A bunch of questions about DS4.5 that I have not found out answers to.

I'm now really appreciating the versatility of DS4 but there still a few questions I have and the answers may be in the forums, but I didn't see them when I did a search. I've been using DS4 for about two or three days, I did a complete reinstall of Windows and realized when I installed it on Wednesday or Thursday I used the serial for Advanced, not Pro so I think some of the features did not get installed. I installed it again using the Pro last night. I also installed and immediately removed the Content Manager I don't see me using it, I'm not using any other Daz3d software I'm able to navigate my runtime for the most part and browse folder works just fine for me
Note: I'm using DS4.5 Pro 64 bit, Citylights/Darkside interface across two monitors. Windows 7 Ult 64 bit. my runtime is a separate internal SATA drive from my OS and App hard drive.
Selection Tool
Question 1)
I can turn off the highlight node from the tools palette when using the translation tool, can I change the highlight to something other than a highlight when I'm using the surface tool? I'm aware I can change color but can I do say a crosshatch like DS3?
Rotation Tool
Question 2a)
Can I make the center rotation manipulator in the rotation tool larger? That's the one in the middle about 1/5th the size of the tools diameter that will adjust x,y, and z all at once, and it's invisible unless you roll over it just right. I'm rolling over it a few times before I can get it to appear.
Question 2b)
when I select the rotation manipulator and select a node and give a little more than a slight nudge it impacts the selected node rotation with a huge value increase and sometimes wraps node around the corresponding node several times. In other words if I select a models forearm and nudge it with the rotation it can often rotate around the several hundred degrees and look like the figure was mauled by a tiger. I don't use limits for the most part as I find them restrictive. Can this be done without adjusting limits?
Translate Tool
Question 3)
I'm set a very low nudge value for fine tuning eyes and teeth, it seems like it was working last night after some tweaking but I had set a low nudge value and when I grabbed the translation tool arrow heads my select node was flying across the screen. Are there other factors or setting I need to be aware of to get the nudge to react a little more subtly?
Morphs and PMD's
Question 4)
Can I inject Morph files and/or PMD files? If so where? I used to have an Morph Loader and Morph Loader pro in my edit dropdown in DS3 I don't see anything like that there. I also had Inject PMD add on to DS3 it doesn't appear to work in DS4 do I need to do this in DS3 and load the file into DS4 or can I do it from DS4?
Question 5)
I'm using the Uberlights and environment from their DS3 Advanced install locations. Did DS4 install them or are they a separate install or purchase?
Question 6)
I have a bunch of animate demos in my runtime but on the Animate palette I only see one subfolder, if I click on the dropdown I still only see that one. Is there something I need to do?
Question 7)
Can I take folders in my runtime and show them in my content pane without having to drill down? Would I have to add them separately to my existing runtime and content structure in the preferences? In other words I want t have access to folders I go to more often than others. Is there an easy way to do it?
thanks in advance
1. I'd like to know that one too...it seems like it should be doable, but there doesn't seem to be any easily accessible way of doing it...
2a. Not that I know of...again it seems like it should be doable.
2b. Limits. DS4.x is much more reliant on limits...in fact, going 'limitless' tends to break things and make very odd things happen.
3 No idea...
4 PMDs are pretty much 'broken'...4.5 can read some (read that as very few) but for the most part they confuzzle the hell out of it...InjectPMD plugin does not work, the last version of it was a beta for 4.0 and that doesn't work in all versions of 4.0 (it's the SDK not having been finalized...). There is a java based PMD injection program that works outside of DS/Poser to add the PMD directly to a new cr2. MorphExchange http://www.kuroyumes-developmentzone.com/poser/freebies/
As to the inj/rem...if you are using Genesis, it doesn't work that way/doesn't need them. If you are using Gen4 they should show up/work like the did before.
5. UberEnvironment was in DS3A...and updated in 4.x...
6. That sounds like the Animate2 30 day trial is up...so you've got just the basic Animate.
7. Use categories...mapping subfolders that aren't a separate Runtime/Content structure can confuse DS/break products/cause baldness...put in a request for a 'favorites' feature...
Crap, should have used it when I had the chance, thaks.
thanks again!
In DS 4.5 the Uber stuff should be My Library > Light Presets >Omnifreaker
thanks again!
You can set up the Categories just about any way you want and then arrange them the way you want...I just don't use them as it seems every time I get a good start, I crash the CMS and corrupt the database...usually after a couple of hours of work without making a back up...yeah, it's my fault an all, but I just don't worry about it too much.
Staring to regret not starting with DS4 sooner but I was running into problems with it before this version, now I'm really impressed with some of the way it handles things, Loading and saving are night and day over DS3 but I'm still rough around the edges on the interface.
I've had to rebuild my workspace from scratch a few times, I appears once I save the style I can use it but if the workspace suddenly blows up at launch the style is gone, unless I try to save a the new style under the previous name and it asks if I want to overwrite it.
Is that related to the content database or any thoughts on that one?