The new site ...the new Coke?

I know all the complaints have been made. Nothing new to add. I used to check this site multiple times a day. Now maybe once. Probably less as days continue to pass. At a minimum, seems keeping the automatic log on would have been fixed by now since every other site or forum I have ever visited has this functionality.
Oh well, as I said nothing new to say. Just wondering if the folks that thought the "New" Coke was good idea now work for DAZ and have spearheaded this change in site/store/forums.
As I understand "New Coke", it was introduced to mask the difference in taste while they moved from real sugar to corn syrup in the formulation. The new site does leave a much different taste in my mouth over the old site.
On the other hand, I do spend much less money than I used to, so there is an up-side.
Great comparison, especially for those of us old enough to remember New Coke.
fortunately the Carrara forum
(we are forum 66! no kicks though!)
moves slowly enough to see posts since last visit logged in or not!
searching "new posts" leaves a lot out so there is much new stuff I never see inc stuff I replied to unless I search my username.
I hate not being able to embed video too,
also a lot of the time I clicked on videos in posts but tend to not go to links as I have no preview of what it is so do not know if it is worth buffering etc as embedded videos show time etc.
being on Android I could choose to view them through the YouTube app instead of the browser, links tend to skip that option.
I had forgotten all about New Coke. That stuff really didn't have a good taste. When Coke Classic came onto the scene, it didn't taste right to me, but I never dreamed they got rid of the sugar. LOL!
I blamed my taste buds.
I search the new posts all the time and many times, when I search each individual forum, I find new posts that didn't show up under "new posts!"
Yeah, our forum here does move slowly enough to keep track of. The commons is unworkable at 20 pages and climbing.
I have to chime in here...
Since they changed the layout/design of the web shop, I am not visiting the shop as often as I did in the past.
The filter functions and categories a pain to use, making it quite annyoing to find something interesting.
Besides that, since the majority of released content is DazStudio "only" content, as Carrara/Poser user I am also not interested in leaving money here, anymore. Good for my finances :D I left so much money here in the past.
I am also a bit sad, that so much nice old content vanished from the forums. I know I can still access it via the archives. But that's not the same.
I have to agree with most all the comments here. I definitely have found the new web site a step backwards for me . It really did not improve my experience that is for sure. I hope some folks like it ..would be a shame to put such effort and find out you are losing customers.
Even the last few old timers are giving up hope. This is one of the biggest blunders by Daz, ever. Loss for words. Shame, that's a word, yea Shame.
Whoever in management made this decision should be shown the door. Maybe we should start a poll.
:down: Yeah... Now there's some issue with the PC turning into a coupon.... The site is a lot harder to use now. I don't think I'm getting my money's worth. I'm not investing in anything Genesis until it gets finalized and is part of Carrara, so I'm not really buying anything. With the forums like this it isn't even fun to come browse the nutty topics.
I cannot seem to get the shop to show
"all products and promotions"
which I prefer to first have, then apply filters
because the given catagories are not always the options that I wish to filter out.
eg, for spending my platclub voucher, wanted ALL the Daz originals sans platynumb and new releases as this is all I CAN spend it on so needed the complete list.
but you just cannot get it!!!
it has to be people or clothing or something first!
so you have to re-search through EVERY catagory applying Daz as the vendor and checking release date.
likewise if I want to search ALL Genesis compatible stuff, it has to be first under a catagory such as clothing, people, new releases etc!
Skiriki's sigline held the answer to the first one, ie Daz originals
but still does not solve the issue of getting EVERYTHING in the shop to show then applying the filter you wish.
prob a way but it eludes me
I used to just pick all products and promotions but one cannot seem to do that.
Agree that the new site seems a step (maybe two) backwards - not loving it all.
it annoys me my available downloads isn't filtered anymore .
Great shame the time money and effort used on it could not have been applied to making Cararra what it could be -
That is - updated improved and working or just an uptodate manual would be ok !!
oh well ! suppose Daz peoples knows what they are doing ?
I think the biggest downer for me is the archived forums. There was such a wealth of information, but now when I google something and click on the link, it's dead. I can't go sifting through years of archives -- that's what Google (was doing) does for me.
Huge, huge loss that is.
As for the whole Gensis/Carrara thing, I feel like I might be totally alone in this, but something makes me uneasy about Gensis. There's something creatively limiting about it, which is strange because it's designed to be the opposite. Something about Genesis feels very Walmarty to me. It feels like the one-size-fits-all hats at Walmart. For some reason I'm just not down with the Genesis.
But I think a ton of Carrara users would love to have it, so I hope it comes over soon.
I'm still using version 7, so I don't have to worry about it. :)
Website is a massive step backwards. I can't understand why they nuked so many old and helpful threads :(
All threads in public areas of the old forums should still be accessible, though it takes a fiddle with urls to see images.
Please direct your attention to the forumarchive web site.
Try to load a few pages.
Count how many seconds it takes to load each and every page.
You will find that it takes about 23 seconds.
DAZ did something a couple of weeks ago that broke the archive site worse than it was already.
Ever since then, every forumarchive page waits 23 seconds before it begins to load. Clearly the server is waiting for something to time-out before it sends each page.
Even though the archive has other problems, it didn't have this "delay" problem untill recently.
I keep posting this information every time I see the forumarchive subject come up, but no one with any authority ever acknowledges it.
I think the DAZ web programmers are oblivious to this problem.
Assuming you mean the old forum -well if you guys would support the Carrara dedicated website you would see there is a "working" link there to the old Daz forums
check it out and adopt the cafe as your first Carrara stop - it will only get better with your support !!
Come can't be actually think people are going to take the time and hassle to check out multiple websites for a single piece of software? Ain't gonna happen. For many reasons. Yeah, a few might, but for the vast majority it's far too much hassle. Not sure if it's a DAZ site, but having two websites for one piece of software is a really bad idea.
. Not sure if it's a DAZ site, but having two websites for one piece of software is a really bad idea.
Yes it is a daz website and I agree two are not good - so why not favour the Cafe !! has a great gallery for showcasing images (something I see people often trying to make a thread about on here)
and videos embed with just a link
I prefer Pepsi ;-P
What does that mean Wendy?
just stick a link like this
in and post and your video is embedded, too easy!
(unlike this place :roll: )
Yes in many ways would be better if everyone spent more time on that site as would give DAZ an indication of interest in Carrara. And the gallery is really pretty cool to check out. Kudos to all who are there.
Yes it is a daz website and I agree two are not good - so why not favour the Cafe !! has a great gallery for showcasing images (something I see people often trying to make a thread about on here)
I actually like having two sites. The cafe seems a lot more relaxed. People say what they want to say. I haven't seen any brawls break out over there and my bloody posts don't get snatched down.
The traffic just isn't heavy enough yet. I thought the new Daz forums would drive more of us over there, but it doesn't seem to have worked that way.
I'll keep visiting the cafe.