Carrara v8.5.0.149 (PC/Mac) Beta Update



  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,144
    edited December 1969

    wcwilcox said:
    Do you think anyone at Daz is reading these posts

    Probably not at the weekend...

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited July 2012

    It's all about perspective, though, isn't it?

    And here's to you, Mr. Robinson, you're absolutely correct. Perspective !!

    So let's take a very broad perspective, shall we? Let's look at other industries, and their practices, and see what's reasonable. In what other industries do vendors have the cajones (arrogance) to consider it a "privilege" for their customers to do work for them for free, and help them look for bugs or errors in their products?

    Hmm....let's see...I'm thinking....I'm thinking....hmm....

    Okay, well let's shelve that for a bit...I'm sure something will come to me later....

    Just because Adobe and other software vendors are arrogant towards their customers, because of some insane concept that has developed in the industry in the last 30 years, doesn't mean it's a reasonable perspective. Just because someone is worse than me doesn't mean that I'm good. Are you honestly arguing that "Company A treats me like trash, but Company B treats me even worse, so it's okay?"

    I am continually amazed at how the software buying public has bought into these insane concepts. Somehow they believe that vendors owe their customers nothing when their customers provide work for free. In the words of John McEnroe, "You CANNOT be serious..."

    If you guys think it's reasonable for you to spend your valuable time (yes, it is valuable) and resources to do work for free, and then be treated like trash for doing it, then I think that's a big mistake. Just because you enjoy doing it doesn't make it any less valuable, or deserving of at least some respect. And it's ONLY because users like you who put up with it that it continues, and gets worse and worse, and vendors get more arrogant.

    And this nonsense about "Oh, you should have planned for this, and been prepared in case the beta ran out..." ARE YOU SERIOUS???

    In order to test the software, you need to USE the software. It's been 10 months of using 8.5 beta. So we're supposed to use the software as hard as we can, extract every bug we can, use every feature we can think of, but not really USE it on stuff, just, like, use it on stuff. So for all the scenes we work on, we need to not only check for bugs and pinpoint them and post bug reports, we also have to manage all of the scenes we've been working on for the last 10 months so that we have figured out how to have 8.1 backup versions of the 8.5 scenes, that oh by the way don't load into 8.1 or don't work unless we modify them. Or maybe we're supposed to have completely separate 8.5 scenes that aren't stuff we're really working on, we're supposed to also spend time just running test scenes????

    Just insane. Sorry guys, but logic no longer applies when you have arguments like that.

    Post edited by JoeMamma2000 on
  • VFX13VFX13 Posts: 6
    edited July 2012

    All I give a shi* about is that I paid for a product that is in endless beta. I've got projects PAID PROJECTS that need completed. This is totally unacceptable for a piece of software to lockout its purchaser, I've got a fully licensed version, and keep dicking around with this beta stuff.
    Here I go yanking the beta installing the first gen pre-beta and will be looking to purchase 3DMAX or something better here shortly. I've used this product since INFINI-D. Moving on now.

    Post edited by VFX13 on
  • MistyVictrixMistyVictrix Posts: 1
    edited December 1969

    A way to get around the serial number expiration date is to go into your computer's bios upon starting your computer and set the date back.
    I'm running an XP computer and Carrara is up and running despite it being July 15.

  • VFX13VFX13 Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the workaround. Would you not agree though that we should not need to be messing with our systems to circumvent a fully licensed product we purchased legally. (for those who purchased 8 that is)

  • MalfeasantMalfeasant Posts: 8
    edited December 1969

    I don't want to get into the whole tit-for-tat argument, I can see why people are annoyed - I was working on something myself and would have been furious if the file couldn't be opened back in 8.1 - but the beginning of this thread says:

    You can run the production build of Carrara 8.1 side by side with this Beta build. Just don’t uninstall 8.1 version when you install this beta release.

    The purpose of providing this build is for you to see the progress we are making...

    We've all been able to use this Beta whether we've been feeding back on bugs or not. Most developers would hand pick Beta testers and the rest of us wouldn't get a look in.

    As I say, I do see how people are annoyed, but this negative attitude is the best way to make sure that next time we won't hear anything from DAZ at all in between versions. Just like it use to be with Specular, MetaCreations and Eovia and, believe me, I had cause to complain to those guys over the years.

    I remember everyone fretting over what would happen to Carrara when DAZ took it over and it's just got better every version. Now, just sort out the torus squaring in the spline modeller and I'm happy.

  • VFX13VFX13 Posts: 6
    edited December 1969

    except . . . when running 8.1 on Lion you get an administrator error from what I remember this error had been fixed on higher versions of Carrara, forcing you to use 8.5 which you can't run because its in beta. So. it'd be nice to fall back on 8.1 but does not seem to run on Lion.
    Anyone know a way around this error without updating to the beta version?

  • MalfeasantMalfeasant Posts: 8
    edited December 1969

    VFX13 said:
    ...8.1 on Lion you get an administrator error...

    When does that happen and what does it do?

  • PhilWPhilW Posts: 5,144
    edited December 1969

    I have no insider knowledge, but I fully expect that Daz will publish a usable serial number tomorrow.

  • VFX13VFX13 Posts: 6
    edited July 2012

    When using _8- You get: (see attachment) all permissions ARE correct, is not an osx issue.

    503 x 258 - 36K
    Post edited by VFX13 on
  • Kendall SearsKendall Sears Posts: 2,995
    edited December 1969

    VFX13 said:
    When using _8- You get: (see attachment) all permissions ARE correct, is not an osx issue.

    Just to be pedantic, this is an OSX issue. Software on Posix systems is not supposed to be installed by user level accounts. That is what the SuperUser accounts are for. Letting a user account install software... is broken. It is a compromise that Apple made for "user friendlyness." There are several inconsistencies in their approach, there were lots of highly charged arguments when Apple decided to take this approach.

    Try using a Terminal and running Carrara from the superuser account. See if that doesn't resolve this issue.


  • Frank__Frank__ Posts: 302
    edited July 2012

    Sorry. :)

    Nothing to be seen here.

    Post edited by Frank__ on
  • MalfeasantMalfeasant Posts: 8
    edited December 1969

    VFX13 said:
    ...8.1 on Lion you get an administrator error...

    Have you added a password to your login in "Users & Groups" Preferences?

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    Wow, thanks for the date thing, MistyV. That makes life a lot simpler.

  • TraumadorTraumador Posts: 3
    edited December 1969

    Traumador said:
    On what planet and universe does a company charge hundreds of dollars for a program they are going to render unless on a monthly to weekly basis.

    I'm not buying anymore Daz products if this keeps up. I've never hit any other software that shuts down due to things the company is doing, removed from my machine. I'm getting royally sick of having my Carrara shut down one weekend a month, and having to search through a forum to find the answer of unlocking it. The least you could do to make up for this horrific costumer service (by which I mean rendering the product I paid you for completely useless) by emailing us notices and new serial numbers!

    Seriously putting out a serial number with an expire date, but not bothering to put up a replacement BEFORE that expiriation date...

    Why did you download and install a time-limited beta if you didn't accept that this could happen? The production version is still fully functional and not time limited.


    Fun fact Kendall, I didn't download a time limited version of the program. In fact the first time this happened 3 months ago I was quite happy with the version of the program I had, and would have settled on it. It was working fine, and Daz gave no indication it was time sensitive. Then they started this whole Genesis crap, and boom my Carrara takes at least one weekend off a month (at least being the operative thing).

    What is royally pissing me off is that I don't have access to this mythical production version you're talking about, and everytime I have a problem with the serial numbers tech support here tells me to download the next version (which are all forcing me to accept yet another expiring serial number).

    It is NOT a privelege to pay $400 to "test" software (whether a Beta or not) if it isn't going to work for testing!!! So stop telling me and others it is okay that we paid perfectly good money for absolutely NOTHING, because at the end of the day that's what my Carrara is amounting too. A whole lot of nothing. If they refund me, than fine I'll take whatever they send my way. However I've paid them for software, and I should bloody well be able to use it without them being able to bumble it up every second week!

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    PhilW said:
    I have no insider knowledge, but I fully expect that Daz will publish a usable serial number tomorrow.


    So what are you thinking, that maybe since today is, what Sunday, then maybe the DAZ people aren't in the office today? Because I think you're right, I think most companies don't work on Sunday, I think they stay home that day. Which would probably mean that tomorrow would be, what, Monday or something? And I think you're right on that one too, I think most people go back to work on Monday, after being off for the weekend.

    So if they come back to work tomorrow, which is Monday, then maybe they'll be able to do what they need to do in order to publish a serial number, because they're back in the office, and can get to their computers and stuff. Is that what you're thinking, because I totally agree, you have a good point. That's probably what will happen.

    Though I want to make it clear, I have no inside information either, I'm just guessing like everyone else.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    VFX13 said:
    When using _8- You get: (see attachment) all permissions ARE correct, is not an osx issue.

    Just to be pedantic, this is an OSX issue.

    We have the fixes. They are being held hostage by bad management.... Or more likely our devs and project managers are letting us squawk to force someone's hand at DAZ HQ to pay bills. Do you seriously think they "forgot" their own deadline? Folks, look at the website. Look at the store. The DAZ boat is on its side and the wealthier passengers have already boarded the lifeboats for other programs.

    For those who are curious, the issues under Lion OSX.7 are NOT universal... I am using C8.1 under Lion and it is working, but with my old bugs from 10 months ago... So no animating and no preview in the shader room, etc, etc, etc.

    YMMV..., but if you need to get work done tonight (I have to deliver animations on Wednesday...) and you are on osX.7, don't take their word for it. Try it and see...

    I'll be deleting my Carrara website this week and cancelling my PC membership. I've had Carrara since before version 1.0 -- when it was Ray Dream. This is the end for me. If I'm stuck at C8.1 as the "defenders" here are suggesting, then there is no reason for me to participate in broken forums for a broken program.

    Good luck everybody. :blank:

  • MalfeasantMalfeasant Posts: 8
    edited December 1969

    I, too, have no insider information, but since they put the last download up via the store I'm guessing it will be a final release for sale on Monday.

    That may mean a free copy of 8.5 for all registered 8 users, but it may also mean a paid upgrade (unusual, I think , for DAZ).

    Either way, if anyone here is just using the Beta and didn't purchase 8, it's going to cost.

    If anyone here did purchase 8 and is stuck now the Beta of 8.5 is down, because you installed it over 8, you may need to reset your downloads and reinstall 8.1 from your account.

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited July 2012

    I'll be deleting my Carrara website this week and cancelling my PC membership.

    Okay, well, that's JUST the kind of negative talk and negative attitude that's just going to make DAZ mad at us. And as we all know, companies care about profit and loss only to a point...if they're mad at you, all bets are off, and they won't care about making money, they'll just care about being mad at you.

    Heck, with that kind of talk they might just decide that we don't deserve 8.5, or even 9. They may decide to just drop Carrara altogether with talk like that

    So let's just try and stop this negative talk, and be happy with what you've got. and that DAZ has so generously given us.

    'K ?

    Post edited by JoeMamma2000 on
  • djmulcahydjmulcahy Posts: 42
    edited December 1969

    Sorry to hear you're so bummed. :(
    Based partially on your recommendation, I picked up 3dxchange 5 and I've been toying with it for a few days now. I figure if DAZ is just going to be a content supplier, I might as well just enjoy their content in another company's animation software.
    What has your experience been? Has the quality been good? I know there's no facial animation yet, but aside from that, does the detail of characters transfer well? Have the animation results been good?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,072
    edited December 1969

    I think they want to sell Genesis and related content so are not going to NOT release it just because upset Mac Lion users like Holly made them mad ;-P
    I basically got iClone 3dxchange 5 and pipeline for free by beta testing for Reallusion using C8.5 so not worried about paying for it.
    just wish I could already.
    and a lot of people who bought Carrara as a result of my posts and videos on pipeline might get a bit annoyed if it is not realeased but that is Daz's problem, not mine
    for me it only means I am less inclined to buy a lot of additional Genesis stuff unless I plan to use it in iClone via Daz studio which I do already.
    I will still use Carrara more, just not with Genesis

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    I'll be deleting my Carrara website this week and cancelling my PC membership.

    So let's just try and stop this negative talk, and be happy with what you've got. and that DAZ has so generously given us.

    'K ?

    :lol: And the land of the misfit toys and really bitchy newbies who tell you off when they don't understand your answer.... *sigh* I shall miss this place. NOT!

    I'm getting the 3dXchange SuperDuper version this month while the intro sale is still happening. Got my kitchen cleared for the mocap plugin. I hope the bvh works to Carrara, but I got Poser9 recently so I'll have a workpath one way or other.... Wendy is way ahead of me in iClone. I'm PC phobic so it's been a while to get it set up....

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,072
    edited December 1969

    djmulchay, Genesis works better in iClone exported into 3dxchange from Daz studio than Carrara 8.5
    so you you do not need the beta, Daz studio pro is free.
    you just cannot use pipeline to export FBX figures usable in Carrara 8.1 production build from iClone, can still do BVH movements though.
    Reallusion has promised facial animation some time in the future for Daz characters but are obviously experiencing bugs too!
    I do a lot of "dance" videos without dialogue %-P

  • djmulcahydjmulcahy Posts: 42
    edited December 1969

    djmulchay, Genesis works better in iClone exported into 3dxchange from Daz studio than Carrara 8.5
    so you you do not need the beta, Daz studio pro is free.
    you just cannot use pipeline to export FBX figures usable in Carrara 8.1 production build from iClone, can still do BVH movements though.
    Reallusion has promised facial animation some time in the future for Daz characters but are obviously experiencing bugs too!
    I do a lot of "dance" videos without dialogue %-P

    Hmmm.... better in iClone? Interesting.
    I'm familiar with iClone, but I've always thought the character models were... underwhelming.
    If I can get DAZ content in an animation package that the developers actually care about, I'll be very happy.
    I didn't hear about any problems with facial animation, aside that it would probably be available come fall. What have you heard?

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,072
    edited July 2012

    mostly Genesis in iClone
    all have been done via Daz studio too!
    I am only guessing why Reallusion has not released facial animation already, actually have no idea but they have said it is going to be a free upgrade.
    only animated morphs do not work in iClone like dress handles and hair morphs etc but I just use autofitted outfits that do not use those anyway.
    more of an issue with V4 & M4 etc.
    and dynamic cloth out of the question.
    You CAN ofcourse rig stuff in studio (or Carrara for that matter) and use in iClone inc "boning" cloth and hair and attaching it as assesories, I cannot do it in studio due to lack of interest mainly.
    I do rig stuff in Carrara for iClone.
    exporting that from C8.1 still works.
    I attach cloth and hair to the skeleton of non-Genesis figures by selecting hip and attach skeleton in animation weight paint it to export into iClone from Carrara.

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • paca_401098667cpaca_401098667c Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    VFX13 said:
    When using _8- You get: (see attachment) all permissions ARE correct, is not an osx issue.

    Just to be pedantic, this is an OSX issue.

    We have the fixes. They are being held hostage by bad management.... Or more likely our devs and project managers are letting us squawk to force someone's hand at DAZ HQ to pay bills. Do you seriously think they "forgot" their own deadline? Folks, look at the website. Look at the store. The DAZ boat is on its side and the wealthier passengers have already boarded the lifeboats for other programs.

    For those who are curious, the issues under Lion OSX.7 are NOT universal... I am using C8.1 under Lion and it is working, but with my old bugs from 10 months ago... So no animating and no preview in the shader room, etc, etc, etc.

    YMMV..., but if you need to get work done tonight (I have to deliver animations on Wednesday...) and you are on osX.7, don't take their word for it. Try it and see...

    I'll be deleting my Carrara website this week and cancelling my PC membership. I've had Carrara since before version 1.0 -- when it was Ray Dream. This is the end for me. If I'm stuck at C8.1 as the "defenders" here are suggesting, then there is no reason for me to participate in broken forums for a broken program.

    Good luck everybody. :blank:

    Feelin' your pain! Anyone have an affordable alternative to this, the single most frustrating piece of software I've ever encountered? My projects don't warrant the purchase of the super-pricey Big Boyz apps, so Carrara was an attractive offer...until I started wrestling with it. Now it's just a waste of time and money. I give up too! Suggestions appreciated. Thanks! And farewell, Carrara!

  • DAZ_bfurnerDAZ_bfurner Posts: 62
    edited December 1969

    Sorry everyone. I've updated the SN for Carrara 8.5 Beta.

    CDZCPRO-085-0000026-BLW-001-EBTOLPQ Expires August 31st, 2012

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,072
    edited December 1969

    thankyou ♥
    note to self
    CHANGE that damned mip mapped texture setting!!! in preferences if you can!!!!

  • wcwilcoxwcwilcox Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Way to go Daz.

  • FroschGottFroschGott Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Traumador said:

    Fun fact Kendall, I didn't download a time limited version of the program....
    ...It is NOT a privelege to pay $400 to "test" software (whether a Beta or not) if it isn't going to work for testing!!! So stop telling me and others it is okay that we paid perfectly good money for absolutely NOTHING,...

    What are you talking about?
    Check your downloads and you will find several downloads including 'Carrara 8 Pro - Win64bit - exe - pc' and 'Carrara 8 Pro - Carrara 8 Application PC 64 - exe - pc'. The latter is the one you paid for.
    It is surely labeled very badly in the new downloadsection, but you have access to too versions from which one is the beta and the other one the paid release-version.
    It surely is annoying that 8.5 isn't accessible sometimes and the serials should be updated earlier for people who use Genesis-stuff until the final release is available.
    After that you will have to purchase the update, so what?
    You bought C8.1, nothong else.

    It is funny that several people seem to rely on a beta for commercial projects.
    Very professional guys! Really!

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