Power armor?
Posts: 1,138
Does anyone know of any heavy power armor like from Fallout? Not looking for the actual fallout armor, just something similar
For which figure? I don't know what the Fallout stuff looks like, but check Valandar's store for one.
Really for any figure would work, it'd even be ok as it's own dedicated figure. I'd prefer G3/G8, but I can work with any of them. this is similar to the actual pic I'm wanting to make, and a good example of the type of armor I'm looking for (got it off the link from RKane) http://orig13.deviantart.net/6acb/f/2015/339/6/f/powered_by_lonefirewarrior-d9j2r89.jpg. Thanks for the tip on Valandar, I'll hit his store and see what he's got.
Thanks for the link, I probably should have included a sample. Problem with being a fan, I automatically assumed everyone would know what I was talking about. Doh. Valandar has a couple that are close, but not really what I'm looking for. HIs are all more mech suits, less a suit of power armor. I'm wanting something more human scaled.
I'm a fan of these:
https://www.daz3d.com/coalition-rapier-armor and more from the same vendor.
Yes, it's M4, but it's armor; slap some cool shaders on and rock it. And if you have a bit where you see your G8 figure in the armor, you can finesse that.
Oh awesome, especially with the https://www.daz3d.com/coalition-claymore-armor addon for it, that's much closer to what I'm looking for. And oh how did I forget about the BEO figure he has? That one should work almost perfectly for most of the shots I'm thinking of, and I've already got it! Thanks!
Here's the first render I was planning to do, thanks for all the suggestions!