Is symmetry busted in DS 4.5?

I'm trying to mirror a pose I made. I tried Pose Master. It's not coming out very well so I'm resetting the body parts that are not getting set right and then saving that and then want to mirror the poses using the built in Symmetry in DS 4.5. Every singe combo I've tried ends up with a really bad translation.
Any one know of a sure fire (or whats supposed to work) way to mirror a pose? The pose is from Right to Left.
Symmetry has been working fine for me. Are you doing a whole half body or just parts?
Full body poses.
Try selecting gen then selected-recursive-and depending on the pose either leave alone the trunk or mirror it.
Thanks for the help. Got it figured out now. :-)
Uncheck the Scale and Translation boxes.
OH CRAP... I forgot about the Translation boxes. Guess I'll be resaving the 30 poses I created. They all work fine but yuk, what was I thinking. I'm getting over the flu so not thinking well.
I do seem to have found a bug though. It seems when SAVING a Pose preset, my settings is to Expand All, then "Check All Modified Only" (esp for the upper and lower body split poses I made) and then to be on the safe side "Uncheck All Scales" and then save. Well some of the poses saved fine but others were a mess unless I take the time to got down that rediculously long list to find all the boxes I need to have checked off and believe me LOTS of boxes were unchecked that should have been checked. This happened for foot placement, head and neck and fingers. Very very annoying and time consuming.
The scaling is need to be unchecked as it is cumulative. Say you have used the leg length morph, this actually alters the y scale. So if the scale is 90% then it will end up being 90% of 90% or 81%, throwing off the whole pose.
Yes, scaling I always remember to uncheck as I know how weird things can get. Thanks much!