Garbialdi hair crashes at saving

I've just started to learn the Garibaldi hair plugin. It seems really great but unfortunately when I try to save Victoria 4 with hair, DS4.5 crashes. I have the latest update of the software and nothing in the scene except Victoria. Why is this?
Tried to work out this problem. Found out that it doesn't crash with the Victoria4.2 quickstart object. But the full Victoria4.2. even with without morphs++ crashes the program when saving if hair is added.
Please post your system specs, processor, RAM, Operating System etc.
Are there any error messages in the log file after the crash? Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File.
Here are my specs:
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU @ 2.40GHz
4 Gb RAM, Windows XP
Crash happens, when there is 99% in the "saving file" and 1% in "writing assets".
There doesn't seem to be anything about this n the log file. But I found out that many of my plug-ins are disabled because registration codes are missing:
Could not activate Asset Save Filters evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate DAZ Decimator evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate ExP Exporter evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate FBX Exporter evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate Figure Setup Pane evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate Joint Editor Tool evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate Morph Loader Pro evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate Polygon Group Editor Tool evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate Property Editor Pane evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate Texture Atlas evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate Transfer Utility evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
Could not activate Weight Map Brush evaluation. Plug-in disabled.
I have no idea where to get all this registration codes from. I thought these plug-ins are included with the tne DS4.5...
After installing Garibaldi the program has become generally unstable, crashing while rendering, saving or loading (as it did before the recent update).
Now it crashes for example when loading some scenes made with DS3: Got the following message in the log:
DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DazStudio4\DzCore.dll" at 001B:10139711, DzMorph::loadSection()+177 byte(s)
Hope you can help! THanks.
Now I'm a bit baffled about this...
I have updated to DS4.5 Pro, yet I seem to be using DS Advanced
Is this why the plug-ins are disabled? Should I reinstall everything?
Right. Just figured out I had to insert the 4.5 Pro registration code and now the plug-ins are active.
I never found any instruction to do this.. but fortunately found a discussion here in the forum that gave me a hint.
However, this does not affect the problem here: Still crashes when saving V4.2 with Garibaldi hair, as described in previous message.
You need to go to your 'My Account' area, and look in 'My Serial Numbers' where you should find a serial for DS4.5 PRO. Once you enter that serail number, the plugins will work, with the exception of Decimator and Animate2, which are paid for plugins. Animate Lite comes as part of DS4.5 If you have been successfull, then it should say 'Pro' in the title bar.
You are running XP, and it can only see 2 MB or your available RAM. I believe that there is a /3GB switch that can be used with XP to make it see a little more, but you really don't have much memory left to play with. It seems to be quite a powerful chip, but it can't get doing anything with so little memory.
To do anything serious with DS4.5, you wuold really need to upgrade your OS and RAM.
Firstly, I don't think the memory shortage can be blamed in this case, because the crash happenes while saving.
I have found a way round this: I add the hair to a separate object (like just a scalp).
Yeah, I know I have memory issues with Daz and I could solve them by updating my windows and hardware.
However, I'm not inclined to do that now. A few years ago a quad core PC with 4 GB RAM was pretty top notch and I don't support the idea of having to update your computer every year or two years. Also I need I will have to go through a lot of frustration with the new Windows - which again takes more memory from the actual productive work with such useless luxuries as translucent objects etc.
Daz has created a superb software with Studio. But II wonder what makes it so memory intensive. With Cinema 4D I only run out of memory if I try to make a forest with detailed trees. It is a massive software so how does it have so much more memory for rendering? Actually I have often opted to import DAZ scenes to render in C4D, not just because it has no memory issues, but also because it renders a lot faster, especially with global ligting and radiosity. And if it does have memory issues, it doesn't just crash unexpectedly but gives a low memory message first. and then I don't have to spend hours to find out where the problem is.
Yes, I know I have to accept the fact that using free sofware means compromises. Here the compromise is that the free sofware is developed with high end computers with most recent operating systems, so us "low end" users will have to find our ways to cope with that.
The only problem with that approach is the fact that not only have there been three versions of Windows since you've installed, but the whole computing world has moved on to 64 bit as opposed to 32 bit. And that's where the main problem with things like DS4.5 not working well lies...the software is at the edge or slightly beyond the edge for what can be handled in a 32 bit environment.
Your quad core CPU is still 'good'...and you could probably go to 8 GB of RAM...if you had a 64 bit OS. And at least in Win7 most of that memory/resource hogging 'eye candy' can easily be turned off.
Thanks for that, I agree.
I have stuck with XP because I thought Vista was horrible (when I tried it) and so far I have had absolutely no need for a new OS other than DS4.5 which I found usable only now after the recent update. I will look at updating to Windows7. But isn't the 32 / 64 bit a hardware issue?
Jimmy, thanks for that 3GB switch suggestion. I did go for that and it works with no problems and now the system does access 3 GB and it does seem to reduce crashes while rendering. However, even that doesn't cure the garibaldi hair problem. Well, I can't get decent renders with the hair plugin anyway, waiting for the updated documentation.... :)
Your's a 64 bit CPU...Core2 and later are all 64 bit. So the rest of your hardware is 64 bit capable, least that where it matters (motherboard). I don't think there is a quad core cpu that isn't 64 bit.
You did use the 3GB switch?
In that case, did you make the software Large Adress Aware too?
Else it is only windows that uses 3GB ...
P.S. if it is not memory, you could try here in the official Garibaldi thread: