DAZ Studio Content Creation with Blender by SickleYield - Live Tutorial this Sunday (Commercial)

Digital Art LiveDigital Art Live Posts: 123

Interested in including the free modelling software Blender into your DAZ Content Creation workflow?

Join us for this two part course on taking advantage of Blender, the free open source 3D creation suite.

We have a two part live class presented by SickleYield starting this Sunday. Registration for the class will include the recording and the recording will also be available in the DAZ store within a few weeks after broadcast.


A first reaction to learning Blender is to to push all the buttons and wait for something to happen, but with that haphazard way of learning, the novelty of that will soon wear off!

There's no faster way to understand something than to learn from someone who does. SickleYield has had Blender incorporated into her workflow for creating content with DAZ Studio in the long term, so she is very familiar with everything to watch for when using this toolset.

In this two part course, we're going to be creating a sword prop, something with enough simplicity yet allowance for variation where you can follow along and create your own masterpieces in your digital modelling forges.

Blender Webinar 1 : Sunday July 30th

-BONUS Blender shortcuts PDF!
-Base meshing techniques and methods
-Strip modelling
-Box modelling
-Using mirroring and extrusion
-Repeating segments
-Rules for creating clean models
-Mesh a loincloth and a sword
-UV mapping
-Conclusion and Q&A

Blender Webinar 2: Sunday August 6th

-BONUS video on using sims in Blender!
-Basics of Sculpting
-Different strokes
-Different curves
-The sculpting brush optoins
-Morph Creation
-Normal Map Creation (and HD morphs)
-Vertex Group Assignment
-Material Assignment
-Texture Painting

Post edited by Digital Art Live on


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited July 2017

    Which version of Blender is used in the tutorial?

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Instant buy!!!

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644
    edited July 2017
    BeeMKay said:

    Which version of Blender is used in the tutorial?

    I'm on 2.78c, the most current build at the moment.  It's not very efficient as regards Cycles renders (which I hope will be fixed in the next version) but we won't be using the Cycles engine at all in the tutorial (nor need it for Daz Studio use), so I don't think it's likely to be relevant.  You don't have to have that but 2.6 or later is recommended.  Remember, if you need to use a specific version that isn't this, it's easy and free to install multiple versions of Blender side by side.

    Post edited by SickleYield on
  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Thank you. I have a 2.5 version installed somewhere, but I will install the newer version tomorrow.

    I'm very much looking forward to this tutorial. :) I only have some basic knowledge of using Hexagon, and Blender so far has always fried my brain.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Another tutorial for the wish list.... Ugh I just need to win the darn lottery.  This one will be going to the top of the list though.

  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Top of my tutorial list also.

  • ArtisanSArtisanS Posts: 209

    Looks like interesting. I use Blender on a professional basis all the time and I must say (and fellow converts agree) that Blender is a seriously efficient 3D content creation suite. But since everyone I know is using Blender in a different way I'm curious in what way you're workflow differs from mine and that will cost me a few bucks, but knowing you and you're work those will be wisely invested, even for an old Blender nerd like me!

    BTW, I've got 2.8 installed as well including EEVEE the spectacular real time PBR rendering viewport.......found it lacking a bit of integration as of yet...... and a bit buggy as well as for instance import routines were not up to par, but hey I''m also eagerly awaiting the final release.

    Greets, ArtisanS

    Ah and a tip: I do refuse to use Blender without Hard Ops 8 (or so) active......a great add-on for hard object modelling, complex to use but once learned a huge time saver all round.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited August 2017

    There.. finally got through session one, and redid the sword as well as made my first ever piece of clothing, following the instructions from the webinar. Maybe next week, I'll be able to start with sculpting and actual texturing, rather than just slapping some shader presets onto the material zones.

    Thanks again to Sickleyield for a great turorial, and excellent support afterwards.

    Blender modelling is actually growing on me, though I still am struggling with all the commands.

    2000 x 1125 - 335K
    2000 x 1125 - 382K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • SigurdSigurd Posts: 1,091

    Nice work!

  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644

    Hey, I'm sorry I missed that post!  Nice progress. :)

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,115

    I bought this and I have been watching it. I created the sword. When I mapped it for some reason, the hilt? (handle) split into 4 pieces. But I'm sure I only selected a seam around the center. Anyone know what I did wrong?

    Now I'm trying to create the Loin cloth. I exported Genesis 8 Male as a base mesh with zero subdivision. The screens looked different than what I saw in the video, but I tried to follow it as close as I could. I used the Daz Studio export option. Then I'm imported the OBJ into blender. He comes in okay, and I set up the other settings for the grid, etc, but then I discovered that I couldn't switch to edit mode. I think I have to switch to edit mode to start modeling the loin cloth. Don't I? With G8M in the blender scene, the only option is OBJECT. If I create a new scene, there are other options including edit. So what am I doing wrong?


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    KevinH said:

    I bought this and I have been watching it. I created the sword. When I mapped it for some reason, the hilt? (handle) split into 4 pieces. But I'm sure I only selected a seam around the center. Anyone know what I did wrong?

    Now I'm trying to create the Loin cloth. I exported Genesis 8 Male as a base mesh with zero subdivision. The screens looked different than what I saw in the video, but I tried to follow it as close as I could. I used the Daz Studio export option. Then I'm imported the OBJ into blender. He comes in okay, and I set up the other settings for the grid, etc, but then I discovered that I couldn't switch to edit mode. I think I have to switch to edit mode to start modeling the loin cloth. Don't I? With G8M in the blender scene, the only option is OBJECT. If I create a new scene, there are other options including edit. So what am I doing wrong?


    Did you select the G8M object before trying to switch to Edit mode?

  • Kev914Kev914 Posts: 1,115

    Well, he had orange outlines around the parts of his body, so I assumed that that meant he was selected. But I just tried adding a plane and it let me switch to edit mode. I deselected everything and went back to object mode. Then I selected one of the body parts and I was able to switch to edit mode as well, so I guess he wasn't selected. Thanks.

  • KevinH said:

    Well, he had orange outlines around the parts of his body, so I assumed that that meant he was selected. But I just tried adding a plane and it let me switch to edit mode. I deselected everything and went back to object mode. Then I selected one of the body parts and I was able to switch to edit mode as well, so I guess he wasn't selected. Thanks.

    Thanks for your query KevinH. I'll also message SickleYield to see if she's like to add to the conversation.

  • KevinH said:

    Well, he had orange outlines around the parts of his body, so I assumed that that meant he was selected. But I just tried adding a plane and it let me switch to edit mode. I deselected everything and went back to object mode. Then I selected one of the body parts and I was able to switch to edit mode as well, so I guess he wasn't selected. Thanks.

    It sounds like you've figured it out, but for future reference: recent versions of Blender show a newly-imported object outlined in orange, but do not consider the object "selected" unless you unselect it (hit A until nothing in the scene is highlighted, or select some other object) and then select it again.  I don't know why it does this or what the purpose is, but it has annoyed me occasionally as well.  :D  You fixed it by adding and selecting another object, which then caused it to "unhighlight" the imported item.

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