Daz Studio 3 Inj/Rem Exp please help!

Ok so I remember a long time ago I down loaded and used this wonderful Script, but I had to reformat my harddrive recently and decided I wanted to consolidate all of my characters that I made to make it easier to use them by making them Injs. I've redownloaded the script found on the old forums here:
Well I followed the instructions for installation, but now the script won't even showup in Daz. I've looked everywhere. Can't find it in my interface at all. Can anyone help?
Unfortunately those links are dead or go to a 4shared page with dead links so I can't see what they are.
I have them installed at home but I'm not home so the short answer is generally
In needs to go into your plug-ins folder, in which case it should install into drop down menu but it would possibly have a .lib file along with it that needs to be installed.
it needs to go into wherever you runtime is installed into the scripts folder.
e.g. My Documents/Daz3d/Studio/Content/Scripts
or C:/Program Files/Daz3d/Studio3/Content/Scripts
if you see the icon in the scripts folder (with Studio running) you should be able to right click it and select "add to action" or something like that and it will install it into a drop down menu at the top of the screen.
The DeltaX15 plugins I recall tend to use the 2nd method but don't quote me on that.
the other question is wherever you putting them is the root of that runtime mapped to DS3?
Thanks for the help, StratDrag!!!
Ok so I figured out what the problem was, I had the wrong plugins, they were old and out of date. So now I have the newer ones, but now I need to know what the data file path; the chanvis file path; and the pose file path all do. It's a bit confusing lol.