The entire image and the centaur in particular made me think of "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" movie, which frames the idea of mythic characters in modern times interestingly enough. I like the train rails running right through the trough area there. When I originally put the "Yards" together I had a lane-way passing through there but then reconsidered.
Okay, here we are, Monday morning, so the contest is now officially over. Now the judging begins. We'll need a few days to get feedback on the entries from the other judges. But it shouldn't be too long. I do want to thank you all for participating and taking the time to submit your artwork for the contest. I am very appreciative. Stay tuned.
Going through the thread, these appear to be the submissions. If I've missed something, let me know asap. (Those few images that had a B&W or color version, or a light and dark version have not been missed. )
This took a little longer than expected. But without further delay. The winners.
Grand Prize Winner:
Bohemian3 - Mutant Primate Research Unit (mix and mash)
in the MIX and Mash it up category, wins all the items in my store.
Two Second Place winners:
Warmblood - The Lamplighter
LycanthropeX - Dungeon Encounter (mix and mash) or Suburban Legends
wins a choice of 5 products(choices can include the bundles in my store) plus the yet unreleased new product.
Three Third Place Winners:
SabotSnake - The Commissar
Totte - Baptism of Fire (mix and mash)
Cuisle - Break of Day
win two (2) choices from my store (can include one bundle) plus the yet unreleased new product.
Honorable Mention Cinematic animation
Ivy - New Dawn
win one (1) choice from my store plus the yet unreleased new product.
And in appreciation for participating, everyone else who entered gets a copy of my new set that is just a little behind schedule but should be released shortly or you can pick from the latest releases "Parkour Action", or "Land of Ice" , or "Farm Fencing"
First, I must say thank you once again to FirstBastion for running this contest, it was really a blast, very fun. Then, I want to co gratulate Bohemian3 to the grand prize, well done and well deserved. And last, but not least, congrats to all who participated!
First of all, congratulations to Bohemian3, Warmblood, LycanthropeX, SabotSnake, Totte, Cuisle and Ivy - well done!
Then, thanks to FirstBastion for running this competition - it was a good experience to take part and especially to see the interesting and inspiring prices of work and fascinating "how-to's". And thank you so much for the incredibly generous gesture of offering a prize to all entrants, I couldn't believe it when I read that! Will PM you staright away.
FirstBastion, thanks for such a great contest, extremely generous prizes and most of all incredible products to work with. And thanks to the judge(s). It couldn't have been easy. Congrats to Bohemian3, LycanthropeX, SabotSnake, Totte, Cruisle and Ivy, and to anyone who participated. I especially liked including tutorials as a key component of the contest. I love seeing how other people work.
I've also to thank you, FirstBastion, for running this contest - I wanted to do more for the contest, but the last weeks have had less time than I thought. Also thanks for your generous gesture!!!
Congrats to the winners, you've done a great job! Very inspiring!
Wow... thank you. Got so caught up in the end of the semester didn't get a chance to submit anything else. These contests are so cool... So thank you for running it, and thank you for the honor. I have said it before and will say it many times again: We all are so grateful for artists like FB who produce amazing products for us to mix, match, shred poloygons, twist, turn, and come up with a myriad of ways to create something fresh. Real honor go to you and all the artists here.
p.s.... I already have most of your products, and actually quite happy some of my coins found their way to your coffer before you bostowed the store on me; )
And a HUGE thank you from me, FirstBastion, for this contest! :)
Congratulations as well to the Winners for fantastic renders and explainations. I learned quite a bit just looking at your images.
Thanks to all of you. :)
Thank you all for the kind comments. The "choice" PMs are slowly trickling in; my plan is to collect them all and send the whole list to the DAZ office all at once. So if you haven't done it yet, send me those choice selections.
I'm one of the slow trickles, arrrgh. I'll have mine in in a couple of minutes, with thanks!
Congratulations, Bohemian3! And congrats to Warmblood, LycanthropeX, SabotSnake, Totte, and Ivy! And a big general round of applause for all participants--this was such an enjoyable and educational event.
Thank you so much for running it, First Bastion. You've been incredibly generous with your time and your work, and just a wonderful host. <3 <3 <3</p>
Hi. I sent a whole bunch of confirmations PMs this morning, acknowledging the choices you all have made. If you've sent me a PM but didn't get a response this morning, please resend, and if you still have to send a PM, please send it. I'd like to get this straightened this week. Thank you all again for your patience. And I do hope that some of you will find time to at least post a render or two of the new prizes sets to this thread once they're distributed.
This took a little longer than expected. But without further delay. The winners.
Grand Prize Winner:
Bohemian3 - Mutant Primate Research Unit (mix and mash)
in the MIX and Mash it up category, wins all the items in my store.
Two Second Place winners:
Warmblood - The Lamplighter
LycanthropeX - Dungeon Encounter (mix and mash) or Suburban Legends
wins a choice of 5 products(choices can include the bundles in my store) plus the yet unreleased new product.
Three Third Place Winners:
SabotSnake - The Commissar
Totte - Baptism of Fire (mix and mash)
Cuisle - Break of Day
win two (2) choices from my store (can include one bundle) plus the yet unreleased new product.
Honorable Mention Cinematic animation
Ivy - New Dawn
win one (1) choice from my store plus the yet unreleased new product.
And in appreciation for participating, everyone else who entered gets a copy of my new set that is just a little behind schedule but should be released shortly or you can pick from the latest releases "Parkour Action", or "Land of Ice" , or "Farm Fencing"
Send a PM, with your name, email, and choices.
Thank you all.
Wow! I'm so Honored.
Thank you so much FirstBastion
Okay, I've been crossing the "t" 's and dotting the "i" 's on this and apparently have the prize list in order. (let me just say I do not envy Stonemason's traffic in this regard) What I am missing at this point is a couple of email addresses, most winners have included them but a couple are missing. DAZ requires these to double check that the correct prizes are added to the correct accounts. I'll followup with pm 's to those people. As for the new release. It's done and ready to go, just waiting now for its slot in the schedule. Hopefully it'll all be dispersed together. Thank you all for your patience.
It's we who are thankful for the contest, as it was loads of fun, loads of learning from the other and loads of fantastic prizes!
Well done and executed from start to end, hat off for you FirstBastion!
I can't say enough good things about this contest, the focus on creative thinking and the awesome products to work with make this one of the most fun contests to enter. This is one contest i watch for every year.
The entire image and the centaur in particular made me think of "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" movie, which frames the idea of mythic characters in modern times interestingly enough. I like the train rails running right through the trough area there. When I originally put the "Yards" together I had a lane-way passing through there but then reconsidered.
Okay, here we are, Monday morning, so the contest is now officially over. Now the judging begins. We'll need a few days to get feedback on the entries from the other judges. But it shouldn't be too long. I do want to thank you all for participating and taking the time to submit your artwork for the contest. I am very appreciative. Stay tuned.
i never saw the movie. My inspiration was mostly wanting to do something with mythic characters and then looking at the neighbors yard set :)
Going through the thread, these appear to be the submissions. If I've missed something, let me know asap. (Those few images that had a B&W or color version, or a light and dark version have not been missed. )
looks good to me FB
Looks good!
Finally got all the results from the judges. Should be posting the results tomorrow, Monday.
its Monday in Australia
Lol Lycan, some people have monday every day ;-)
now its Monday here
This took a little longer than expected. But without further delay. The winners.
Grand Prize Winner:
Bohemian3 - Mutant Primate Research Unit (mix and mash)
in the MIX and Mash it up category, wins all the items in my store.
Two Second Place winners:
Warmblood - The Lamplighter
LycanthropeX - Dungeon Encounter (mix and mash) or Suburban Legends
wins a choice of 5 products(choices can include the bundles in my store) plus the yet unreleased new product.
Three Third Place Winners:
SabotSnake - The Commissar
Totte - Baptism of Fire (mix and mash)
Cuisle - Break of Day
win two (2) choices from my store (can include one bundle) plus the yet unreleased new product.
Honorable Mention Cinematic animation
Ivy - New Dawn
win one (1) choice from my store plus the yet unreleased new product.
And in appreciation for participating, everyone else who entered gets a copy of my new set that is just a little behind schedule but should be released shortly or you can pick from the latest releases "Parkour Action", or "Land of Ice" , or "Farm Fencing"
Send a PM, with your name, email, and choices.
Thank you all.
First, I must say thank you once again to FirstBastion for running this contest, it was really a blast, very fun. Then, I want to co gratulate Bohemian3 to the grand prize, well done and well deserved. And last, but not least, congrats to all who participated!
congrats to everyone and a big thanx to FB
First of all, congratulations to Bohemian3, Warmblood, LycanthropeX, SabotSnake, Totte, Cuisle and Ivy - well done!
Then, thanks to FirstBastion for running this competition - it was a good experience to take part and especially to see the interesting and inspiring prices of work and fascinating "how-to's". And thank you so much for the incredibly generous gesture of offering a prize to all entrants, I couldn't believe it when I read that! Will PM you staright away.
FirstBastion, thanks for such a great contest, extremely generous prizes and most of all incredible products to work with. And thanks to the judge(s). It couldn't have been easy. Congrats to Bohemian3, LycanthropeX, SabotSnake, Totte, Cruisle and Ivy, and to anyone who participated. I especially liked including tutorials as a key component of the contest. I love seeing how other people work.
Thanks again!
I've also to thank you, FirstBastion, for running this contest - I wanted to do more for the contest, but the last weeks have had less time than I thought. Also thanks for your generous gesture!!!
Congrats to the winners, you've done a great job! Very inspiring!
Wow... thank you. Got so caught up in the end of the semester didn't get a chance to submit anything else. These contests are so cool... So thank you for running it, and thank you for the honor. I have said it before and will say it many times again: We all are so grateful for artists like FB who produce amazing products for us to mix, match, shred poloygons, twist, turn, and come up with a myriad of ways to create something fresh. Real honor go to you and all the artists here.
p.s.... I already have most of your products, and actually quite happy some of my coins found their way to your coffer before you bostowed the store on me; )
And a HUGE thank you from me, FirstBastion, for this contest! :)
Congratulations as well to the Winners for fantastic renders and explainations. I learned quite a bit just looking at your images.
Thanks to all of you. :)
Thank you all for the kind comments. The "choice" PMs are slowly trickling in; my plan is to collect them all and send the whole list to the DAZ office all at once. So if you haven't done it yet, send me those choice selections.
I'm one of the slow trickles, arrrgh. I'll have mine in in a couple of minutes, with thanks!
Congratulations, Bohemian3! And congrats to Warmblood, LycanthropeX, SabotSnake, Totte, and Ivy! And a big general round of applause for all participants--this was such an enjoyable and educational event.
Thank you so much for running it, First Bastion. You've been incredibly generous with your time and your work, and just a wonderful host. <3 <3 <3</p>
have you trickled yet?
I have indeed.
Hi. I sent a whole bunch of confirmations PMs this morning, acknowledging the choices you all have made. If you've sent me a PM but didn't get a response this morning, please resend, and if you still have to send a PM, please send it. I'd like to get this straightened this week. Thank you all again for your patience. And I do hope that some of you will find time to at least post a render or two of the new prizes sets to this thread once they're distributed.
I'll definitely be posting a render. Maybe more than one. Can't wait!
Wow! I'm so Honored.
Thank you so much FirstBastion
Congrats everyone, and thank you for running this contest FirstBastion!
Okay, I've been crossing the "t" 's and dotting the "i" 's on this and apparently have the prize list in order. (let me just say I do not envy Stonemason's traffic in this regard) What I am missing at this point is a couple of email addresses, most winners have included them but a couple are missing. DAZ requires these to double check that the correct prizes are added to the correct accounts. I'll followup with pm 's to those people. As for the new release. It's done and ready to go, just waiting now for its slot in the schedule. Hopefully it'll all be dispersed together. Thank you all for your patience.
It's we who are thankful for the contest, as it was loads of fun, loads of learning from the other and loads of fantastic prizes!
Well done and executed from start to end, hat off for you FirstBastion!
I can't say enough good things about this contest, the focus on creative thinking and the awesome products to work with make this one of the most fun contests to enter. This is one contest i watch for every year.
Check your accounts and give DAZ_Britney a big thanks for her hard work!
Thank you guys, you all rock! :)