Placing texture in viewport differs form render.

I have added a picture to show you guys what I mean. I have placed these textures very carefully to get this simple trouser result. But they drop half-a-trouser-panel when rendering.
So what did I do? I can't find a way to change it...
Thank you again!

800 x 509 - 150K
HI lijlijlijntje
I take it that this is a custom texture, you've created, and it's not one that comes with the clothing product...
Did you use a template from the clothing to create the texture map ?
If yes,.. then it should fit.
if no, then the UV layout may be different. ..and it wont map correctly.
Posting a screen capture of your shader settings, including the diffuse channel with the texture map settings may help someone to help you.
It looks like it's Tiled / repeating.