Delete an undeletable FBX in a scene

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
edited September 2017 in Freebies

you imported an FBX , probably a very defective one, in a scene and you cant delete it using the usual way

if you have  the daz scripting ide, select the node ( named "Root something" ) and run this

Scene.removeNode( Scene.getPrimarySelection() );

if you dont have the ide, copy and paste that line of code in notepad and save it as DeleteUndeletableNode.dsa

place that file in a folder like C:\Users\yournamehere\Documents\DAZ 3D\My Library

and run it from your library

or ( well look at that we can attach .dsa file!?! ) download it from the attachments below

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Post edited by mCasual on


  • mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,607
    edited September 2017

    a pic to make the thread less boring :)

    the scene i was working on that had an undeletable yet invisible FBX residue

    yes yes that's Amy calm down, she's participating in the making of the kinectV2-to-Daz Studio bridge  development ( for PC )

    the guitar freebie is here

    800 x 1350 - 152K
    Post edited by mCasual on
  • mindsongmindsong Posts: 1,703

    I've run into that FBX glitch while putzing with the 2400 mixamo mocap downloads... Had no idea how to get rid of the silly FBX relics.

    While the tip is great, the render was worth the visit all by itself. nice!


  • Nice tool thank you as usual you come up with things that should be built in.

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