Looking for a tutorial on setting up hinge type rotations (doors, etc.)

I am currently working on a project that requires several doors and objects which rotate around a pivot point. Because several of these objects have more than one moving part (like a light fixture that can both tilt and swivel) and will need to be moved around quite a bit, I would like to be able to set up the movements so that they can be controlled through a dial if possible. Does anyone know of a good tutorial on this subject?
Thanks in advance.
I don;t know of any tutorials, it is a simple enough task to move the origin of the object to where you want it.#
It is even easier nowadays by using the Joint Editor (Alt+Shift+J), and you can select each axis and move the origin to where you want it. You just hover over the axis you want (coloured), and grab it with the mouse button and move it.
There are a few posts on the subject, if you do a search for Joint Editor you may find them, in the meantime, I will have a look for you.
When I encountered a similar problem a couple of weeks ago I found a response by Szark which explained how to set rotation points.
He uses the “Joint Editor” Tool in Daz 4.5 as follows - “When you engage the Joint Editor tool your Translation/Scale, Rotation Gizmo Tool will change giving you two small Translation tools one Red and one Green As shown in image two. All you need to do then is go into the Orthographic Cameras, Left, Right, Front etc and reposition the Gizmos manually with the mouse. The new position will be saved with the scene.”
randomthoughts said it all, thank you. ;)