FBX and DAE Skin export problem

Exported skin weights doesn't perfectly match the original.
Is there any way I can work around this issue?
Original content has .cr2 format.
If you export from Daz to Collada and then import back into Daz from Collada - the result is the same as in 3ds max, its all messed up.
Anything going on with the skin exporter?

1920 x 1080 - 512K

1920 x 1080 - 386K
Post edited by FadeOutRazorfen on
FBX doesn't support separate maps for each rotation, so you get an average weighting (you can see the same in DS itself by covnerting to Generic weight mapping). I'm not sure if that accounts for all you are seeing, but it may well be at least part of the issue.
Thanks, so how do I convert it to generic weight mapping ?
Nvm, figured it out. Testing.
-- Update:
Oh god. Dude, you are a life saver. Thanks a lot for your hint with the Generic weight mapping.
Indeed it does mess it up a little bit after covnersion, but its not as bad as it was before.
All i had to do is