Carrara Challenge #37 - Dungeons Deep - WIP Thread



  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    Diomede said:

    Very well done, Varsel.  The cave appears seamless despite having multiple parts. Bravo.

    I am thinking about yet another way. I used photoshop to draw a black cricle and then drew a graduated height ring around the black circle.  I loaded that as a heightmap in the terrain modeler, applied the terrace filter (any way to get more than 30 steps?), a rain filter, and another filter to roughen it up.  The bottom has another terrain shaded for lava.  I have some placeholders as shaders for the terrain and some people fighting along the steps, but none of these figures are the final plan.  Don't think Pumpkin men attack the lava lands.


    Here is a spiral trail down the lava shaft.


    An action scene!  What a place to fight off a pumpkin-headed monster, one wrong step and you plunge to a fiery doom in lava.  But wait, maybe the poor pumpin monster is just defending his home from those marauding scantily-clad invaders who came here to steal his treasure and deprive him of his life.  Maybe he's not the baddie here after all?  laugh   

    Love the rock striations, great little scene  :)

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    Diomede said:

    Here is a dark place by just creating a dome with the terrain editor.  I made a standard mountain with a few addtional layer filters.  I then used zero edge to get a dome with a rough top.  I then used the inverse layer filter to create a bowl.  I turned to terrain bowl upside down to make the cavern.  

    Another action scene!  Man, barbarian princesses are just not useful in a fight at all, are they?  They just lounge around striking poses, expecting men in loincloths to do all the battling. Or at least that's what I learned from all the covers of pulp fiction I ever read as a kid laugh

    This approach of using the underside of a terrain as the roof of the cave really works well here, the roughness of the rock overhead really sells the scene.

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 2017

    Jonstark - thanks for the discussion.  Always appreciate it.  I'm really just experimenting with different ways to make caves and other thematic settings.  Not necessarily committed to having a hero battling a villain while a distressed damsel strikes a pose, but it is easy to throw together for test renders. Here, this new one is a test of a spaceship interior.  I modeled three simple pieces: one plain pentagon section, one pentagon section with a hole in the floor, and one pentagon joint piece that rests flush with the floor but pinches in on the sides and top. I also placed two tube lights colored blue in roof.  After arranging the main hole sction, I then duplicated a bunch of plain sections and joints (with lights) back toward the horizon.  I placed a low negative light with high range falloff in the very back.  I applied a generic metalic shader to everything except the lights.  Then I placed a couple of Ralphlings because people may be tired of a hero battling a villain while a distressed damsel strikes a pose.  wink


    While I don't like the specifics of this render, I do think it was a successful test of the interior concept.  I plan to make a bunch of greebles for the inteior walls, including pipes and hoses.  I plan to make this a horror project, so probably will not use the Ralplings.  A custom space monster is in the works.  devil


    ralphling 1.jpg
    800 x 600 - 39K
    ralph 3.JPG
    1352 x 653 - 69K
    ralph 2.JPG
    1790 x 989 - 144K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,008
    edited December 2017

    awesome works... caves and stuff... brilliant ideas..

    I managed to get together a sort of cave.. for my one eyed hairy cucumbers who dwell beneath the veggie patch in the backyard .. @diomede we must think the same sometimes!

    created a plane in the model room and with soft select pushed and pulled at the polygons.
    Modelled the lantern, footwarble, mouse/rat trap, hairy cucumbers, tomato, apple core & Mr Potato Head.. Cactus is Ken Gilliland's the machine thing is a model from Frankensteins stuff which I can't remember!

    987 x 698 - 151K
    Post edited by Stezza on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,008
    edited December 2017

    The render...

    Title - Hairy Cucumbers Under the Veggie Patch

    Hairy Cucumbers under the veggie patch.jpg
    800 x 456 - 373K
    Post edited by Stezza on
  • i made a stalagmite from metaballs, convertet to vertex object & saved.

    made a new file, a cave, from 2 terrains:

    1. both with zero edge and invert filters.

    2. floor one with invert  smooth & plateau, to make a path around, filters.

    3. to both i added the same filter to make the contact not flat.

    pasted the vetex stalagmite into the cave and trimed it.

    made the error of trying to use indirect light.

    moved the stalagmite a bit and used just a bulb light with soft shadows.



    cave1 old indirect light.png
    800 x 600 - 731K
    1024 x 768 - 1013K
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 2017

    Stezza, those cucumbers have gotten themselves in quite a pickle!  laugh​  Looks great.

    Shlomi, excellent looking cave.  Thanks for the step-by-step.  Saw your indirect light comment and decided to see what difference it would make for my project before it got too engrossed.

    So I have added some of the greebles and shaders to my space ship section.  The section has two blue-tinted tube lights in the roof.  No other lights.  I then duplicated the section (including tube lights) back toward the horizon.  I did put a negative light in the last duplicated seciton.

    Here is a test with and without indirect light.  The advantage of indirect light seems minimal to me.  The main drawback for the indirect light was the render time, which is signifiant.  

    test setup.JPG
    1614 x 903 - 143K
    test indirect light.jpg
    800 x 600 - 67K
    test no indirect light.jpg
    800 x 600 - 65K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 2017

    So, I designed and modeled my horror space alien combining a spider, a centipede, and a turtle.  Very scary.  I added a sleeve that can be a stinger or can spin spiderwebs.  I swear, it is a stinger or a web spinner.  It is NOT, I swear not, male genitalia.  The dang monster is female.  LOL.


    Mods, do I have to go back to the drawing board?  I am reporting myself.  Just delete the image if it is no good.

    aa02 ooops.JPG
    1830 x 964 - 169K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,008

    I can just imagine 100 of these creepy aliens meandering up that space station corridor! no wonder I have nightmares when I go to bed... surprise


  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    edited December 2017
    Stezza said:

    The render...

    Title - Hairy Cucumbers Under the Veggie Patch


    tee heeeee hairy minion cumber


    Diomede, pickle!!!!

    Post edited by Mistara on
  • Mistara said:
    Stezza said:

    The render...

    Title - Hairy Cucumbers Under the Veggie Patch


    tee heeeee hairy minion cumber


    Diomede, pickle!!!!


     gerkin with a carrara hair merkin

  • is this going to turn into a phallic vegetable, stalagmite and web spinner exhibition thread?

    must be those birth canal like cave associations

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    nahh , theyz respectable vegetables.yes

  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135
    edited December 2017

    Thanks for the comments, Stezza, th3Digit, and Misty.  Here is my Brash Lonergan figure with the monster lurking in the background.  Much to do to make the monster less cartoonish and more horrific, but I think most of that will be done with shaders, atmospheric effects, changed posing, etc.  

    Brash in Space 1.jpg
    800 x 600 - 56K
    Post edited by Diomede on
  • WsCGWsCG Posts: 391
    edited December 2017

    So I decided to give one of these contests a try. I like the theme and have an idea in mind that I think could come out pretty nice. Hopefully I've left myself enough time to complete it by the deadline xD. If not, then it'll just become a regular project.

    Here's a screencap of what I have so far, having started it earlier today. Just blocking in the basic scene, for scale and such. No detail really cut in just yet; I want to get everything else in place, first. Basic cave wall is in, needs a floor and ceiling. The large rectangle on the left is going to be a stone/brick wall, and the scene will continue off to the left of it a bit.

    Nothing really to get excited about, I know... but it's a start :p.

    I hope to have at least the completed block-in portion of it done tomorrow eve.


    1395 x 754 - 59K
    Post edited by WsCG on
  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited December 2017

    This one is pretty much done. I have one more idea that is a little more "dungeon-y" that I should have time to start tomorrow when I get back from seeing Star Wars.

    Final render with no post-work:

    Final with post-work:

    Explorer Render.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 196K
    Explorer Final.jpg
    1920 x 1080 - 276K
    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • WsCGWsCG Posts: 391
    MDO2010 said:

    This one is pretty much done. I have one more idea that is a little more "dungeon-y" that I should have time to start tomorrow when I get back from seeing Star Wars.

    Final render with no post-work:

    Final with post-work:

    I like it! Curious to see what you come up with next!


  • WsCGWsCG Posts: 391

    A bit of an update on my project. Got more definition in the cave area, and it's pretty much the shape/size it'll be in its 'final form'. Need to get the ceiling and floor in. I wanted to model the floor and ceiling separately to make texturing a bit more straight forward, but I think I can work around it otherwise. We'll see when I get there.

    Anyway, here's a 4-view shot of what it's looking like so far - gives a better idea of the layout than just a single perspective view.

    Anyone have a guess where I'm going with this yet? :p


    1920 x 1080 - 282K
  • MarkIsSleepyMarkIsSleepy Posts: 1,496
    edited December 2017

    Got a good start on potential entry #2 today. When I was a kid I used to draw these elaborate dungeons and space bases from top and side views in the margins of my homework. This is my attempt to recreate something like that in 3D. Obviously we are just seeing part of the dreaded Dungeons of Despair here, but hopefully you get the idea. I'm aiming at a sort of low-poly look with simple textures but more realitic lighting and effects.

    Right now the textures are just place holders so I could tell the pieces apart easily and the lighting is just the first draft - it will get refined more when I get some more final textures on everything. I need to add some monsters to all the rooms too. laugh

    Scene Setup:

    Torch flame model:

    Test lighting render:

    DoD Setup 001.JPG
    1854 x 940 - 201K
    DoD TorchFlameModel.JPG
    1860 x 936 - 141K
    DoD TestRender 001.jpg
    800 x 1100 - 41K
    Post edited by MarkIsSleepy on
  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,135

    Mitivo - welcome aboard.  Glad you decided to join the fun.  Thanks for the multi-camera view.  It really helps to see what you are doing.  Since you invited us to guess, and there is a dragon in a cavern with one wall, I'm going to guess that some people are keeping a pet dragon.  I'll guess it is the Munsters keeping Spot under the stairs.  


    Mark - the first entry looks great.  Your postwork skills really made it like looking at a flame through a lens, and you brought out the detail of the cavern walls where they were recessed.  Two thumb up.  Looking forward to what you do with the multi-story dungeon.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    Stezza said:

    The render...

    Title - Hairy Cucumbers Under the Veggie Patch

    Cutest dungeon scene ever?  I think so!  laugh  On the other hand, they look cute as buttons in a render, but if I were to run into one of these guys in real life in the garden, I'm pretty sure I'd be terrified  surprise  Looking great!

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738

    i made a stalagmite from metaballs, convertet to vertex object & saved.

    made a new file, a cave, from 2 terrains:

    1. both with zero edge and invert filters.

    2. floor one with invert  smooth & plateau, to make a path around, filters.

    3. to both i added the same filter to make the contact not flat.

    pasted the vetex stalagmite into the cave and trimed it.

    made the error of trying to use indirect light.

    moved the stalagmite a bit and used just a bulb light with soft shadows.





    Shlomi, that's terrific, very much reminds me of some of the weird 'wedding cake' stagmite formations I've seen in caves in real life.  Or actually I don't know if that's what they're really called, or if it's just the name of a specific formation in a cave I visited once they called the 'wedding cake' room, but either way it looks great.  Saving this little tip for myself for future cave building, metaballs can be really useful for cases like this, and there's some very inventive work done with the terrain modeler too.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    Diomede said:

    Stezza, those cucumbers have gotten themselves in quite a pickle!  laugh​  Looks great.

    Shlomi, excellent looking cave.  Thanks for the step-by-step.  Saw your indirect light comment and decided to see what difference it would make for my project before it got too engrossed.

    So I have added some of the greebles and shaders to my space ship section.  The section has two blue-tinted tube lights in the roof.  No other lights.  I then duplicated the section (including tube lights) back toward the horizon.  I did put a negative light in the last duplicated seciton.

    Here is a test with and without indirect light.  The advantage of indirect light seems minimal to me.  The main drawback for the indirect light was the render time, which is signifiant.  

    The texturing looks superb to me, and I think it was a great idea to use the negative light at the end of the corridor/vent, to make it feel even longer.  I can't really tell a lot of difference between the indirect light and the non-indirect light versions, I'm assuming the bottom one is the one with indirect light?  I like the bottom one very slightly better, but I agree there isn't a ton of difference.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    Diomede said:

    Thanks for the comments, Stezza, th3Digit, and Misty.  Here is my Brash Lonergan figure with the monster lurking in the background.  Much to do to make the monster less cartoonish and more horrific, but I think most of that will be done with shaders, atmospheric effects, changed posing, etc.  

    This actually looks pretty amazing already.  Sure, you could make the creature's pose more threatening and creepy.  It's kind of amazing to me how talented you are in creating and rigging creatures from scratch.  Nice volumetric effect on the flashlight, btw, although it doesn't quite connect/line-up precisely with the flashlight.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited December 2017
    Mitovo said:

    A bit of an update on my project. Got more definition in the cave area, and it's pretty much the shape/size it'll be in its 'final form'. Need to get the ceiling and floor in. I wanted to model the floor and ceiling separately to make texturing a bit more straight forward, but I think I can work around it otherwise. We'll see when I get there.

    Anyway, here's a 4-view shot of what it's looking like so far - gives a better idea of the layout than just a single perspective view.

    Anyone have a guess where I'm going with this yet? :p



    A dragon!  Awesome!   I wondered whether a dragon might make it into anyone's scene.  Who know that Dungeons and Dragons might go together?  laugh


    The dragon's lair itself looks like it's coming together quite nicely.

    Post edited by Jonstark on
  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738


    There's reddish stains on the far wall, is that blood or just eerily-tinted minerals I wonder?  Looks terrific, and the brave heroine doesn't look at all fearful.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738


    Cool!  Gives me flashbacks to playing Prince of Persia for hours on end.

  • JonstarkJonstark Posts: 2,738
    edited December 2017

    Holidays being what they are, haven't had much time to work on my 2 concepts (that I've got so far).  A stray remark got me thinking about whether a Christmas scene could be made dungeon-like, and even though that wasn't my first concept the idea has been niggling at me all week, thought I'd give it a try.  Finally got some time today to start messing around.  Boy, there's just no good Christmas tree props out there.  sad


    So I had a go at using the plant modeler, there was a premade template you can load which is titled 'Christmas Tree' but really looked not too much like an actual Christmas tree.  After putting some time in changing parameters, came up with this one, put some lights and a star on it (I didn't make the lights or the star, but appropriated from a pre-made set that had a pretty awful and un-usable tree), but did have to do a fair bit in the modeling room to make the lights and ornaments fit 'right' on the tree.  I'm decently happy with the tree I think, now to move on to the rest of the scene.

    Christmas tree.jpg
    1280 x 720 - 280K
    Post edited by Jonstark on
  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675
    Jonstark said:

    Holidays being what they are, haven't had much time to work on my 2 concepts (that I've got so far).  A stray remark got me thinking about whether a Christmas scene could be made dungeon-like, and even though that wasn't my first concept the idea has been niggling at me all week, thought I'd give it a try.  Finally got some time today to start messing around.  Boy, there's just no good Christmas tree props out there.  sad


    So I had a go at using the plant modeler, there was a premade template you can load which is titled 'Christmas Tree' but really looked not too much like an actual Christmas tree.  After putting some time in changing parameters, came up with this one, put some lights and a star on it (I didn't make the lights or the star, but appropriated from a pre-made set that had a pretty awful and un-usable tree), but did have to do a fair bit in the modeling room to make the lights and ornaments fit 'right' on the tree.  I'm decently happy with the tree I think, now to move on to the rest of the scene.


    pretty lighted tree heart


  • Excellent Christmas tree, Jon!

    Interesting modeling going on in the thread as a whole.  I will probably be the outlier, and not model anything.smiley

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