then pasted the skin back on).

    So the lava glow/effect only appears in the crevices of the orc. Fun effect, I think!

    If you can bake AO maps, you can easily set up various kinds of corroded edges, rust, and glowing over or under surfaces.


    Rocky Orc.jpg
    2000 x 2600 - 539K
  • UthgardUthgard Posts: 867

    Really cool effect! That's one of the things I wanted to do with these shaders when I bought them, but I still need to get down to experiment with them (and so many other things). Thanks for putting your creativity at our disposal, Will, it really is a boon to the weirdly oriented among us.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    Oso3D said:

    Anyone have any cool renders?

    One powerful tool is the Magnitude map. Here I baked an AO map (using Substance Painter) of the recent Orc, then inverted it and plugged it into the Magnitude map with the Standing Lava preset and Orc green skin (I copied the skin, applyed Standing Lava, then pasted the skin back on).

    So the lava glow/effect only appears in the crevices of the orc. Fun effect, I think!

    If you can bake AO maps, you can easily set up various kinds of corroded edges, rust, and glowing over or under surfaces.

    LOVE this!

  • I haven't spent as much time experimenting with this as I would like, but I have been playing with the smoke presets. Used the wolf and a geometry shell here, one with the rising smoke and one with the drifting smoke presets and some tweaking. The render is still a bit noisy, I should have picked a brighter location to test this out, but overall liking the effect. Still needs tweaking, but a ton of potential here.

    The Orc sample you showed is really cool too, I'm going to have to try something like that.

    1200 x 1200 - 4M
  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    I’ve been debating a follow up product, maybe with some masks for g8 figures to make stuff like that easier.

    The easiest way to make smoke more dense, fyi, is to decrease Transmitted distance.

  • Made some tweaks and stuck it in a brighter scene. I was trying out the lava preset on the eyes to see if they would glow, the end result ended up looking a bit cartoonish compared to what I was picturing, but I liked the results laugh.

    1200 x 1200 - 4M
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