Italian Cypress question
Retro Lad
Posts: 471
Have any of you made an Italian Cyress Tree, with the BryceTree Lab, that looks like the ones in the picture that I found browsing the Internet?
I downloaded a helpful Horo pdf BTO file, but the picture he includes of an Italian Cyress Tree looks tacky. Maybe that is the best that can done in Bryce. No knock to Horo, maybe just the limitations of Bryce.
What I am interested in is the specific parameter settings in the BryceTree Lab that can create a high quaility Italian Cyress Tree.
Predatron had an Italian Cyress Tree set in the store, but it seems to have disappered.
1600 x 1600 - 734K
Because of the bug in the tree lab, it is generally a good idea to start with a BTO and go from there. The tree lab is not bad, but it's not the best there is. The examples in the file you mention are just the saved trees without modifications. With adjusting the parameters, they could certainly be improved but to get a result like Predetron asks for some profound knowledge how nature "constructed" the plant, not only the right tool. I'm not an expert in plants and not of great help to answer your question. I have fiddled with Arbaro and Dryad.
If you like this tree as an Italian cypress, then I'm ready to show you the settings in the Tree Lab.
Sorry about my late response but today has been one of those jinxed days when everything seems to go wrong.
Yes, please send me your BryceTree Lab settings for your Italian Cyress Trees. They look good for the types of images I am planning them for; not realism, but "magical realism", and "surrealism" effects. Thanks for the help.
I read your BTO guide, and tried the Create/Alt method and I got a nice generic looking Italian Cyress Tree to pop up. Thanks for your help and advice and for explaining the Tree Lab bug. I thought I was doing something wrong untilI I read your explanations.
Just in case anyone is curious I haven't had the time to work on CG images in the last year, or so, due to my losing my home to foreclosure and all the horrible stuff that went with being virtually "kicked out", losing half my possessions, and searching for a smaller place to live, crooked lawyers, cooked morgtage companies, court crap, police, and crippling depression thrown in.
Slepalex - I did hope you pop in here. You know the tree lab very much better than I and your cypress look amazing.
FlashGarcia - sorry to hear about your bad luck. Life isn't always kind to us. Let's hope Bryce can give you back a bit of fun.
FlashGarcia, here are three variants of the Italian cypress from Tree Lab. Since I have a "bad" habit of saving memory and disk space, you can increase the number of leaves in each tree. And also for a better (and longer!) Renderer, you can add transparency (or, more accurately, translucency) of the foliage.
If you have any questions, then ask them right here.
Horo, I too always guess when you have to appear to answer this or that question. :-)
Thanks for the parameters settings attachment. I saved it as a bmp file and will use it as a guide for my Cypress variations experiments.
Slepalex - thanks for the screenshot of the settings
This Tuscan Villa model set icludes some Cypress Tree models. I can't afford the set at full price, but maybe one of you has bought it and can give us a review of the quality of the Cypress models.
Thanks, Slepalex...the third spec seems to suit my eye most for future cyprus tree references - very useful.
Of couse, many thanks for such info., : in some instances such knowledge is chargeable, so, we in Bryce, are in your depth.