Add option to load only images of a material preset and other options.
When Applying a material while clicking on it and holding ctrl you get the option to ignore images and apply the settings. I would like to see an option to do the inverse and apply the images amd ignore the settings.
Alternatively, improve the save material interface. When saving materials I would like the option to select multiple surfaces and uncheck common properties like diffuse map or normal map. For example a human figure with torso, head, legs and limbs and I want to save a material preset without the dffuse images, I would have to go to each individual surface and uncheck them one at a time. I Would like to be able to select the torso, head, legs and limbs similar to the surface tab and then uncheck all the common properties I want at once.
Not sure what the issue is, but I just selected multiple parts and deleted the diffuse and changed the color on all of them at once.
In paragraph one I want another option when double clicking on a material holding down ctrl button.
On paragraph two the issue is when saving a material File>Save As> Material(s) Preset where you can't select multiple surfaces and uncheck common properties at once.