Just Released: Ktarya Bundle for Genesis 3 and Genesis 8 Females [Commercial]

ThorneThorne Posts: 170
edited August 2017 in Daz PA Commercial Products
1000 x 1300 - 1M
Post edited by Thorne on


  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138

    She's absolutely beautiful, I just about threw my shoulder out adding her to my cart so fast.  She's easily my favorite g8 model so far, from here or the other site.


    Love this bundle. Practically jumped in my cart.


  • morkmork Posts: 278
    edited August 2017

    Very nice character, indeed. I'm missing a material, but I made an exception to my rule this time and purchased anyway.
    Here's a quick render with DAZ Horse 2 (+Iray material upgrade). Scene still needs some tweaks here and there, but you get the idea. ;)


    Here's another real quick render. Did I say lovely character yet? :)
    With this render I have the usual troubles posing the hair, to obey gravity. I'd love to have that strand on the left more straight, pointing downwards, but I could not find a good combination of morphs quickly. While concentrating on that part, I totaly forgot about the back hair, but since the render was already done when I noticed...
    Also hope this does not count as nudity already, I tried my best to cover the breast (and added a panty from G3F "Tears of Gods").

    Another edit:
    That "Visible in Simulation" button on the hair caught my interest... Anyone knows more about it? To me it looks like physics simulation is incoming (YES!!!!), but I might misinterpret it?

    1125 x 800 - 885K
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    526 x 440 - 77K
    Post edited by mork on
  • tj_1ca9500btj_1ca9500b Posts: 2,057
    edited August 2017

    I like what was done with the clothing in this bundle.  It falls very nicely between overly conservative and skimpwear.  Very well designed, with a number of very nice looking accessories.

    Well done!

    Post edited by tj_1ca9500b on
  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505

    This looks amazingly well built. It's not even really in my primary area of interest but it all looks so clean! Tempting!

  • I noticed this said for g3 and g8. I'm assuming that the promos are G8, does anyone have G3 and does the skin, body morphs look as good? Fantasy isn't what I normally render, but the outfit is very nice and I have a character idea for the greenish skin girl. So I'm thinking about getting the bundle if it plays nice with G3. Thanks.

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391

    The promos are a mix of G3 and G8.  Thorne, SWAM, and I all have trouble telling the difference between the two generations, so I can safely say it "plays nice with G3"... of course, you may think I am biased, so hopefully someone who has bought the bundle will chime in and let you know from a customer's point of view smiley

  • ThorneThorne Posts: 170

    Thank you!  and I love the horse image smiley

    Slosh is right, I can't tell the difference lol I made similar images for both versions, but the images below were made with the Genesis 3 versions:


    1000 x 1300 - 956K
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
    1000 x 1300 - 1M
  • morkmork Posts: 278

    Here is a quick one, left G8, right G3, this time with the correct bundle clothing (part of it. didn't notice I used the wrong clothing previously)

    Unfortunately there seems to be a problem with the material of the G3 panty for me.
    I have such things with new products quite often lately, not sure what's going on. Might be my Studio, who knows. *shurgs*

    742 x 1200 - 1M
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391

    The G3 panty loads with the Fire texture if you load individually.  This was something I didn't discover until two days ago and fixing it then would have held up the release schedule.  If you load the entire outfit at once, I think it loads correctly.  My apologies (and embarrassment).  But, I don't think it requires an update, since the garment works fine, just needs to have the desired texture applied with the included presets.

  • morkmork Posts: 278

    Ah okay, thank you very much for the information. Super easy to fix, no problem then! :)
    I actually did not know yet that there are multiple materials, I was too busy doing renders with the default clothes. :D Thank you very much for these!

  • GreybroGreybro Posts: 2,505
    edited August 2017


    Post edited by Greybro on
  • Thanks for the info and comparisson renders, Slosh, Thorne and mork. I really love the whole look!  Been in the cart all night and now it's sold ;)

  • jcbunnjcbunn Posts: 271
    edited August 2017

    I do wish the icons were labled for G3 and G8 or marked on the image.

    I have to read the file path to tell which is witch, when viewing and selecting them it "Smart Content"

    Post edited by jcbunn on
  • ThorneThorne Posts: 170

    Thanks for your feedback. I always just select them under their respective base figure folders but yes, visually there is no discernible difference between the versions. blush

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    jcbunn said:

    I do wish the icons were labled for G3 and G8 or marked on the image.

    I have to read the file path to tell which is witch, when viewing and selecting them it "Smart Content"

    I wish the same... to be honest, when we were setting up this bundle, we had the G3 and G8 versions as separate products.  But, after giving it much thought and discussion with Daz, it seemed a better idea to combine them.  As a result, none of us had labeled our thumbnails to differentiate.  I think I might try to do that (as well as fix the underwear texture that loads with the panties) and submit an update.  But first, I will check with Daz to see if that will mess things up for people.  I don't want to cause issues for anyone

  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    I'm slowly buying your old characters, as I've found the textures convert great. Transferring the morphs usually works decently too.

  • ThorneThorne Posts: 170

    Another thing you can do is mouse over the icons- all of the icons come with 250x250 tip images and this will give you the filepath for each file, Genesis 3, Genesis 8, etc.  Sorry about that!  As Slosh said, they were originally separate packs and were combined after all the images were made.



  • fastbike1fastbike1 Posts: 4,078
    edited August 2017

    No one asked me, but  am amazed that people keep using "Smart" Content when it is constantly shown to be not so "Smart" and in fact often seems to limit or obscure peoples view of their content.

    Post edited by fastbike1 on
  • dragotxdragotx Posts: 1,138
    fastbike1 said:

    No one asked me, but  am amzed that people keep using "Smart" Content when it is constantly shown to be not so "Smart" and in fact often seems to limit or obscure peoples view of their content.

    From what I've seen, there appears to be a pretty strong divide between relative newbies and old hands on wetter they use smart content or not. The ones that have been around the block use content library because it is what they are used to, and if you know how to navigate it, it's fine. But newbies like me started with smart content, and stick with it because it is what they are used to. Also, it's more of a modern UI and should be the go to interface for everyone IF it ever gets fixed enough to be as comprehensive ad the content library. I use smart content much more than content library, but I do use both depending on what I'm looking for. In my case, content library could be easier to use than it is, but that would require wiping out my entire library and reinstalling everything due to how cluttered it has gotten with files that did not get put where they should have been.
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited August 2017

    Well, I use Smart Content AND the Content Library.  Some things are easier to get to through Smart Content, others are not.  But, since this thread was started to discuss the Ktarya character, hair, and clothing, I will not say anything else about Smart Content.

    I did, however, want to show how well the outfit autofits to the Genesis 3 Males.  This is Kimo 7 wearing (most) of the suit.

    Ktarya Kimo.png
    1000 x 1300 - 886K
    Post edited by Slosh on
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