Need help creating inj/rem for DSPro4.5

I have been trying and unable to find how to create inject and removal in DSPro4.5 for genesis. All I can find is how to make the sliders. I am trying to create a character for distribution and would like the options for that.
Any and all info would be greatly appreciated

1280 x 1024 - 322K
You don't - an INJ pose is a pose that loads new morph data, but Genesis doesn't work that way. A custom morph needs to be saved as a Morph asset (File>Save as>Support Asset, with the author and product names determining the names of the folders created in \Data\DAZ 3D\Genesis\Base\Morphs), and then you need a Shaping or Character preset to set the morphs used (Shaping saves just morph values, character saves morphs and materials).
OK, guess I'm not completely following you. You say genesis doesn't work that way, but the example that I am showing here is a genesis character file. I have made character/ mat presets so I some what famillar with that.
So if I am understanding this, for example, I would have to "0" the navel and save it as a Support Asset for "off" navel dialed to "1" save it as a Support Asset for "on" , then save each as a separate shaping preset, correct. (not sure what I said here makes since)
Sorry, forgot to say :Thanks"
No, you need a support asset only for a newly created shape, not for dial settings. Then you save a preset to set the values for the morphs used, whether they are new custom morphs or standard morphs. You can call them INJ and REM if you like, but it's technically wrong and risks spreading the confusion you are feeling - I'd call them just navel on/navel off or the like.
Again, for responding