Missing Polygons

I've been away from DAZ for a while and recently started using it again. (took me forever to become familiar with my runtimes again - I can't find anything :^( )
I upgraded to the latest version of Studio and now when I load Genesis there are missing polygons on the OpenGL display. I don't remember this happening in the past. The models export and render fine so it is only a display problem but still...
I'm using an NVidia Quadro FX3800 card so that can't be the problem.
Has there been a change to the base models that I need to upgrade? I get the same problem with V5 and any other character, although the missing polygons change depending on the character and morphs. I don't use Gen4 so I can't say if it happens with those models.
Any help would be appreciated.
I've attached a picture of an example. This is just the base Genesis with the basic female applied.
Michael Grant

Can you go to (in DS) Help > Troubleshooting > About Your Video Card and post what it says? It may be you have an old driver.
I haven't updated my driver for a while - I probably should. Here is what it says in troubleshooting>about video card:
Copied and pasted from the message box.
Current OpenGL Version:
OpenGL Provider:
NVIDIA Corporation
Quadro FX 3800/PCIe/SSE2
Shadow Map
Hardware Antialiasing
OpenGL Shading Language
Pixel Buffer
Pixel Buffer Size
Not Enabled
Maximum Number of Lights
Number of Texture Units
Maximum Texture Size
8192 x 8192
newest driver = no missing polygons. problem solved
Thanks for your help.
Michael Grant
The video driver should be fine. Do you have a texture applied? It could just be the usual OpenGL problem with multiple transmaps.
That is a known driver issue with Quadro cards...if the newest drivers don't fix it, then the other common thing that causes it is bad video memory (on the card...)