Released: Ultimate Zombie HD for Genesis 3 Female [Commercial]

She's finally here!  My first female Zombie, just in time for the Haloween season...


Thanks for checking her out :)



  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    Good looking. If I can get any of these advertised sales to actually work I'm picking this up. I particularly like the morph. Looks very gross!

  • Now I can have realistic-looking cadavers of both genders to populate disaster scenes!

    Kind of want a skeletal absence of a nose, but can hopefully still achieve that with the morphing Creature Creator stuff.

  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138

    I never knew I needed a female zombie in my collection, but now I do, I really do.  She's fantastic!  With all of the awesome releases and Feature Artist sales today is going to hurt, so badly.  I can live a whole month without eating, right?  How about two?

  • Thanks for the kind words.  I really enjoyed making her and hope you enjoy rendering with her.

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    I finally hd a chance to play with this one. I have to say, just out of the chute using the preset to load with clothing, this has to be about the best looking Zombie character I've loaded into my stage and I own them all. Congrats on a really, really excellent product.

  • Wow!  Great render Greybro.  I'm so glad you like her.  I really should check my notifications more often smiley

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779

    Great job. This is a favorite.

    Still love your spider too.

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