Disappearing Ubersurface Shaders & Uberenvironment Light

I was on here acouple weeks of go whining about how I had no uberenvironment light nor any of my uber shaders then I was told to download the Genesis Essential thing - did that & everything appeared..
NOW.. Today as I opened up my Daz 4.5 everything was basically gone including my main content so I let it search my drivers & then they were found.. But my ubersurface & uberenvironment light weren't found despite the Genesis Essential things still being there.. So what's going on now? Again, this was so totally random & I haven't rendered in acouple of days so I'm not sure why it disappeared or how it did.. But it's annoying me to know end since I've never had all these problems with Daz. Ever. -_-
Are you talking about the Smart Content pane, or the Content Library?
Where are you looking for these items?
Content Library.
& I'm looking for them in my content or under Studio or any category.. They're just nonexistent.
Where do you have your main content installed to?
Did you install it yourself, or via the DIM (DAZ Install Manager)?
If all of your content went missing, then there is something wrong with the way DS is reading the paths to the content from the Content Directories Manager. All you should have done, was to check those paths in Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager, and it will show what directories are listed for both DAZ Studio Formats, and Poser Formats.
Please have a look at that now, and post a screenshot of what you can see, and we will be able to help you further.
The only reason I can think of for DS losing the paths to your content, is not running DS as Admin, and it cannot read the setup file. The Content Library does not rely on the CMS to display the content, it just reads the folders which are declared as detailed above from Preferences.
Nevermind, I fixed it, had it installed to the wrong folder lol.
Thanks so much.