December 2017 New User 3D Art Challenge - Free Render Month: Wrap it up!



  • Tynkere said:

    @ Shinji

    Missed your latest.  Must have been on-line at the same time.  What are the odds?

    Anyway what is it? !    Kind of looks like cute bug except those could be gun turrets not eyes.  : 0 !


    One word "OGRE!!!!" 

  • shaneseymourstudioshaneseymourstudio Posts: 383
    edited December 2017

    I have changed the towers' color and aspect ratio. This is my final version for Dragon Tower submission.

    Dragon Tower

    3440 x 1474 - 883K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358
    edited December 2017

    Lots of great renders on here! smiley

    @linwelly: Thanks for the comments on this, took a look at the Bend Controls and it does look a whole lot easier, but a lot of the point for me doing these is trying to work out how to use things, so these d-former things it is which I have never touched before. And wow can these deform the figure! After much trial and error (so so much error) this is the first attempt at the d-former making the skin-skin overlap a bit better: -

    Initialisation 2.jpg
    1500 x 1500 - 297K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Another night, another new idea. I'm thinking that this is Shadowrun meets Fallout(?)

    800 x 1294 - 1M
  • shaneseymourstudioshaneseymourstudio Posts: 383
    edited December 2017

    Ok, I think this is my final revision for the 'Studio Shoot' image. I listened to all the feedback regarding the fog and also the brightness of the red lights. I made very slight adjustments and this image is right out of Daz3d with only photoshop work being a clone on 3 spots on the leggings of the foremost figure where pokethrough happened. Thanks for all the feedback. I will be placing both of my final entries here for ease of consideration.

    Entry 1 Title: Studio Shoot

    Software: Daz3d (iRay render):

    Studio Shoot


    I listened to the feedback regarding the wing for this entry and tried in a number of ways to show it but I liked this vantage point so well and could'nt find a good way to introduce the other wing that I decided instead to change the aspect ratio and camera angle to get this new view. I am happy with this image now I believe.

    Entry 2 Title: Dragon Tower

    Software: Daz3d (iRay render):

    Dragon Tower

    3840 x 2160 - 861K
    3440 x 1474 - 883K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • TynkereTynkere Posts: 834
    edited December 2018

    @ Guitardrifter

    Hopefully we’re allowed to stray off topic.  I look at ‘new user’ contest as much about meeting people & making friends as a contest.

    Makes sense about astronomy.  Was thinking they might want pin-point aperture to only gather light from a small source & just leave it open all night.  But if it’s like the human eye though-- makes more sense to have them open wide.

    Nikon too, but I won’t rag on Canon.  I started in high school with an AE-1 w/ 50mm 1.8 -- good camera that served me well until I fell down the side of a steep ravine with it. 

    Much later, a Nikon F-1 built which is built like a tank, but no more falling down ravines thankfully. : 0 !  And yes... I used to have 50mm 1.2   Still have the rig in the attic somewhere, but think I sold all of that glass except a fish eye and probably the 1.4

    Favorite lens I still use is an AF Micro Nikkor 200mm 1:4 D micro that can be used as a telephoto.  One of the best they ever made imo. yes 

    To topic:
    Good you know when to leave off.  For composition I’m OCD and never quite satisfied.  There’s a post behind his head.  There’s a white diagonal bleeding out of the frame.  Junk on their coffee table is in the way...  

    @ Shinji

    Ha!  That’s pretty cool.  Didn’t know about the game.  Be following to see what you do with it, or for your latest...

    “I been slimed Sarge -- what is this stuff?”  

    @  Shane

    Changed the aspect ratio?  I’m on a different monitor.  Maybe it was like that all the time.  D’oh! 

    @ Noswen

    Looking good.  Heh... D-Form is a lot of fun isn’t it?  Very useful for hair and of course if you want to go around wrecking cars...   To really mess around though, and even make your own stuff, tried Hexagon yet?  It's free now.  : )

    As for me, finally finished my 3Delight test-- for now at least.  I gave up trying to make convincing shadows in dim light.  (You kind of need light to make shadows-- duh...) So I decided to have some fun with the FX in the ‘pw’ bundle.  One is called ‘Ghost.’  It’s makes objects like  Stephanie and the cat look transparent.

    What interested me though, was a hazy shadow on the wall.  Do ghosts make shadows?  No, but in 3Delight you can enable or disable shadows-- also tint them whatever color you want.  I had left shadows on, and hmmm...  Wonder if I could get just the projection on the wall.  Moved the light to almost floor level and increased to 200%.  Centered and zoomed camera past Stephanie to focus only on the projection.  

    I'm not sure what practical value it has, but I like the profile.

    For some reason, the whole thing reminded me of Superman using his x-ray vision to check in on his buddy Lois Lane.  Maybe I'll call it “Superman’s Look After Lois and Mille Cat” or something equally lame.  

    Thanks for reading.  Been busy here, and this was a long one!

    "Superman's look at Lois.  She's fine and so is the cat."

    Edit:  Dec. 2018 - weeding out too many files at imgur.  PM if find broken links.

    Post edited by Tynkere on
  • shaneseymourstudioshaneseymourstudio Posts: 383
    edited December 2017
    Tynkere said:


    @  Shane

    Changed the aspect ratio?  I’m on a different monitor.  Maybe it was like that all the time.  D’oh!

    Yeah it was originally 16:9 (3840x2160):

    Dragon Tower 16:9

    But changed it to 21:9 (3440x1440):

    Dragon Tower 21:9

    3840 x 2160 - 1M
    3440 x 1474 - 883K
    Post edited by Chohole on
  • I really like your change on the texture and the light in the render. As for poses, in the moment she look more ready to fight that dance to me ;)

    Thanks! Relaxing her posture was the first tweak I did. Where to go from there has been vexing me since then.

    Linwelly said:

    One word on the DOF, I belive you have reduced the F/stop value below 22? This causes to let the scene look like a small model, especially when you go very low, You have that effect here a bit, so I guess going a bit up the the value would work better

    At some point, when I was playing around with DoF settings, I set my default scene's camera's F/stop to 12. >.< I just bumped it up to 24 so I don't keep having this problem.

  • Tynkere said:

    Welcome back, although I don't think you were active when I started in Sept.  Think I recognize the avatar though.

    I've been in and out. A combination of external time sinks and my muse being ever-flighty. Some months I'm like "That's a thing I need to work on! What should I make for this? ... ..."

    Tynkere said:

      Didn't you do a sniper scene one month?  Thought it was unique idea for camera angle.  Who would photograph snipers standing up?  : 0 !

    Clearly I need to fix that camera, then, cuz they're lying down. Maybe if I pull it back so their legs are visible?

    Tynkere said:

    Anyway, probably already aware of only thing I can see with with this one.  Going to relax her hands a bit?  Nice facial expression, but her fists look ready to smack someone.  : )

    Best wishes on it!

    PS: haven't tried dForce yet.  So much to learn in DS.  Be interesting to see where your entry goes!

    Yeah, I can't believe I overlooked her arms when I was initially tweaking her pose.

    dForce has been a mix of super-simple and everything falling to pieces. Hair in particular seems to be a weakness of the engine. There's a product to fix that, but I've neither bought it nor figured out my own solution, so for now, hair is manual for me. Otherwise, it's basically been another (lite) baking step. Get the pose how you want it (or poses if you're trying the timeline), start it, then do something else for an hour or two to see what the results are.

  • 17-12-dforce-test-mk1



    • Relaxed her pose. Now more brawling on the dance floor.
    • Switched to moonlight (TerraLuna) from Sun-Sky. This feels more like an evening sort of event than midafternoon.
    • Tweaked her dress. Afterall, who doesn't like hexagons? Also tried to make her jacket metallic-shiny, but I'm not sure how much that did.

    I've been experimenting with the timeline, using this as frame 0 and doing things to later frames, but so far I haven't found an ending pose that satisfies me yet. I'll probably end up making small changes to this one to have her step forward or something.

    Comments, criticisms? Are the hexagons too much? Recommendations on how she should move?

  • Another night, another new idea. I'm thinking that this is Shadowrun meets Fallout(?)

    You may want to add a small light from the top-right, as everything above the chest (aside from the muzzle flash) is very difficult to make out. Maybe a distant light turned way down and a little blue-ish?

    Also, unless you're going for a Rambo-like character, I'd recommend moving the left arm forward so that the left hand is holding the black, ribbed section just aft of the bipod. The current way of holding really only works with a prone position, when the other end is supported by the bipod.

    One of the difficulties of posing 3d models is that we can't feel the forces acting on our characters. That gun is really heavy (Probably 12-15 lbs), and it's being held at only one end. That's going to put some serious strain on their wrists. Swords are hard enough to hold like that, and they're a fifth the weight!

  • Noswen said:


    Your bra there has a bit of poke-through. Various options for fixing that are:

    • Look for adjustment morphs in the clothing itself
    • Apply a push modifier to the clothing. It defaults to 1.0, but I find it only needs 0.1 most of the time.
    • Experiment with dformers? I'd only go this route if the previous don't work.

    Other than that, very nice! Skin-skin collision is a tricky thing.


  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358
    edited December 2017

    @Tynkere: Not touched Hexagon yet, that looks to be more than a little advanced for me yet, not entirely sure I'm going to call deformers fun yet, it feels like some insane arcane art right now!

    @rcbcgreenpanzer: Oops, hadn't actually notice the poke-through, I got too focused on the other parts of the scene to even see it. A downside of this figure is that it tends to experience a lot of poke through issues. Fixed it up by using the shaping pane.

    The idea to remove the clothing is on hold as I found out it is hiding some fairly major warping thanks to the deformers, so also changed the material and colour to try to give it a more computer themed look (because green is computers right? smiley). On top of this improved the poses of the hands (and found the Bake to Transforms option when finding out that pose controls do not work with symmetry) and set up more deformers for where the leg bends.

    One thing I'm having real difficulty with is the fields for the deformers, I have to place them far off the figure to get them to take effect, especially for the legs, and it's pure trial and error to get it to apply where I want it to.

    Initialisation 4.jpg
    1500 x 1500 - 300K
    Post edited by Noswen on
  • Another night, another new idea. I'm thinking that this is Shadowrun meets Fallout(?)

    You may want to add a small light from the top-right, as everything above the chest (aside from the muzzle flash) is very difficult to make out. Maybe a distant light turned way down and a little blue-ish?

    Also, unless you're going for a Rambo-like character, I'd recommend moving the left arm forward so that the left hand is holding the black, ribbed section just aft of the bipod. The current way of holding really only works with a prone position, when the other end is supported by the bipod.

    One of the difficulties of posing 3d models is that we can't feel the forces acting on our characters. That gun is really heavy (Probably 12-15 lbs), and it's being held at only one end. That's going to put some serious strain on their wrists. Swords are hard enough to hold like that, and they're a fifth the weight!

    The subject is a troll, so he'd be stronger by nature. Also he has cyberarms so that is also helping with the weight of the weapon.  Another thing to consider is what the gun is made of, could it be made of materials that are actualy lighter then they look?


    Anyhow I put some meat on his bones, changed the HDRI to light him better, and set a tire alight in the background just off the right side of the image.(You can just see the edge of the tire in question, but not the fire.)

    800 x 1294 - 2M
  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358

    Another night, another new idea. I'm thinking that this is Shadowrun meets Fallout(?)

    You may want to add a small light from the top-right, as everything above the chest (aside from the muzzle flash) is very difficult to make out. Maybe a distant light turned way down and a little blue-ish?

    Also, unless you're going for a Rambo-like character, I'd recommend moving the left arm forward so that the left hand is holding the black, ribbed section just aft of the bipod. The current way of holding really only works with a prone position, when the other end is supported by the bipod.

    One of the difficulties of posing 3d models is that we can't feel the forces acting on our characters. That gun is really heavy (Probably 12-15 lbs), and it's being held at only one end. That's going to put some serious strain on their wrists. Swords are hard enough to hold like that, and they're a fifth the weight!

    The subject is a troll, so he'd be stronger by nature. Also he has cyberarms so that is also helping with the weight of the weapon.  Another thing to consider is what the gun is made of, could it be made of materials that are actualy lighter then they look?


    Anyhow I put some meat on his bones, changed the HDRI to light him better, and set a tire alight in the background just off the right side of the image.(You can just see the edge of the tire in question, but not the fire.)

    I can see your character's face now, much easier to make out :-)

  • Another night, another new idea. I'm thinking that this is Shadowrun meets Fallout(?)

    You may want to add a small light from the top-right, as everything above the chest (aside from the muzzle flash) is very difficult to make out. Maybe a distant light turned way down and a little blue-ish?

    Also, unless you're going for a Rambo-like character, I'd recommend moving the left arm forward so that the left hand is holding the black, ribbed section just aft of the bipod. The current way of holding really only works with a prone position, when the other end is supported by the bipod.

    One of the difficulties of posing 3d models is that we can't feel the forces acting on our characters. That gun is really heavy (Probably 12-15 lbs), and it's being held at only one end. That's going to put some serious strain on their wrists. Swords are hard enough to hold like that, and they're a fifth the weight!

    The subject is a troll, so he'd be stronger by nature. Also he has cyberarms so that is also helping with the weight of the weapon.  Another thing to consider is what the gun is made of, could it be made of materials that are actualy lighter then they look?


    Anyhow I put some meat on his bones, changed the HDRI to light him better, and set a tire alight in the background just off the right side of the image.(You can just see the edge of the tire in question, but not the fire.)

    I definitely like the additional light! The burning in the back right is a good effect helping with the overall scene. The orange it introduces is also a nice feel in contrast to the green, adding some warmth. Have you tried angling the camera to get an exaggerated perspective/pov like in a comic book scene? I am sure that introduces it's own set of challenges in regards to what is in the background when angling upward where the ceiling or lack thereof may show so it may not work for this scene but it is something that comes to mind when viewing it.

  • The subject is a troll, so he'd be stronger by nature. Also he has cyberarms so that is also helping with the weight of the weapon.  Another thing to consider is what the gun is made of, could it be made of materials that are actualy lighter then they look? 

     You do you. What do you want the image to say? Remember that the author is dead, so whatever you're going for should parse without external explanation.


    Anyhow I put some meat on his bones, changed the HDRI to light him better, and set a tire alight in the background just off the right side of the image.(You can just see the edge of the tire in question, but not the fire.)

    The lighting change made a huge difference! Before, I parsed the figure as a somewhat burly human, whereas now, if that isn't a troll (horns?) he's definitely an ork. They have a +Body and +Strength, too!

  • TynkereTynkere Posts: 834
    edited December 2018

    @ Shane

    Very flexible.  I’d have been zooming out or panning...

    Go wide-screen.  Epic!

    @ RCB_Panzer

    Thought sniper scene was fine.  Reminded me of playing Arma3 a few years back.  

    "Squad. Go Prone."

    "Gee!  I can get a better photo of you guys if I stay standing for just a sec--"


    Ooops... Not a good idea to stand around in a combat zone. : 0 ! 

    To topic:

    Tough one if taken from frames.  Haven’t tried dForce.  Particular frame that might capture the flow of the fabric the best?   Am sure they’d understand if you make clear the emphasis was/is learning new physics & what can be done with fabric.  Hope they would anyway!  : 0 ! 

    @ Noswen

    We’re in kind of the same boat since I don’t know if can post renders at more than one topic. 

    dForm: crunching things, or tweaking hair for a cap might be one thing.  Using it for bends like that-- no I don’t think that would be fun!

    Nice work though-- can’t tell that anything’s been done to it!  Since you can’t tell-- might mention that in final entry.  Don’t know how much CVs go by what we write, or just look at the renders.  

    @ Shinji

    Did you change him?  I thought he was wearing a boonie hat.   They're much different going from a tablet to 4k monitor on desktop though.  On this one it looks like the gunfire is clipping off screen a little?  Just a heads up if you didn't notice, or maybe all of it is in the picture & top part cropped out on this monitor.  Hope that makes sense.  : )


    Latest 3Delight experiment:  Messing around with RGB values now & trying for realistic glass.  Not working so far. : /

    Glass settings kicking my desktop's butt as windows 10 keeps shutting DS down.  CPU fan sounds like it's going into melt-down but HWiNFO64 isn't showing any flags.  Have to puzzle it out.

    Finally found somethign for Aiko 7 to do.  Think I picked character up in 'November Madness' sale but haven't used much. 


    Edit:  Dec. 2018 - weeding out too many files at imgur.  PM if find broken links.

    Post edited by Tynkere on
  • Tynkere said:

    @ RCB_Panzer

    Thought sniper scene was fine.  Reminded me of playing Arma3 a few years back.  

    "Squad. Go Prone."

    "Gee!  I can get a better photo of you guys if I stay standing for just a sec--"


    Ooops... Not a good idea to stand around in a combat zone. : 0 ! 

    Yeah, that one's a very pretty game that'll punish you quick for standing around in the wrong spot. The pic might not compose as well, but better a mediocre image with a live photographer than an awesome image and down a squaddie for the rest of the mission.

    Tynkere said:

    To topic:

    Tough one if taken from frames.  Haven’t tried dForce.  Particular frame that might capture the flow of the fabric the best?   Am sure they’d understand if you make clear the emphasis was/is learning new physics & what can be done with fabric.  Hope they would anyway!  : 0 ! 

    Turns out the dForce side is rather straight forward. Open up the timeline, set the pose at frame 0, set the pose at frame x, switch the simulate mode to timeline, and let it rip! The simulated stuff will then (barring crashes or self-collision issues) have a decent movement from the first pose to the second. From a physics standpoint, I have had nothing but success once I stopped trying to dforce things that weren't labelled dforce. (Especially hair. I'm pretty sure it's possible, just taking steps like weight mapping or geometry edits)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    So many new works.. I will try to work my way through all of that and hope not to forget someone

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Spent a couple hours putting this together and adjusting. Really liked the stark silhouette of their faces.
    Started using Daz in July, been getting really comfortable with it. :D

    Edit: It took so long for this to show on the page so I could actually edit it to have the full picture, though. O_o

    This looks really good, well posed and interesting. I can see why you like their face silouhettes. over all I would suggest to give the scene a bit more light and contrast. Its something I ofte struggel with as well, so a test to see is to take it into Gimp or Photoshop and desaturate the image to grayscale, makey you see what the tonal values are

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Tynkere said:

    No need to apologize for expressing your opinions and wanting to help others.

    If we go down that road, “All hope abandon ye who enter here.”


    If my not submitting any ‘formal’ entries to the contest caused you stress or worry, then I apologize too.

    You didn’t chase me away though.  Just the way I do things.  In satirical cartoons or underground comics, a joke either works, or it bombs.  No improving it-- just sharpen the pencils and draw something else!  smiley

    So I have a similar approach to learning DS I guess.  If a bit of fun doesn’t work, or once I’ve figured something out, I tend to ditch projects and make new ones that’s all.

    That said, I think such an unexpected and public apology like yours took courage and humility.  That inspired me.  So much of what’s on the net today is a bunch of meanspirited (poopoo) if you ask me, and you didn’t!

    So meet Hope who is pictured here looking forward to a brighter tomorrow.  A tomorrow where people treat one another with dignity, civility, and respect. Only we don’t have to gaze off into some distant horizon like my virtual model here.  We have a real person-- yourself-- who leads by example. yes


    With respect then,

    I ‘hope’ you like my ‘peace’ offering I made for you. laugh  

    Happy holidays!


    @Tynkere, ahem, don't make me a saint, I'm most sure I'm not. I'm glad I chased nobody away though :D and you peace girl looks very beautiful :D

    As for official entries or not, I guess I should say, that with the changed format from formerly "contest" to now "challenge" there is no such thing as an offical entry anymore. We the CVs look at all images here and try to help with whatever problems come up and in the end we look through everything posted and how the renders evolved

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Say the item in the background, over at sharecg, and I just had to do this one.

    @ Shinji I have no clue whatever that is but please let us see more of it ;)

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Chameo said:

    Finally - I've been playing with this for a while now, and spent a whole lot of time working with things that I ended up pulling out of the final render. I did a little bit of retexturing, but put a lot of time into posing, lighting and camera angles to capture a mood of wonder - Happy Holidays, all (though strictly speaking, this isn't a holiday render). The only postwork was a touch with the healing brush in GIMP to fix a tiny bit of pokethrough on the little boy's sleeve.

    Title: Watching the Stars Fall

    Inspired by the Gemnids asteroid showers this past weekend. This year especially, there was something especially wonderful in knowing that the starfall was an experienced shared with people all over the world.

    @Chameo I really like how daddy holds the kid and they gaze up the stars, that is a very well done posing!

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    edited December 2017

    Ok, I think this is my final revision for the 'Studio Shoot' image. I listened to all the feedback regarding the fog and also the brightness of the red lights. I made very slight adjustments and this image is right out of Daz3d with only photoshop work being a clone on 3 spots on the leggings of the foremost figure where pokethrough happened. Thanks for all the feedback. I will be placing both of my final entries here for ease of consideration.

    Entry 1 Title: Studio Shoot

    Software: Daz3d (iRay render):

    Studio Shoot


    I listened to the feedback regarding the wing for this entry and tried in a number of ways to show it but I liked this vantage point so well and could'nt find a good way to introduce the other wing that I decided instead to change the aspect ratio and camera angle to get this new view. I am happy with this image now I believe.

    Entry 2 Title: Dragon Tower

    Software: Daz3d (iRay render):

    Dragon Tower

    That studio shoot looks amazing, I like the details you can find there, the lights look good to me

    The dragon render has a very nice point of view but I think some changes to the composition could improve the scene eg the tower kind of dominates the scene over the dragon, maybe some DOF would add to it as well to increase the feeling of size

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Tynkere said:


    As for me, progress slow in 3Delight, but better than none at all!  I followed Daybird's advice & asked the experts.  Useful tips about basic render settings, shading methods, settings-- information overload but it's a fun project.

    Anyway, hopefully everyone can see Stephie 8 & Millie Cat now.  Turns out gamma correction is disabled by default for some reason.  surprise

    I changed the ceiling light & spot to her face.  Hopefully it looks more like incanscent lighting on a 35mm file print.  Not sure about how a phone would photograph since haven't used color film in a long time.   The knob on the table is not a special effect!  Some of the textures may not load correctly...   What else?  Added DoF now that (hopefully) the lighting problem is well on its way to being solved.  


    What I don't know is (since I'm showing this image at 3Delight topic as well) can this one be an 'official' entry?  

    If not, I'll make up something else. 

    Until I hear from CV or Mod, though, not attaching larger render.

    Thanks for reading!



    as said before, anything you put here is considered except you explicitly say that somethign is out of it.

    The light situation has improved  a lot, though the cat is a bit left in the dark, it gets a bit lost in the carpet.  As for gamma correction in 3delight, when you turn it on you need to take a look into the single surfaces settings if they are dialed into the correct settings ( image gamma Zero for coulour maps and 1 for maps that affect specular, bump and the like) they are not always corrected.



  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981
    Noswen said:

    @Tynkere: Not touched Hexagon yet, that looks to be more than a little advanced for me yet, not entirely sure I'm going to call deformers fun yet, it feels like some insane arcane art right now!

    @rcbcgreenpanzer: Oops, hadn't actually notice the poke-through, I got too focused on the other parts of the scene to even see it. A downside of this figure is that it tends to experience a lot of poke through issues. Fixed it up by using the shaping pane.

    The idea to remove the clothing is on hold as I found out it is hiding some fairly major warping thanks to the deformers, so also changed the material and colour to try to give it a more computer themed look (because green is computers right? smiley). On top of this improved the poses of the hands (and found the Bake to Transforms option when finding out that pose controls do not work with symmetry) and set up more deformers for where the leg bends.

    One thing I'm having real difficulty with is the fields for the deformers, I have to place them far off the figure to get them to take effect, especially for the legs, and it's pure trial and error to get it to apply where I want it to.

    Nice work with the d-formers here! I wasnt expecting to work that well :D  they can do amazing things but yes the can affect surface settings as well as the UVs will be warped and that can affect larger areas that the d-former itself. The green material works well with the robotic thing, I'm not sure if that is a separate surface but you could try turning those grey areay into the same green surface, to makeit even more fitting together, but that is just me getting ideas

  • NoswenNoswen Posts: 358
    Linwelly said:
    Noswen said:

    @Tynkere: Not touched Hexagon yet, that looks to be more than a little advanced for me yet, not entirely sure I'm going to call deformers fun yet, it feels like some insane arcane art right now!

    @rcbcgreenpanzer: Oops, hadn't actually notice the poke-through, I got too focused on the other parts of the scene to even see it. A downside of this figure is that it tends to experience a lot of poke through issues. Fixed it up by using the shaping pane.

    The idea to remove the clothing is on hold as I found out it is hiding some fairly major warping thanks to the deformers, so also changed the material and colour to try to give it a more computer themed look (because green is computers right? smiley). On top of this improved the poses of the hands (and found the Bake to Transforms option when finding out that pose controls do not work with symmetry) and set up more deformers for where the leg bends.

    One thing I'm having real difficulty with is the fields for the deformers, I have to place them far off the figure to get them to take effect, especially for the legs, and it's pure trial and error to get it to apply where I want it to.

    Nice work with the d-formers here! I wasnt expecting to work that well :D  they can do amazing things but yes the can affect surface settings as well as the UVs will be warped and that can affect larger areas that the d-former itself. The green material works well with the robotic thing, I'm not sure if that is a separate surface but you could try turning those grey areay into the same green surface, to makeit even more fitting together, but that is just me getting ideas

    Thanks. The grey mesh areas on the figure's skin are part of the image that comes up when hovering over the Base Colour option. I don't actually know the name for that, nor what UVs are, I'm very very much a newbie even after a year angel.

    I have found one strange issue with the D-formers, I'm not sure if this is something I'm doing wrong, they're not intended for this use, or if it's a bug. Before the figure is posed the Field shows up as effecting (the little yellow dots) the portion of the figure it actually covers. However, if I try to place the Field after the figure is posed the yellow dots seem to appear on the figure when the field intersects with where the figure would have been before being posed.

    This has made trying to place these much harder than it would otherwise be. I might try to start from scratch and place the fields before posing if it's not simply something I'm doing wrong.

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981




    • Relaxed her pose. Now more brawling on the dance floor.
    • Switched to moonlight (TerraLuna) from Sun-Sky. This feels more like an evening sort of event than midafternoon.
    • Tweaked her dress. Afterall, who doesn't like hexagons? Also tried to make her jacket metallic-shiny, but I'm not sure how much that did.

    I've been experimenting with the timeline, using this as frame 0 and doing things to later frames, but so far I haven't found an ending pose that satisfies me yet. I'll probably end up making small changes to this one to have her step forward or something.

    Comments, criticisms? Are the hexagons too much? Recommendations on how she should move?

    I like her more relaxed pose, now she's more like looking forward to her dance partner.

    I think you could intensify the lights some more, maybe that will bring out the metallic on the jacket some better. Metallic surfaces often appear black when the light doesn't hit the surface

    I certainly like hexagons, gives a touch of futuristic into all of that

    About the change to netallic

  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,981

    Another night, another new idea. I'm thinking that this is Shadowrun meets Fallout(?)

    You may want to add a small light from the top-right, as everything above the chest (aside from the muzzle flash) is very difficult to make out. Maybe a distant light turned way down and a little blue-ish?

    Also, unless you're going for a Rambo-like character, I'd recommend moving the left arm forward so that the left hand is holding the black, ribbed section just aft of the bipod. The current way of holding really only works with a prone position, when the other end is supported by the bipod.

    One of the difficulties of posing 3d models is that we can't feel the forces acting on our characters. That gun is really heavy (Probably 12-15 lbs), and it's being held at only one end. That's going to put some serious strain on their wrists. Swords are hard enough to hold like that, and they're a fifth the weight!

    The subject is a troll, so he'd be stronger by nature. Also he has cyberarms so that is also helping with the weight of the weapon.  Another thing to consider is what the gun is made of, could it be made of materials that are actualy lighter then they look?


    Anyhow I put some meat on his bones, changed the HDRI to light him better, and set a tire alight in the background just off the right side of the image.(You can just see the edge of the tire in question, but not the fire.)

    If i were him I wouldn't be walking in that green stuff.... more meat makes this work better, there are certain expectations sitting in our brains and if they are not met , the brains tells us there is soemthing off, this can't be happening like this.

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