Content not appearing or available in the Content Window

Has anyone experienced this peculiar problem?
Following my normal steps, I place a figure, add clothes, add hair add character inj, pose etc......
If I then try to change the pose, clothes or anything else none of the content icons appear in the content window, even though I am able to navigate throughout the tree structure.
If I save my scene, shutdown Daz, then reopen, all content is available again and selectable. I have to do this an annoyingly regular basis.
I have: Consolidated the Database, Re-imported Metadata etc. does not seem to have any effect.
It has only started happening recently. I am running Daz Studio 4.5 Pro (latest version) on a 27" iMac Mountain Lion 10.8.3
Does anyone have a solution or even know what is causing this?
You mean the Categories disappear? Sounds like your CMS is crashing. What OS and security programs are you using?
Ah, I see you did say OSX 10.8.3
Is this the first install of DS4, or has it been upgraded several times?
I'm running OSX 10.8.2 with Sophos Antivirus. DAZ Studio Pro for Mac is the version I am running.
This is the first and only install on this machine. software downloaded from the DAZ storee in January 2013
See attached image for explanation of the problem. It is the bottom window in the image.
Doesn't matter what I try to select from the Content tree (window above) nothing appears.
Only closing then reopening Daz works. I have to do this several times an explained previously.
Try this: After restarting DS, while it's still working, right-click on one of the blue categories and choose "Mark All Content As Seen". If that seems to solve the problem, just make sure to do that when you install new content.
Yes, that will probably cure your problem. As it is, until you click on each and every item with the 'New' tag, DS will behave as if you just added that content. Almost every time you do something, it will cause the content library to refresh...hence the disappearing icons. If you were to wait long enough...depending on how much you have installed it can be a very long time...they'll come back.
Thank you all very much for the advice. Worked a treat.
I will keep this in mind for future reference.
You guys rock!!