Studio 4.5 How? What? Several questions.

The idea of the Genesis figure is great and I love the new content. Problem is, it is all still a bit overwhelming trying to get organized with all the older content I still hope to use (at least until there are viable alternatives if any). I'm sure once some of these things are explained to me I'll just slap my hand to my forehead and go "Of course! Why did I even have to ask the question." So please bear with me, even if some questions may be very naive. (I'm using Studio 4.5 / 64 bit)

1. In the installer or installed content I have a few duplicated files, but I'm not sure which I need to keep and which I can get rid of. ie what works best with Studio 4.5?
- no designation (where applicable)
- Studio CF
- Poser CF (I'm guessing I don't deed that?)
- Ds
- Ps (Poser again?)

2. How to organize old content? Right now everything is organized alphabetically (in the Content Library), which is nice as long as you remember what each product was called... Over the years I have acquired about 2000 products, I can't remember them all. Is there a way to take all content used with let's say the Aiko 3 figure and and stuff it all into a seperate folder (preferably with sub-categories for hair, clothing (ordered by period etc.), poses? So that I need to search only through the files of the figure or prop I'm currently using?

3. Does the CTT work in Studio 4.5? Where do I find it?

4. I used to have a lot of textures and shaders in Studio 3 (like a tool that turned figures into ghosts, or just the posibility to use other textures (leather, denim etc for clothing, all sorts of rocks and earth textures)? Does any of that work in 4.5? And if yes where do I find it all?

5. Creating new poses. Can I save some of my (more successful) poses for reuse? Where/How? And if applicable how do I find them again after?

6. Does the Light Dome (I think that's what it was called) work in Studio 4.5? Where do I find it?

I'm sure I have more questions shortly, but that should get me started.
Thanks for answering (doubly so if the question was silly to begin with).


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    1. In the installer or installed content I have a few duplicated files, but I’m not sure which I need to keep and which I can get rid of. ie what works best with Studio 4.5?
    - no designation (where applicable)
    - Studio CF
    - Poser CF (I’m guessing I don’t deed that?)
    - Ds
    - Ps (Poser again?)

    It would be much easier to use the DIM (DAZ Install Manager), and it you tell it to only download files for DS4.5, it will download and install the correct ones. If you are using DS4.5, you do not need the Legacy files, these are for DS4 or earlier. You don;t need PoserCF unless you are using DSON in Poser 9 or higher.

    2. How to organize old content? Right now everything is organized alphabetically (in the Content Library), which is nice as long as you remember what each product was called… Over the years I have acquired about 2000 products, I can’t remember them all. Is there a way to take all content used with let’s say the Aiko 3 figure and and stuff it all into a seperate folder (preferably with sub-categories for hair, clothing (ordered by period etc.), poses? So that I need to search only through the files of the figure or prop I’m currently using?

    Use Categories to organise your content the way you want it, or wait for Smart Content (Metadata) to be created for everything. You can also have a seperate runtime folder for A3, and you can have as many seperate runtimes as you like.

    3. Does the CTT work in Studio 4.5? Where do I find it?

    Do you meant the CCT (Content Creation Toolkit) it is now called the FST (Figure Setup Tools), you will find it in Window > Tabs > Figure Setup.

  • edited December 1969

    It would be much easier to use the DIM (DAZ Install Manager), and it you tell it to only download files for DS4.5, it will download and install the correct ones. If you are using DS4.5, you do not need the Legacy files, these are for DS4 or earlier. You don;t need PoserCF unless you are using DSON in Poser 9 or higher.

    I actually was using the Install Manager, but went ahead and used it without knowing how, so now I try and use it to uninstall / delete installers of the stuff I don't actually need. It was set to Daz Studio 4.5 and DESON Importer for Poser... By the time I noticed I was already done installing everything :( That's why I need to know which ones of them to throw out again. So is the Studio CF the legacy stuff? And for the old content when the choice is between Ds and Ps I'm guessing throw out Ps?

    Use Categories to organise your content the way you want it, or wait for Smart Content (Metadata) to be created for everything. You can also have a seperate runtime folder for A3, and you can have as many seperate runtimes as you like.

    I need a Little more than that: I tried setting up categories but how do I actually copy the files into it... maybe I just try again, probably I can figure it out.

    Do you meant the CCT (Content Creation Toolkit) it is now called the FST (Figure Setup Tools), you will find it in Window > Tabs > Figure Setup.

    That's what I ment. found it, thank you.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    So is the Studio CF the legacy stuff? And for the old content when the choice is between Ds and Ps I’m guessing throw out Ps?

    Studio CF is not the legacy stuff, it is the DS material files for Poser content as far as I know. In some cases, DS will need the Poser files to be installed. I am not sure how you would tell the difference, but your downloadable files list should change when you apply the filter for DS4.5, and anything not on it, is not needed.
  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241
    edited December 1969

    switt said:
    2. How to organize old content? Right now everything is organized alphabetically (in the Content Library), which is nice as long as you remember what each product was called... Over the years I have acquired about 2000 products, I can't remember them all. Is there a way to take all content used with let's say the Aiko 3 figure and and stuff it all into a seperate folder (preferably with sub-categories for hair, clothing (ordered by period etc.), poses? So that I need to search only through the files of the figure or prop I'm currently using?
    While I don't use smart content myself, I believe that may help you narrow down the content, when used correctly I believe it should allow you to limit the list of content to content for the selected figure. Note that this only works on products with metadata, so you may have to still find stuff the old way for older products.
    If you aren't using metadata, I know of no automated way to identify content only for A3 for example. You can create whatever folder arrangement you want if you do it manually though. In the Content Library pane, right-click on Categories, then select "create a subcategory" from the menu, repeat as many levels deep as you want. Once you find your content, right-click on one or more selected content thumbnails and select Categorize from the mouse menu. You can also rename, some drag-and-drop between folders, duplicate folders, etc.
    If you know the product name, and it is DAZ content that is recognized, from the top level menu you can select Products and browse alphabetically and locate a specific product which MIGHT initially help you locate stuff that's only for A3 faster, then categorize it the way you want.

    switt said:
    4. I used to have a lot of textures and shaders in Studio 3 (like a tool that turned figures into ghosts, or just the posibility to use other textures (leather, denim etc for clothing, all sorts of rocks and earth textures)? Does any of that work in 4.5? And if yes where do I find it all?
    You might be referring to pwGhost, , and the product page says it is NOW compatible with DAZ Studio version 4. I don't know what other shaders you may have had. Do you recall any product names? Not all shaders are compatible with 4, I unfortunately purchased some that got left behind with DAZ Studio version 3, but some are.
    You had said that you used DIM to install stuff; note that last time I checked they had not yet updated every single product in the store, so if you deleted your old content and used DIM to reinstall it, you might not actually have all the content you purchased, and perhaps that might explain some of stuff you can't find. If you were just using DIM to add to your existing runtime(s) though, that's not it.

    5. Creating new poses. Can I save some of my (more successful) poses for reuse? Where/How? And if applicable how do I find them again after?

    Pose your figure. From the menu bar, select File > Save As > Pose Preset. You can optionally save a partial pose instead of a full one. Save it into a mapped content folder so DAZ Studio knows it should be looking for it. It should appear within the folder structure in Categories > Default > Unassigned like other new content. (I see it in Categories > Default > Unassigned > Preset > Pose" in my quick test.)

    6. Does the Light Dome (I think that's what it was called) work in Studio 4.5? Where do I find it?
    While I don't know the answer, whomever can answer may need to know exactly which product you are referring to, as there are multiple light domes (try "light dome" in advanced search to see some of them.)

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    If you're asking about Dreamlight's Light Dome Pro 2, it doesn't work in DS4. LDP1 does.

  • edited December 1969

    While I don't use smart content myself, I believe that may help you narrow down the content, when used correctly I believe it should allow you to limit the list of content to content for the selected figure. Note that this only works on products with metadata, so you may have to still find stuff the old way for older products.
    If you aren't using metadata, I know of no automated way to identify content only for A3 for example. You can create whatever folder arrangement you want if you do it manually though. In the Content Library pane, right-click on Categories, then select "create a subcategory" from the menu, repeat as many levels deep as you want. Once you find your content, right-click on one or more selected content thumbnails and select Categorize from the mouse menu. You can also rename, some drag-and-drop between folders, duplicate folders, etc.
    If you know the product name, and it is DAZ content that is recognized, from the top level menu you can select Products and browse alphabetically and locate a specific product which MIGHT initially help you locate stuff that's only for A3 faster, then categorize it the way you want.

    Thanks for the instructions, concerning putting my content into some logical order. My problem is that I have some 2400 products, they are easy enough to find in the alphabetical list if the name of the product is actually the name of the product and I happen to remember what it was called :) but a lot of products are named stupidly so the name of the creator is shown rather than the product itself and then I never find it. But I'll start putting them in order manually... it'll just take a while.

    You might be referring to pwGhost, , and the product page says it is NOW compatible with DAZ Studio version 4. I don't know what other shaders you may have had. Do you recall any product names? Not all shaders are compatible with 4, I unfortunately purchased some that got left behind with DAZ Studio version 3, but some are.
    You had said that you used DIM to install stuff; note that last time I checked they had not yet updated every single product in the store, so if you deleted your old content and used DIM to reinstall it, you might not actually have all the content you purchased, and perhaps that might explain some of stuff you can't find. If you were just using DIM to add to your existing runtime(s) though, that's not it.

    Yup that's the one.
    Well it's not that I deleted my content, my old computer broke down on me so I use DIM to reinstall it all on the new one and I also just installed 4.5 expecting it to be backward compatible, but I guess with the LDP2 that is not the case :(

    Pose your figure. From the menu bar, select File > Save As > Pose Preset. You can optionally save a partial pose instead of a full one. Save it into a mapped content folder so DAZ Studio knows it should be looking for it. It should appear within the folder structure in Categories > Default > Unassigned like other new content. (I see it in Categories > Default > Unassigned > Preset > Pose" in my quick test.)

    I'll try that out shortly, thanks.

    While I don't know the answer, whomever can answer may need to know exactly which product you are referring to, as there are multiple light domes (try "light dome" in advanced search to see some of them.)

    If you’re asking about Dreamlight’s Light Dome Pro 2, it doesn’t work in DS4. LDP1 does.

    Yea I have since noticed that LDP2 doesn't work in 4 :( It's not that I really need the lights, those I can also set myself, but it was convenient as a skydome... I'll miss it, it allowed for some great scenes.

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