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I use fast preview. I have a Sapphire 1 GB Video Card. 6870 GDDR5. Updated Drivers.;=&lid=1&leg=0
I'm afraid I'm at the end of my suggestions as I don't have C8.5 or even C8.1. I'm also on a Mac, so any other OS ideas (not that I have any ATM) wouldn't be valid if you're on a Windows system. Sorry I couldn't help more. :down:
Okay, I am better that your RAM is getting used up -- unless you are 32-bit (I forget).
Press Windows-Key + R and type "perfmon"
Press Enter key to run the Performance Monitor tool
Click on the green plus sign to add counters
Find "Memory" in the list and expand that object
Click on "Available MBytes"
Click on "Add >>" button to add that counter
Find "Process" in the list and expand that object
In this list hold down the CTRL key to select multiple counters
Click on "Private Bytes", "Virtual Bytes" and "Working Set"
Find "Carrara" (it must be running) in the list below the counters and click on that
Click on "Add >>" and you should add those three Process counters for the Carrara process
Duplicate your issue and watch what happens in PerfMon.
If you run out of RAM, Virtual Bytes and Working Set probably climb up very close to your total RAM (16 GB) amount.
Exactly why Carrara is using so much cannot likely be answered with PerfMon. It would require a memory dump of Carrara just before it crashes. I hope this points you in the right direction though.
Okay, I am better that your RAM is getting used up -- unless you are 32-bit (I forget).
Press Windows-Key + R and type "perfmon"
Press Enter key to run the Performance Monitor tool
Click on the green plus sign to add counters
Find "Memory" in the list and expand that object
Click on "Available MBytes"
Click on "Add >>" button to add that counter
Find "Process" in the list and expand that object
In this list hold down the CTRL key to select multiple counters
Click on "Private Bytes", "Virtual Bytes" and "Working Set"
Find "Carrara" (it must be running) in the list below the counters and click on that
Click on "Add >>" and you should add those three Process counters for the Carrara process
Duplicate your issue and watch what happens in PerfMon.
If you run out of RAM, Virtual Bytes and Working Set probably climb up very close to your total RAM (16 GB) amount.
Exactly why Carrara is using so much cannot likely be answered with PerfMon. It would require a memory dump of Carrara just before it crashes. I hope this points you in the right direction though.
Thanks Garsman! It may not help Robo in the short term, but if he decides to submit a bug report, then the info. may help the devs.
BTW, If you're looking for an image idea for the Movie Night challenge, you could do one for a movie called the Money Pit. ;-) I figure with the re-modeling you've been doing it may be an appropriate topic. :lol:
Check out (it will redirect to Microsoft TechNet) for more incredible, free tools to dig into stuff like memory usage in Windows.
I'd write more...but I just tried lighting my gas fireplace here for the first time. I ended up kissing a fireball. Not recommended. ;)
Check out (it will redirect to Microsoft TechNet) for more incredible, free tools to dig into stuff like memory usage in Windows.
I'd write more...but I just tried lighting my gas fireplace here for the first time. I ended up kissing a fireball. Not recommended. ;)
My Overpass image is being rendered, with the lights already adjusted and some other fixes. Here is a oldie, but my first big render using a lot of lights (A lot). UrbanSprawl Night. Each buildings, has lights (each room has a light), and also street lamps. Rendered in C6. Never went through memory errors as I do now after awhile. This image took months, and also wall props for each room. The final paid off. Will look into the error problem, and will struggle submitting a bug report. I do find submitting a problem. I get message of some kind (recall many times in past). Your not a member, or something. But I did give up.
My Overpass image is being rendered, with the lights already adjusted and some other fixes. Here is a oldie, but my first big render using a lot of lights (A lot). UrbanSprawl Night. Each buildings, has lights (each room has a light), and also street lamps. Rendered in C6. Never went through memory errors as I do now after awhile. This image took months, and also wall props for each room. The final paid off. Will look into the error problem, and will struggle submitting a bug report. I do find submitting a problem. I get message of some kind (recall many times in past). Your not a member, or something. But I did give up.
I remember when you posted this on the old forums. I was super impressed. Very cool. Thanks for sharing it again!
My Overpass image is being rendered, with the lights already adjusted and some other fixes. Here is a oldie, but my first big render using a lot of lights (A lot). UrbanSprawl Night. Each buildings, has lights (each room has a light), and also street lamps. Rendered in C6. Never went through memory errors as I do now after awhile. This image took months, and also wall props for each room. The final paid off. Will look into the error problem, and will struggle submitting a bug report. I do find submitting a problem. I get message of some kind (recall many times in past). Your not a member, or something. But I did give up.
Nice stuff. With memory allocation errors, the first assessment is, "What am I running out of? Physical RAM or virtual address space?"
I once wrote at length in the old forums about troubleshooting memory issues. It's tough to explain virtual address space (VAS) easily to non-programmers.
Every Windows process gets 2 GB of space (on 32 bit systems, simplified) and 8 TB (on 64 bit systems). So on 32 bit systems, the safe assumption is that you have exceeded the VAS space. On 64 bit systems, it is more likely that RAM and page file are exhausted (these two systems provide backing storage for everything running).
If you can share what you see in PerfMon immediately before the crash, we might be able to come up with something. Determining exactly what is consuming resources will require a dump of the Carrara process. Things get really tricky at that point and I'd need access to something called debugging symbols to really get answers -- only DAZ has those unfortunately.
Michael 6, Carrara, Sport Dynamic Hair, Carrara Skin Shaders. HDRI, Sub-Surface-Scattering.
Just dropping by to let everyone know that I'm still alive!
I brought a Mulberry Faerie render with me, I think I went a little crazy with the photo filters though, lol :)
Jaw dropping, as always! Nice to see you and Mulberry again. FWIW, I'm "barely alive" in the forums these days is kinda crazy, end of the year stuff is kinda crazy...
I love it.
The rendering is amazing, the only thing I would change would be the skin tone, make it a little darker.
Amazingly hot as always!
Done. Now to think of something else.
how cool is that.. awesome work :)
Robo, that is a really super job. The lighting is great and the rest of the image, from the textures to the models looks really good as well!
This was a real quicky for me! That is why you don't see much of him and his terrible hair! ( More is what they say.)
Inspired by you know what...
Wonderful render, I love it a lot!
I haven't posted anything here in quite some time!
Anyway, here's a Christmas themed pin-up style picture. I may revisit the Christmas light string I made, as I liked the effect, but the poly count could be lowered quite a bit. I also need to rig it better, but with the high poly count and amount of bones, it became pretty unwieldy.
I also made an interesting discovery with the rigged lights. The light source (bulb lights) wouldn't attach to the rig no matter how I tried. I tried parenting the lights to the cord model, I tried parenting the lights to bones, and several other different methods. Finally I hit on the idea of using a surface replicator. I set the replicator to place the lights by shading domain and that worked. Instead of thirty unique lights on the string, I now have just four lights replicated thirty times. The position of the lights seems to stay constant despite moving the rigged cord around.
Very cool render and info, ep! Looks great!
Stu, Bravo! I'm a big PotA fan from back in the times of the originals. And then Roddy went on to play Galen in the TV series. I was really young, so I only remember it being an excellent show - but I'd still love to go back and revisit all of those movies and the TV show.
Great job on the chimp!
great idea,
here's some stuff from me..... will go on wooden blocks for a fundraiser we have here in oz to support an artist run gallery
That is a cool one Head Wax, good job.
Really cool idea! So I take it they're printed, then cut and to size, glued to the block and varnished or lacquered over to seal and protect the image as well as to "age" it?
thanks spaceland and evil :)
evil, yes I will print them out to size, cut them out. I have cut the kids blocks out of pine - not real good with a drop saw so they are all slightly different ...;) Hah :) I've made a few block pieces as art works - had lots of fine responses but people don't want to spend the dollars though there is a lot of work in them. The last one I made was 49 pieces at 7 cm cubes of wood, and at six sides each block that's 3 days work just cutting and pasting. Had one collector ask 'how much' - the piece was $900 , and I explained how long it had taken and she wanted to bargain me down. People don't value "art".... like they do a plumber . Still doing this work blends the line between artist and artisan. Of course I could stick them on the wood then drop saw the pieces but it rips the images .... I should get a finer blade I guess....
Very cool, Head Wax!
thanks Dart :)
I re-did my Holiday pinup using the improved Holiday Light string. I decided to simplify the whole scene, so now she's reaching up and off camera to hang the lights she's tangled in. I like this one better.
well that certainly made a difference, looks much better, the lighting and the pose are the face are really glowing - plus it's a good dynamic diagonal, and she is a good sort as well which never hurt :)
Sometimes I over-think what I'm trying to do. It helped to step back and think about the light set and what I wanted it for originally. The original light set was so damn unwieldy that I think I just became impatient to get the picture done. Once I had a light set that was lower poly I could rig it better and manipulate it better, and then I could think better how I wanted the cord to wrap around the character.
I used three light sets by the way. One for looping around on the ground, and two to wrap around the figure.
great job on the looping round the figure, yes often having lots of little lights gives sparkle and takes away from the cg look a little, I spent two and a half hours on a scene today and I couldn't get the light right until I adde anything glows to the camera and softened the shadows - it's a major scene with about 8 k4s a dog and a cat and about 12 animals ....... plus lots of glass for refclections so I will spend another 2 hours on lighting I guess then render it out as 12 inches by 16 inches at 300 dpi - sometimes it's even fun :)