Released: Giant Monster Spider HD [Commercial]



  • we have several types down here yeah Redback is kinda an icon spider, Huntsmen are very common down here in Tasmania. Even little spiders aren't nice I've actually had them chase after me when I've sprayed them no matter what dierection I went they turned and chased. I've had was either a centerpied or millipied crawling around my not very happy place then inside my boxer shorts when I was in bed drawing felt something moving in them jumped out of bed ripped them off and saw it in them. There are also spiders that kill and eat snakes. Yeah we have some of the weirest and deadliest creatures in the world


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  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    Genesis 3 might be a safer bet for creating a hybrid. She would already have plenty of pre-existing creature geografts (wings, horns, talons - even cybernetics) to combine with it for even more unique looks.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Well, once you start down that road, go with Genesis. ;)


  • just looking through my memories for today on facebook came across this aussie spider never seen one myself but pretty though if you made him probably get some say it fake but there are some pretty ones Image may contain: plant, outdoor and nature

    this is the description they had This is a female Thwaitesia nigronodosa, nicknamed the Mirror Spider. This beautiful, little-known Australian species is just 5mm long, and observations in the wild have suggested that when it is at ease, those mirror plates sit close together to form an almost uniform reflective surface, but when it is agitated, the mirrors shrink to reveal the spider's reddish abdomen underneath. 


    then there's this blue one seen few pics of it that'd be cool one to do No automatic alt text available.

    there quite a few colourful ones actually so if you are planning of doing other types of spiders some of the colourful ones would be cool

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    timmins.william said:

    Well, once you start down that road, go with Genesis. ;)

    Alas, the first Genesis incarnation isn't HD or, for the most part, designed for Iray. G2 started to be, but G3 was where both properly reached a standard of near-photorealism for creature-related stuff. For a hybrid, like this, there's a lot of pre-existing creature-themed geografts and morphs which can instantly be cycled into it. The G8 range has yet to even gain a fraction of that, because it's so new.

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Not designed for Iray? Um, huh?

  • some of the prehistoric and fantasy type spiders be cool too like that one in kong with the claws/pincers another bug might be good would be a giant worm with a lot of movement bones so you could really twist it around a victim. Bugs make great monsters

  • XenomorphineXenomorphine Posts: 2,421

    Not designed for Iray? Um, huh?

    I don't recall a single Genesis character which was created with Iray in mind, no. Genesis 3 was where HD and Iray-compatible skins properly came together.

    For G8, I'm honestly still unsure what the advantage is... It still doesn't have anything unique which is as revolutionary as the introduction of HD morphs or Iray were. One would have thought that Daz would at least be packaging V8 and co with their HD necessities, by now!

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    Genesis and even M4 can have very high quality Iray skins, there's nothing about figure design that has anything to do with that.

    I just don't want anyone reading this to be mislead and assume you need Genesis 3 or 8 to 'properly' use Iray

  • Oso3DOso3D Posts: 15,045

    As for HD... that's more work and cost.

    How much would people be likely to adopt V8 if the HD cost was rolled right in?

  • Sfariah DSfariah D Posts: 26,563

    Just saw a thing that had giant bacteria that looked like spiders.  Wonder if this can be used for something similar.

  • TraceSLTraceSL Posts: 529
    edited August 2017

    Groovy Patrol, This spider looks amazing. I love the detail on it. I will buy any expansion, environments, or morphs you make for it. I would also like to suggest that you make a morph or even a geograft in order to make a spider/human hybrid. It is more commonly known as a Spider Queen in many RPG games such as Diablo. It would be nice to have a morph on top of the head to more seamlessly blend into a G3F or G8F torso. A geoshell texture for the human figure with a transparency blending the torso to the spider's skin would be ideal as well.

    Another request that I would like to buy is some armor for the spider to make it into a gigantic rideable battle beast.

    second this request but more spiky like this

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    Post edited by TraceSL on
  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited August 2017

    If I found a real spider that big I would be oh nice big spider eeeeeek!  And runs away.

    but on my computer in Daz studio or Poser it is okay as I can control it and it will not eat me.

    That 's the great thing about art.  It enables us to experience things we can't in real life.  Especially things we wouldn't want to experience for real :)


    you should see the size of some of the spiders we have in Australia they can get pretty big though some of the smallest ones are worse even chase after you just wanting a hug

    You do have some amazing creatures down there.  The Sydney Funnel Web Spider and the Redback get all the press, but the huge huntsman spiders you have seem to be the most fun.  There's a series of viral videos of an Austrailian guy trying to catch them to get them out of the house.  I probably shouldn't laugh when he screws up and panics, but I still do :)

    +1 especially on the bit I put in bold.

    Mum and Dad were thinking of emigrating to Australia when I was a kid, but mum heard about the spiders... So Mum refused. surprise


    And I'd be up for some more Eight Legged Freaks...

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • I am planning on future skin/morph releases for this figure, as well as some more original creatures.  The "Giant Insect" monster movies had a big influence on me when I was young, so more in that genre are definitely in the works.  I'm also working on a lair for the spider.   Something nice and cozy for the modern spider on the go.


    Do you have any news regarding the future skins and morphs of the spider or the spider lair?

  • Oso3D said:

    Genesis and even M4 can have very high quality Iray skins, there's nothing about figure design that has anything to do with that.

    I just don't want anyone reading this to be mislead and assume you need Genesis 3 or 8 to 'properly' use Iray

    One can manually do it, sure (assuming you have the right tools and knowledge), but virtually no Genesis characters come with skins which are designed for Iray renders - theyr'e almost exclusively from the 3Delight-exclusive era. Sometimes you get lucky and they actually render OK, but even in those cases, there's very often an uncanny valley effect which happens if a designed-for-Iray character is in posed in the same scene with them.

    As I say, not always, but often.

  • I am planning on future skin/morph releases for this figure, as well as some more original creatures.  The "Giant Insect" monster movies had a big influence on me when I was young, so more in that genre are definitely in the works.  I'm also working on a lair for the spider.   Something nice and cozy for the modern spider on the go.


    Do you have any news regarding the future skins and morphs of the spider or the spider lair?

    I'm seaming new skins right now, so hopefully I'll be able to get them out soon.  smiley


  • pdspds Posts: 593

    I am planning on future skin/morph releases for this figure, as well as some more original creatures.  The "Giant Insect" monster movies had a big influence on me when I was young, so more in that genre are definitely in the works.  I'm also working on a lair for the spider.   Something nice and cozy for the modern spider on the go.


    Do you have any news regarding the future skins and morphs of the spider or the spider lair?

    I'm seaming new skins right now, so hopefully I'll be able to get them out soon.  smiley



  • Just purchased the bundle you have released and despite being from Australia and arachnophobic... the Giant Monster Spider is my new best friend :)

    Spider on Shoulder.jpg
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  • Just purchased the bundle you have released and despite being from Australia and arachnophobic... the Giant Monster Spider is my new best friend :)

    So very glad you like her :)  I'm not sure I can regard anyone from Australia as an arachnophobe.  Between the Sydney Funnel Web and the Redback you folks have some serious spiders to contend with.  Sort of skews the phobia into a well founded fear.

  • Do you have any news regarding the morphs of the spider or the spider lair?

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