Skin Builder 8 Merchant Resource for Genesis 8 Female (Commercial)



  • Leana said:

    Once you've finished creating the skin you can generate a preset to apply it. The preset will apply the final texture files, so if you apply it to your character it will now use that and not the temp version.


    How do I apply a preset?

    I have found the SaveAs Preset... menu items, but no correponding function for loading presets. I have also checked the manual, but it only has a short, and very general description that does not show how to actually use presets.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,841

    Save it somewhere in your content directory then just load it from your content directory whith the figure selected, like you would do to apply materials for any character.


    Leana said:

    Save it somewhere in your content directory then just load it from your content directory whith the figure selected, like you would do to apply materials for any character.


    I found the right directory using the Content Library pane, and from there I could apply the textures.

  • Your product suddenly started looking for files tells me they can't be found and then went dead. How can I fix it or just tear it out and reload fresh from my products list on Daz Thanks

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  • ATLPRATLPR Posts: 147

    Hello Zev0,

    I purchased face transfer unlimited, and the most common issues I have are:

    A. faces being too wide

    B. Lips are wrong

    C. Skin color is wrong

    ASSUMPTION: Your G8F Skin Builder would be an ideal next purchase [IF] I can utilize it to correct the (above) three issues.

    QUESTIONS:  May I please ask...

    1. Is Skin Builder 8 for G8F compatible with face transfers?

    2. [If] compatible, which of the above 3 issues will Skin Builder 8 for G8F correct?

    3. I manipulate the faces with GIMP, will that cause a problem with your product? (See attached image of an example face [mirror] manipulation)

    Thank you.


    Skin Builder 8.jpg
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  • ATLPRATLPR Posts: 147

    Your product suddenly started looking for files tells me they can't be found and then went dead. How can I fix it or just tear it out and reload fresh from my products list on Daz Thanks

    REPLY TO theextinctamerican

    Quite interesting you mentioned that missing file issue, I had the same problem with a couple of characters saved to My Library a few days ago (suddenly DAZ couldn't find many of the files to load).

    =>Good thing I had not progressed very far (time wise),

    In my case, the temporary solution was to save the characters as a scene subset.

    (I appoligize if this is elementary, I am a noob, and my problem could have been a user error)

    I'm curious about what you believe may be causing the issue though?

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited April 2020
    SkinBuilder will work with face transfer morphs, not the skin it generates. In order to use SkinBuilder you will have to generate a skin and overlay your face transfer image on top of that skin. Results will vary based on your editing skills. You dont need Skin Builder for this really. You can overlay your face on top of any other skinset if the skin tone matches.
    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Your product suddenly started looking for files tells me they can't be found and then went dead. How can I fix it or just tear it out and reload fresh from my products list on Daz Thanks

    Did you save your skin as a material preset? Do not rely on the generated temp files as they get over written. By saving as a preset the product will place a hard copy of the textures where ever you told it to.
  • ATLPRATLPR Posts: 147
    Zev0 said:

    Did you save your skin as a material preset? Do not rely on the generated temp files as they get over written. By saving as a preset the product will place a hard copy of the textures where ever you told it to.


    Sorry, I have not learned these processes yet. I apologize for my elementary questions, I just acquired DAZ, Hexagon, Bryce, Carrara this month. I cannot quite understand (VISUALIZE IN MY MINDS EYE) precisely what method I would use to overlay, as you mentioned, or capture textures, or why Skin Builder cannot modify the face transfer skin (because I'm a DAZ noob). e.g. I'm not aware of - whether Skin Builder modifies a base face map for G8F in one directory, whereas Face Transfer places it's base face map in "My Library," or what is preventing it from working.

    =>I was considering the benefits of Skin Builder, (numerous benefits the more I think about it) e.g. I was considering time saved with eyebrows, skin color and texture capabilities earlier today. 

    =>Whereas, MANUALLY I can duplicate a given base face map file in GIMP by duplicating the layer, then adjusting transparency and modifying it e.g. HDR (using Dodge and Burn script and saturation), change textures, color, and all sorts of SLOW processes (I had hoped your product would alleviate).


    I believe the temp files you are referring to are located in the roaming directory, I'll have to hunt for them, and be more vigilant about collecting back-ups, now that you have helped me to consider and avoid loss of these files. I've started to determine what the file extensions are and their purpose, and where they are located.

    e.g. I created a shortcut to C:\Users\XXX-USERNAME-XXX\Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library\Presets\Characters

    (so that I could periodically collect/copy and back-up files elsewhere)

    =>I do not know the other files, extensions, and locations yet.


    Do you have any further product documentation that would help? 


    NOTE-1: I was literally seconds from purchasing the Skin Builder product yesterday, ate some food, GRABBED MY CREDIT CARD, circled back, hit the proceed to pay button, and the product went off sale : ( . Under the average circumstance (as well as mine), I have to work and manage home and family, if they flash a sale for e.g. 12 hours, it is likely I'll miss it (this might not be an effective marketing strategy). 

    NOTE-2: I'M CONTENDING WITH A LEARNING CURVE. I wish I could find a concise outline about what the DAZ, HEXAGON, BRYCE, CARRARA files do, import/export/conversion, and where they are "typically" located. 

    =>I've looked for a source that would tell me where important files are located, but have found no source of said information to date.

    =>I figured out how to manually install poses via youtube videos, but the other ~5Gigs of free "3d stuff" that I horded from Renderosity recently are a mystery (people providing the freebies fudge the directory with all sorts of unnecessary or confusing names and subdirectories).

    Thank you

  • I've read and followed the instructions and created and saved my first skin but now i've ran out of instructions!.... so i'm having difficulty in finding and applying the saved skin.

    i know it will be something simple once i know where to look... can you help?

    thank you.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited May 2020

    Where did you choose to save the Material Preset? Look at the path you used. That is where it will be. I cannot help any further since I have no idea where you decided to save it. If you open the script the last used paths should be present and you can even browse to its location showing you where it is.

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    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • SolitarySandpiperSolitarySandpiper Posts: 566
    edited May 2020

    i wonder if i misunderstood the instruction to prefix with the creators name? ie my name?

    Post edited by SolitarySandpiper on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Prefix is just what will be infront of the texture files. If you not sure I recommend saving a dummy skin set with your inputs and see how it is structured and if it is to your satisfaction.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited May 2020

    Looking at your screenshot your textures are being saved in the wrong place. They should never go into presets. Please look at my highlighted example. They should always go into Runtime/textures/Your Folder.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • SolitarySandpiperSolitarySandpiper Posts: 566
    edited May 2020

    Thanks for your help...  its a brilliant product!

    i am however a bit intimidated by the 'save skin and material presets' tab, there's a lot going on there but i'm sure its going to be very useful once understood.

    Would have been nice if there was a simple save tab that saved it where it needs to be saved for easy access (for example a presets folder within the product folder).

    I'm starting to get my head around why there are two seperate locations and the difference between a material preset and a final texture but trying to get my head around directories and how they are structured is a little confusing at the moment as everyone seems to approach it differently with different drives and different libraries so for now i will just make notes and save it on the character.

    Slightly changing the subject can i ask it this product can be used to change the existing skin of a character? for example i like their skin how it is but i want to add stretch marks?

    Also on another subject... can i confirm that there is no requirment for blend modes in the overlays and that is why they are greyed out?

    i've bought so many of your products recently and i know that with your help and the help of the community it will proove to be of incredible value!

    Thanks again.

    Post edited by SolitarySandpiper on
  • MsteneMstene Posts: 30

    I don't know if this thread is very active, but I am having an issue with the generated torso specular maps.  The map comes out overlaid with the leg texture for me.  I just tried reinstalling and it is still occuring.  Anyone else having this happen, or did i break it? =D

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    Make sure figure skin settings is set to base UV.
  • MsteneMstene Posts: 30

    will do  thanks !

  • Can this be used to change the existing skin... for example i like a models skin how it is but i want to add stretch marks?

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited May 2020

    Yes. One of the promo images shows this. As long as the skin you are using is the same UV mapping it will work Eg Base UV.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Hi, Zev0. Recently a weird problem came to me when I use SB8. Today I tried to apply the torso MATS to the genital part of the G8F character but the skin in anatomy area turned out different from the rest of the body. The weird thing is that I've done this several times to the same character and never met with this problem. I restarted DAZ and even re-install SB8 but can't solve this problem. This problem doesn't exist in most of the characters but there're some characters where this will occur.

    Are there some parameters I set incorrectly?

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited May 2020

    Should work fine if anatomy is loaded on figure before you build skin. Also you need to save a Anatomy Material preset afterwards.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Zev0 said:

    Should work fine if anatomy is loaded on figure before you build skin. Also you need to save a Anatomy Material preset afterwards.

    Well, I am quite sure that the anatomy has been correctly loaded on the figure as I pre-selected the figure when I was going to load the anatomy. However after using SB9 the anatomy will has a different tone from the body. Today I've found a way to somehow solve this problem- After build the skin, I located it in the Surface pane and the Base_Color_Effect appears to be Scatter_Only, the same as the figure's body. And I changed it to Scater_&_Transmit_Intensity, and then I changed it back again to Scatter_Only, and the problem is completely solved. I have no idea about this but it did work.

  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    edited May 2020

    Just bought this product and the first thing I find is that it does not work with low resolution maps produced by Scene Optimizer. I tried to apply the gen hair and the script reports that it had completed but nothing appears on the skin. If I look at the torso maps in the temp folder they too have no overlay - they are identical to the original maps. If I apply the full resolution skin maps to the character and run SB8 again, the gen hair works. Unfortunately for me, as I have converted all of my characters using Scene Optimizer, SB8 won't be of much use to me because I'm certainly not going through my characters, converting them back to full resolution and then back again to low res after using SB8.

    Sorry Zev0 but I have to return it.

    Post edited by marble on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited May 2020

    Gen Hair and all details needs to be applied to textures before they are ran through Optimizer. The script will not work on low res textures. It is designed to work on the standard resolution of maps.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    Zev0 said:

    Hair gen and all details needs to be applied to textures before they are ran through Optimizer. The script will not work on low res textures.

    Thanks for confirming that. I have a LOT of characters that I've spent hours on each, tweaking the surfaces at low resolution, so I just can't afford the time to go though them all again. 

    If anyone can suggest another way of adding a body hair texture to an existing skin map I'd be grateful. I have body hair props but the hair penetrates the clothing so I either have to remove it or make it invisible which is ok so long as I don't use lace or semi-transparent clothing.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited May 2020

    Well it's risky but you can downsize the Skin Builder product overlay textures to match your skins resolution. Then it might work. But keep a backup of the originals incase it doesn't.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • marblemarble Posts: 7,500
    Zev0 said:

    Well it's risky but you can downsize the Skin Builder product overlay textures to match your skins resolution. Then it might work. But keep a backup of the originals incase it doesn't.

    Thanks Zev0, I'll experiment a little.

  • mats76mats76 Posts: 294
    edited June 2020

    edited, I figured out why my thinking was going the wrong way smiley

    Post edited by mats76 on
  • qmont77qmont77 Posts: 4

    I am currently useing Daz Stuido 4.9, and I just bought skin builder for Genisis 3 and 8  Skin Builder3 works to perfection.  But the one for Gen 8 will not generate a skin, the overlays work perfect, veins, stretch marks, genital hair, nails, everything works, except the skin tab, when i click on the generate skin button, in 2 secounds it say skin done, and the model does not change, I've tried V8 base genisis model, and a few others, but nothing. Not sure why this is happening  any help would be appreciated

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