200 Plus Head and Face morphs for Genesis 8 (Commercial)



  • inception8inception8 Posts: 280

    Ah ...but... can it do random? Random is always nice or fun. Like a random dice button. It adds the element of surprise.

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited September 2020
    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • inception8inception8 Posts: 280
    Zev0 said:

    Just use something like this https://www.daz3d.com/simtenero-randomizer

    I should have assumed someone already thought of it. Right on.

  • CHWTCHWT Posts: 1,183
    Zev0 said:

    "Essentially, you're saying I can use the morphs in a new, distributable character as long as it has been baked into a new single obj and re rigged."

    Yes that is correct, or just have the face as a preset if you want people to customize your face. Hmm wasn't aware the G3M version was an MR lol. Then again Dogz handled that versions  release. My bad:)

    Hi Zev0, my goal is to create the same character across both G8M and G3M figures. I would like to know (1) whether the G8M version contains more or less the same morphs in the G3M version & (2) if the answer to (1) is no then how can I achieve my goal without violating your usage rules. Thank you very much! (The G8 bundle is on massive sale today so I am planning to purchase it ;) )
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    Male and female have the same morphs. A preset on female should load on male and dial up the corresponding morphs. They all located in same place.

  • CHWTCHWT Posts: 1,183
    Zev0 said:

    Male and female have the same morphs. A preset on female should load on male and dial up the corresponding morphs. They all located in same place.

    Hi Zev0, so if I purchased both G8M and G3M versions (which I have just done so lol) and I dial the G8M and G3M morphs with the same names (which I also compared, most of them have the same morph names), then I should create basically the same character for both G8M and G3M (except the zero pose difference) ?
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    I'll have to check if they identical between generations. I do know they identical male and female on same generation.
  • CHWTCHWT Posts: 1,183
    Zev0 said:
    I'll have to check if they identical between generations. I do know they identical male and female on same generation.

    Thanks Zev0!
  • CHWTCHWT Posts: 1,183
    Zev0 said:
    I'll have to check if they identical between generations. I do know they identical male and female on same generation.

    Hi Zev0, based on my experience in my character creation process, I can say the main differences between the G8M & G3M versions are in the "depths" morphs, namely Face Upper Depth, Eye Lids Depth, Eye Lids Inner Depth, Eyes Outer Depth, and Chin Depth. How can I achieve the same face shape for G8M & G3M without violating your usage rules? Thank you!
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited September 2020

    Well to rename is gonna be an issue. Other alternative is bake out head morph combo on G3 and transfer that morph to Genesis 8. But if you want it preserved as a presets you will have to rename the Genesis 3 morphs to match G8 and then resave them. Only way you violate usage rules is selling a product that contains multiple head shapes that are not presets in one product offering. Baking the dials as one head shape is allowed.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • CHWTCHWT Posts: 1,183
    Zev0 said:

    Well to rename is gonna be an issue. Other alternative is bake out head morph combo on G3 and transfer that morph to Genesis 8. But if you want it preserved as a presets you will have to rename the Genesis 3 morphs to match G8 and then resave them. Only way you violate usage rules is selling a product that contains multiple head shapes that are not presets in one product offering. Baking the dials as one head shape is allowed.

    Hi Zev0, noted. Thank you so much !
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited September 2020
    You're welcome.
    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • I am new here, but I've been trying to use the "200 Plus Head and Face Morphs for Genesis 8 Female" I just installed and am getting the message "an error occurred while reading the file see the log file for more details" I've been looking through many tutorials and help videos but don't know what to do can anyone help?

  • strathconastockings said:

    I am new here, but I've been trying to use the "200 Plus Head and Face Morphs for Genesis 8 Female" I just installed and am getting the message "an error occurred while reading the file see the log file for more details" I've been looking through many tutorials and help videos but don't know what to do can anyone help?

    Which file, exactly, are you trying to load? What is selected in the Scene pane? How did you install?

  • I cant install it manually  " https://www.daz3d.com/200-plus-head-and-face-morphs-bundle-for-genesis-8-female-s-and-male-s "this file . Is there somebody who can teach me how to do?

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited April 2021

    Hi Guys. I messed up something in the update that went live recently. I accidently inverted the Jaw Depth Morph when I updated the products. What this means is all presets that use this morph have its strength appearance flipped. There will be an official update but here are the corrections for those who do not want to wait.




    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    Zev0 said:

    Hi Guys. I messed up something in the update that went live recently. I accidently inverted the Jaw Depth Morph when I updated the products. What this means is all presets that use this morph have its strength appearance flipped. There will be an official update but here are the corrections for those who do not want to wait.




    Thank you for these corrections. Why was there a DIM update a few days ago? Did it have something to do with G8.1?

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited April 2021

    Has to do with 200 plus puppeteer interface. Some morphs had to be added and some tweaked. Click on my banner to see why it was updated.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    New update should be live. Thanks

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    Thanks, Zev0, for your excellence!

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,249

    I just updated. I don't understand how to get the 200 Plus morphs to work together with Puppeteer in the way it seems to work in that movie Zev0 posted. I have Puppeteer open, and I've selected both the head and the body (just to see if that would do it), but the screen shot will show all I see. (Of course, the sliders are there in the Shaping Tab.)

    Screen Shot 2021-04-20 at 11.17.29 AM.png
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  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited April 2021

    200 Plus Puppeteer is a new product not released yet. The update was to make sure 200 plus base products is compatible and linked properly as they are a requirement.

    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,249

    So this is the product, just showing up today?

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited April 2021
    The puppeteer addon yes. 200 Plus head morphs have been in the store for a while already.
    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,249

    OK, I'm trying the product out. A few things I need help understanding. (I have read the Product help interface.) [I'm running this on a Macintosh Pro, by the way, late 2013 Edition, running OS 10.15.7 [Catalina], and DAZ Studio, 64-bit, Pro Macintosh version, obviously, if that makes a difference. So, I'm not running this in Windows.]

    First, if I want to save a preset, should I switch into edit mode, or can I just leave it in preview mode? (I saved it just in Preview Mode.)

    Second, I have 2 DAZ Studio Content folders. In the Content folder in which I have Genesis 3 and Genesis 8, there are no Preset/PuppeteerPresets folders. They do exist in another Content folder, in which I have M4, David 3, Genesis 1, etc. So, I saved a preset and it was automatically saved there. 

    Is it all right if, in the Content folder in which I have Genesis 3 and Genesis 8, I create the folders Preset and PuppeteerPresets? (It would be more convenient to have the presets for Genesis 8 in the same Content folder along with Genesis 8.)

    Third, I don't mind redoing the preset, but is it all right to just remove the saved preset from the other Content folder, and place it in a newly created PuppeteerPresets folder?

    Fourth, if I start a new scene, load a character, open Puppeteer, and load the saved PuppeteerPreset, I don't seem to see any change to the character's head or face. (Is that because I saved the preset in Preview mode?) I can drag the dots or points around, and then I do see changes. Should a loaded, saved PuppeteerPreset, just automatically change the character's face?

    The instructions say "to delete any unwanted points simply right click on them and simply choose the option delete selected pose." Well, when I right click on a point, I get "toggle enabled." I can see "delete selected pose" only in that top menu that pulls on to the side, along with "update selected pose." Clearly, I'm not understanding this part of the instructions. I'll include screen shots of what I see when I right click.

    In the instructions, under Editing Pose Points, it says that in order to modify an existing point on a layer (Tab), "go into edit mode and be sure the figure is reset." I'm not sure what this means. How is the figure to be reset?

    OK, I think that does it for now. This does seem like a great product. I just need to understand it better.


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    Right Click 2.png
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  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098
    edited April 2021

    "First, if I want to save a preset, should I switch into edit mode, or can I just leave it in preview mode? (I saved it just in Preview Mode.)"

    Doesn't matter what mode you in.

    "Is it all right if, in the Content folder in which I have Genesis 3 and Genesis 8, I create the folders Preset and PuppeteerPresets?"

    As long as that content folder has the 200 plus morphs as well as preset it should work fine.

    Third, I don't mind redoing the preset, but is it all right to just remove the saved preset from the other Content folder, and place it in a newly created PuppeteerPresets folder?

    Yes that shouldn't be a problem as long as the linked or used morphs are in same content folder.

    The instructions say "to delete any unwanted points simply right click on them and simply choose the option delete selected pose.

    Are you in edit mode?

    "How is the figure to be reset?"

    No shape or pose dials must be active. If you save a point and anything is dialed up it will be assigned to that point. So when you want to save a point make sure only desired morphs is active.



    Post edited by Zev0 on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,249

    From above:

    I wrote: "The instructions say "to delete any unwanted points simply right click on them and simply choose the option delete selected pose."

    You wrote: "Are you in edit mode?"

    OOPA! No, I was not in edit mode. I guess that was it.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,249

    Playing around with this product yesterday, I came up with what looked like some really good facial expressions. Could I use this product for facial expressions, too? (The answer seems to be "Yes.") But, if I am doing a kind of comic book story, and I don't want that facial expression for the next render, is there a quick way to reset the items on the face or head that I changed? 

  • Zev0Zev0 Posts: 7,098

    You can use puppeteer in general for expressions, doesn't have to be tied down to the product presets.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,249

    OK, but is there a quick way to remove what I've done in puppeteer and get back to a neutral expression, or to undo all the changes that have been made with the product presets?

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