Flying Fabric - Artistic Flowing Cloth Pieces (commercial)



  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    This is looking really nice and I'm really hoping I still have enough money when it comes to the shop. This should look epic with your epic goodrays...

    A question though, as you said they don't morph I'd lile to know if they have enough polys to make a d-former applicable?

  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited August 2017
    Linwelly said:

    A question though, as you said they don't morph I'd lile to know if they have enough polys to make a d-former applicable?

    @Linwelly, yes. The base mesh of these fabrics range from ~30,000 up to about ~100,000 polygons. Subdivided, they are like 4 times that amount. So there is plenty of detail to add your own morphs or d-former if desired.

    I think a lot of us will purchase this even if we own Jepe's stuff.  I own most of Jepe's stuff, and I own most of yours lol.  I am going to be buying from both of you I'm sure for a long time to come.  You both have a very distinctive style that doesn't clash, making both of your products very useful, just in different ways.

    Awesome, glad to hear it. yes


    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    Thanks a lot for the information! That sounds great.. I'll be loving those ;)

  • Griffin AvidGriffin Avid Posts: 3,779

    This is one thing I need to start resisting is- looking at 'coming soon' products.

    I want this yesterday. It was a real pain waiting on Pose Blender. Everyday, checking the same coupla threads.

    This is an insta buy, but I'll be forced to wait to use it. I hate that.

  • Just released today. yes

  • RKane_1RKane_1 Posts: 3,037
    Llynara said:

    Sold! I own most of the Shiny Sheetz and bedding, but you can never have enough gorgeous, flowy fabric! Ever!

    That's good to hear. I was a little worried of stepping on Jepe's toes---since fabric is his thing---but I am hoping my product is different enough from his (we also have very different styles), that we will be hitting a slightly different customer base.


    I don't suppose you would consider a series of super-hero capes done in this style, would you? :)

  • RKane_1 said:

    I don't suppose you would consider a series of super-hero capes done in this style, would you? :)


    I could do it, but there is already a lot of cape products in the store. I'm not sure what I would be able to add that is not already available...unless I make it animated or something.


  • RKane_1 said:

    I don't suppose you would consider a series of super-hero capes done in this style, would you? :)


    I could do it, but there is already a lot of cape products in the store. I'm not sure what I would be able to add that is not already available...unless I make it animated or something.


    Isn't there one current cape for G3M only?

  • There are capes for G3 and prior. But it doesn't look like there are any for G8 yet. I wonder if there would be interest in a G8 cape, hmmmmm....


  • Just saw your interview in Digital Art Live!  Congrats on the interview, it was a great read!

  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078


    Based on the products you've released, a Superhero cape seems a bit  . . . . .  mundane for you. wink

    Just sayin'

  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited September 2017


    Just saw your interview in Digital Art Live!  Congrats on the interview, it was a great read!

    Thanks, that was my first interview ever. For some reason, it seems some people are interested in hearing me ramble on. 


    fastbike1 said:


    Based on the products you've released, a Superhero cape seems a bit  . . . . .  mundane for you. wink

    Just sayin'

    Heh, well perhaps it's a fault. I jump from one new idea to the next, rather than doing one thing and doing it well.... an animated cape though---that would be fun to make.


    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • LinwellyLinwelly Posts: 5,987

    This is sitting in my wishlist for now, waiting for my budget to refill...

  • I'm not sure what I would be able to add that is not already available...unless I make it animated or something.

    Do all the features that we don't have yet.

    1) There are very few that come with Hood Up and Hood Down.

    2) Would love for someone to solve the hair busting through the top of the hood issue. I don't know if they'd have to be some wisp or sliver of hair that can come with the cape to simulate a bit of hair hanging down the front- with an easy 'zone' for texturing so it can come close to whatever hair your character already has.

    3) An over the shoulder version that covers both shoulders and drapes down the back, basically Batman when he's chillin.

    4) A one-shoulder cape, like a poncho- good for gunslingers and just different.

    5) Animation or plenty of morph pose controls for wild shapes. Length ones for that SPAWN look.

    6) Sitting poses, so the character can sit and have the cape fold up under them or drape backwards over the back of the chair.

    7) Original cape poses. The character holding the cape, in multiple a shield....dramatic poses...gripping the edges...phantom of the opera style and hiding the face behind a seam...etc...

    8) the cape OFF. The cape folded like laundry- anything to even simulate the suit before donning, Hanging in a closet....

    9) The cape tattered, with dirty textures, but ripped up holes like a zombie shirt...

    10) A cape with LOTS of zones. Even if your main design is mostly monochrome with trim, you can let the buyers choose to add their own color schemes....

    11) A cape that extends from something other than a cowl. Add a small device or backpack type thingie. Not as crazy as a paper towel roller, but something with functionality that the cape could be attatched to. It would have the effect of moving the cape away from the back. That would be different and welcome. If nervous, you can make the cape start at the shoulders and neck like always, but that object could sit on the outside of the cape, high at the neck. Let it wrap around like a neck brace.

    12) A cape with some see through parts. Long as we're doing so much skimp wear, might as well explore capes that have more than one material. Lace strips or a center cut etc...

    13) A cape with claws or sharp metal edges at the tail ends. Great for demonic renders and bad characters. Talons.

    14) A cape that can take shapes...A witches cape that can make a cat shape- walking behind her like a shadow ...or a crow shape....It would look like the cape was dragging over an animal or object and taking its shape.

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    I'm confused by the Prop no 30, the icon and the promo image show a drape that appears to flow out like a train on a skirt, but when I load in prop 30 thats not what I seem to get, which ever way I turn it I can't seem to get it to flow down onto the floor.

    953 x 335 - 77K
  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited September 2017
    scorpio said:

    I'm confused by the Prop no 30, the icon and the promo image show a drape that appears to flow out like a train on a skirt, but when I load in prop 30 thats not what I seem to get, which ever way I turn it I can't seem to get it to flow down onto the floor.

    @scorpio Good catch! That's my mistake. It should load the prop pictured in the thumbnail (the gown extension). I will go ahead and release an update to fix that.

    Not sure how that slipped through the cracks, blush


    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • AntManAntMan Posts: 2,078

    Really nice set so well done!


  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    scorpio said:

    I'm confused by the Prop no 30, the icon and the promo image show a drape that appears to flow out like a train on a skirt, but when I load in prop 30 thats not what I seem to get, which ever way I turn it I can't seem to get it to flow down onto the floor.

    @scorpio Good catch! That's my mistake. It should load the pop pictured in the thumbnail (the gown extension). I will go ahead and release an update to fix that.

    Not sure how that slipped through the cracks, blush


    Thank you - thought I was going crazy trying to figure out how the one that loads could be made to look like the icon.

  • I'll second a cape with hood up and down.  Drives me INSANE that I can't move the hood.  And the rest are also good ideas.

    #12 would be solved by #10

    The hair busting through the cape can be solved using Sickleyields Hat and Hair helpers.

  • I know anything Philo makes will be great, but almost all of the hoods I have do have an up/down morph... they're just not always in the place I look first. So this would not be a selling point particularly.

  • I'm having a problem with Flying Fabric Cloth 10.  The texture is not tiling.  Setting it to tile 90x90 renders exactly the same as tiling 1x1.  I tried other shader presets from other vendors as well with no luck.  Any ideas?

  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    I'm having a problem with Flying Fabric Cloth 10.  The texture is not tiling.  Setting it to tile 90x90 renders exactly the same as tiling 1x1.  I tried other shader presets from other vendors as well with no luck.  Any ideas?

    It seems to be working for me ok - are you sure you aren't using a shader where the tiling doesn't show in the preview just when rendered, there are some for 3dl like that.

  • I'm using Iray, and have started a few renders to check it.  Might be just a bug on my computer.

  • Hmmm, that is odd. I never experienced a tiling issue like that before. Maybe Richard might have an idea. One thing you can check: In the \data\The Philosopher\Flying Fabric\Flying-Fabric-Cloth10\ folder, there should be a "UV Sets" subfolder with "default.dsf" inside. Also, I know this is a basic question for a veteran such as yourself, but what driver/Daz version are you running? 


  • I do have the "default.dsf" file in the UV folder.  I am running DAZ Studio version Pro Edition 64 bit.  I didn't have that problem with other cloth props in the set, just cloth 10.  Changing the tiling size did nothing either in preview or the render, nor did manually changing the various image map tilings using the functions of the "image editor".  It reminds me of a bizarre problem I had about a year ago, where I would move props in the preview window, but when I rendered the scene, they would still render as if I had never moved them.  I never figured out that one, either.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Just starting to play with this and I love it! More shinies and pretties! Woohoo!


  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484
    scorpio said:

    I'm confused by the Prop no 30, the icon and the promo image show a drape that appears to flow out like a train on a skirt, but when I load in prop 30 thats not what I seem to get, which ever way I turn it I can't seem to get it to flow down onto the floor.

    @scorpio Good catch! That's my mistake. It should load the prop pictured in the thumbnail (the gown extension). I will go ahead and release an update to fix that.

    Not sure how that slipped through the cracks, blush


    Update was in my DIM this morning and the prop 30 now loads prop 30, thank you

  • PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039
    edited October 2017
    scorpio said:

    Update was in my DIM this morning and the prop 30 now loads prop 30, thank you

    Nice, glad to see the update rolled out quickly. yes


    Llynara said:

    Just starting to play with this and I love it! More shinies and pretties! Woohoo!


    Nice render Llynara. I can't figure out which cloth this is, or if you combined two together. Nice job making it look unique.


    Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited October 2017

    Thanks, Davide! That is "Flying Fabric Cloth Piece 3" with one of Fabiana's Silk Shaders on it. I adjusted the fabric the best I could for the pose, then parented to her hip and enabled smoothing (6 iterations.) There was still a little poke through that I fixed in Photoshop. 

    These are truly beautiful and versatile pieces. They compliment Jepe's veils and "sheetz" very well. Can't wait to do some more renders with them! 

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • HeraHera Posts: 1,958

    Hello P!

    May I ask what poses were used in the promo



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