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This particular animation turned out really, Really good! It begins just before the dragons hit the vanguard and runs a few seconds as they attack from above and below, taking out the communications and navigation controls
You do realize of course, at some point you're going to have to actually show the animations, or I'm coming to your house and beat it out of your computer? ;-) I know where you live and what your house looks like thanks to Google Street view!
I am prepared to sell tickets to such a monumental event!
Hmmm... beating on a stone mason.... ummmm.... good plan, cheese maker! :-/
Or should I say, artificial cheese processor! :ahhh:
Hey, I get this stuff from YOU, you know! :)
Anyways, yeah... that's why it actually became an animation. I'm going to start getting my things together so that I can actually make an episode, instead of always showing off my years-old test render pile of... well, you know...
Once again, I just cannot get over how much fun I have in Carrara, animating. It's just such a great piece of software! I got into it for the price, but its full capabilities to allow me to create anything that I want and need is certainly going to keep me using this beautiful suite as well.
Artificial cheese?
Here's a screenie of some fun I've been having in 3D Paint within Carrara. Notice how, in the right panel, I can just keep adding layer after layer, Like I'm in Photoshop. The thing about this is that, if you don't have good UV Mapping, it might not turn out very good. I am just having a blast, using brushes from every pack I've purchased from DAZ. They're all fantastic!
(I can't wait to show the rest of the elements to this set - as they are MANY!!!)
Also, I like artificial cheese too. Real cheese is my favorite, but I like fake cheese no and then.
I've been to Mad-Town -- when are you coming to Dallas so we can geek out with 3D apps? ;)
I've been to Mad-Town -- when are you coming to Dallas so we can geek out with 3D apps? ;)You're right. I'll have to check the Dallas Times and see if there's a Methodist convention I could attend :smirk:
Well played!
One of my favorite lines from Blazing Saddles is when Harvey Corman's character, Hedley Lamar is telling Slim Pickins what kind of bad guys to get to drive the good folk of Rock Ridge from their town. He goes through this long list, getting more breathless and excited as he recites the list of baddies and ends triumphantly on, "...and Methodists!"
Well played!
Yes it was! Bravo sir! I think you'll be out of luck around here though. Southern Baptists throughout...well, there is the Unitarian Universalist church in Dallas...never been...I'd rather be doing 3D on Sundays.
Here's a kind of a fun shot:
Here's my latest Neanderthal woman...youngish. Need to work on her weathered complexion. AND I need to smooth her brow ridges. They are anatomically correct (IMHO) and under her hair her cranial slope is good. So how to smooth the ridges? I have tried weight painting, nothing. Even tried displacement with a gentle touch on the basic Gen Basic Fem that comes up in Modelling Room. Terrible at it. I don't know/see how to get her into Hex and back out walking, talking and toilet-trained!!!
Thanks...for helping, Dart and all of you. My render isn't very well lighted as I was trying to avoid shadows and that yellow/rust tinge you get when you look at a render in PS. I know it's related to the render lighting settings...have to go back and review that section. But other than lightening the scene, no post work.
Catch up with you tomorrow, it's late for me here.
ETA; I didn't make her hair "bed head" yet...need her face exposed to see texture when working on the complexion. And her nose is wider, this angle just doesn't show it as I wanted her brown ridge issue to show. Any help on that appreciated.
xx :) Silene
In trouble again?
A little scene I've been working on. Still very much a WIP. In the bottom picture, the rock outcrop on the left is pretty much done being textured.
I agree! Evil, did you create the terrain on the right in the bottom image or is it part of a terrain package. I need a tut to create cliffs specifically like the part on the right. I have on my wishlist Nerd3D's Danger Pass
But if I can learn to do my own...that would be great. Am doing better with ground terrain, though...that's progress for me!
Dart and EP.... any advice on my Neanderthal woman I posted a few posts back to smooth her brows? I tried putting her into Hex but didn't do well trying to get her out. I fiddled about in Carrara some more with weight painting and got a good result only to find the sclera of her eye had been distorted and pulled up into her head! I am sure it was because I over added/subtracted in the brow top area and it grabbed her eyeball!
Am going to also save her without hair and try making a helmet haircap per another great idea, thanks!
:( So had to start over and now I keep rotating her head down to check her eyeballs!
Please... be harsh and give me some pointers, there must be an easier way! I am going for a realistic not a fantasy look. Once I have her....I can build other models based on her head shape. I love all the different morph expressions available for men and women by just adjusting the slider a bit gives each person a bit of individuality. She's my "Eve".
Thanks for your patience.... and for posting all the great scenes for inspiration and ideas! I should be learning faster... but until back is sorted my retention level is low.
Cheers, xx :) Silene
Hi laurenwbr,
It's my own scene. It is a bit of a teaser I'm afraid. I hope to finish it and see if it can be sold.
The outcrop on the left in the bottom image is actually a little island in the scene. I created it in the VM by drawing a shape with the ploy line tool and then under construct, I chose fill polygon. Then I used the dynamic extrusion tool to extrude the shape, adding indents and flaring out the shape as I went up. I then manually added quads to the top of the extruded shape so that I could better alter it. After that, I smoothed the shape one level. Since the model had a low poly count, I converted the smoothed mesh to actual polys. I then smoothed two levels and used the displacement painting tool. I did not convert the second level of smoothing to actual polys as I want to keep the mesh fairly light weight in relation to the rest of the scene.
The texture was a combination of procedural terrain shaders, color gradients and distribution maps created using the 3D paint tool. I used the distribution maps to add image maps and blend them with the procedural shaders.
Hey EP - I just wanted to say that you've got one of the best rock outcrops I've seen in a scene (sorry for the play on words, couldn't help myself). Looking forward to seeing it all once you've finished it. There just aren't a lot of realistic looking rocks like that available.
Thanks dustrider. I agree with you. I think a lot of the rock outcrops and cliffs look too clean. I'm not sure why that is. With displacement painting and subdivision, you can turn a fairly simple mesh into something that looks more complex. The other issue is the textures. Carrara's terrain shaders, mixed with image maps and 3D paint, can really make a nice look. I posted the image because the rock wall on the left I consider done and the one on the right is in process. I'm waiting on that one 'til I get some other stuff done, so I can see where I need to use the 3D paint tool to create a distribution map.
Here's a beach portion of the scene that looks back into a small valley or large grotto. This is where I'm considering centering the universe. I'm still working on the cliffs that are visible in this shot.
Anyways, I tried messing around with this a little. One thing that I had success with before was to multiply a finely detailed displacement map with a bump map all in the Bump channel, and then crank up the bump. That didn't work well in this case, nor did I mess with the displacement maps in the Displacement field enough to get decent results with that. So I just canned all of that and plugged in Color, Specular (in the highlight channel) and bump maps.
This is Genesis Basic Male (whom takes M4 maps) with Homo Erectus texture maps. I dialed a few morphs on, but Gorilla, in particular gave him the most of how he's shaped. This shows the bump at 137. The other one is a new render I just did.
Yo evilproducer,
Looking fantastic!
Ep - amazing scene, love the depth! I'm sure the product will be a success!
Just needs a pterodactyl or two
Dart that is a very handsome Neanderthal- maybe science was wrong :)
I thought that was a selfy of him! ;-P
he heh, it's a great crop actually very dynamic
Maybe some new products to buy...
cool.. :blank:
while we wait for the release we can watch another episode of Thunderbirds.. :coolsmile:
Anyways, I tried messing around with this a little. One thing that I had success with before was to multiply a finely detailed displacement map with a bump map all in the Bump channel, and then crank up the bump. That didn't work well in this case, nor did I mess with the displacement maps in the Displacement field enough to get decent results with that. So I just canned all of that and plugged in Color, Specular (in the highlight channel) and bump maps.
This is Genesis Basic Male (whom takes M4 maps) with Homo Erectus texture maps. I dialed a few morphs on, but Gorilla, in particular gave him the most of how he's shaped. This shows the bump at 137. The other one is a new render I just did.
Yo evilproducer,
Looking fantastic!
Your homo erectus is great....I used that product as well for one of my assignments, but neandethals are's her brow ridges that are NOT smooth to me, they are all sharp which for the skull is not natural (unless you've had an accident!). So I was trying to smooth the vertices in weight painting and dipped a bit too far and grapped the sclera on her eyeball. A shame as I finally was getting there. So the one you are viewing is without the smoothing and bugger up eyeball (which I could not fix!). I do want to mess with her complexion/skin tone and have used the homo erectus and gorilla textures but they do not do the same thing as her face is broader, nose bigger, brows bigger and the HE and Gorilla textures don't map well and also, the neanderthals that lived in northern Europe were likely light-skinned and had lighter hair, including ginger!
Homo erectus looked more like us.... the rugged neanderthals developed out of homo helidelbergensis who evolved a rugged frame after evolving from homo erectus.
xx :) SileneUK
Oh thanks for the quick tut! It was the cliff on the RIGHT I was interested in...but showing me the more complicated one helped a lot...I think I can model the smoother right side one now and I have loads of textures for terrains and am OK with creating some of my own.
Am sure your scene will sell well...and if it's to be a DAZ product... will it be available soonishh????
xx :) SileneUK
not sure if this is a mesh you made?
you have it rigged yourself?
If it's a Daz doll then trying to change the vertex weights won't smooth the brow - assuming that there is only a head bone neck bone etc. Could be wrong.
If it is a custom morph etc you could smooth the brow with the magnet tool.
Tell us a little more then we will know which way to go. ;)
not sure if this is a mesh you made?
you have it rigged yourself?
If it's a Daz doll then trying to change the vertex weights won't smooth the brow - assuming that there is only a head bone neck bone etc. Could be wrong.
If it is a custom morph etc you could smooth the brow with the magnet tool.
Tell us a little more then we will know which way to go. ;)
Thanks HeadWax,
I got a package of morphs called 192 Morphs Die Trying
and also some other DAZ products, like Ape World, Homo Erectus, etc.
By using the basic female genesis I have managed to be able to use most of the standard parameter morphs available as provided with the figure and the above mentioned add-ons. Some conflict with each other... but most work if I am careful. EG one time a spike shot out of the top of her head when I moved a slider!
So I can't recall which custom morph I used to raise the brows that high, AND I am not sure if I'd recognise the name in modelling room animation mode morphs list as its not always the same description as in the Assemble Parameter list for the "actor".
Are you saying if I can find the particular eyebrow (as in skull brow, not cosmetic brow) morph, I can use the magnet on it??? I am wondering if I used a combination of brow morphs. OK..maybe I will go back to one of my plain models before I over-morphed her head and see if I can pick just one morph and and try the magnet. Never used magnet before. Will have to go to the manual.
Does that help you help me? ;) I am a big fan of your art!
xx :) SileneUK
Stezza, that looks great! Really nice integration into the photo. The only inaccuracy is the smoke should look like it's caused by a pot of burning oil and failed marionettes. If I'm recalling the show correctly. ;-)