UV Modeling with Genesis 2


Hey all. 

Any way to get the UV map that Daz uses for gen2 so I can make her outfit in Cinema 4d.  Gen 2 models have so many polygon subdivisions that its very difficult to create an optimized UV map in Bodypaint 3D. (Its why Gen2 is so pretty).  I'm using Pusey's incredibly awesome G2F bodysuit for her outfit.   Yet Pusey was obviously able to make a perfect UV map for the bodysuit that takes and scales textures flawlessly.   I want to be able to do that too.  The specific issues I'm dealing with are one, the map often becomes a bunch of scraps (especially the legs and arms.  Oddly the torso is the one thing I can make in bodypaint that's worth a darn), two there's huge amounts of overlap that I can't manually fix and three, the UV polygon size varies greatly so uniform material patterns don't look so uniform when they get projected on the 3d model. 


If it helps I have all the Autodesk products (including Mudbox), Cinema 4d, Vegas Pro, Fusion 8, Unity Pro and most of the adobe products.  I don't have after effects but IMO Fusion 8 is just as good. I don't have Zbrush but I do have Mudbox.  I can't bring over rigs or textures correctly in the Fbx format.  Collada (dae) works the best for me since the rigging works when exported.  But it doesn't bring over the awesome Andorian Bob hair (by unavailable, I try to give credit but I need to know the artists name!).  And there are other issues with dae formats.  

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