DAZ Install Manager question

DIM set up an install library on my C:\ drive, but I'd like to move that folder and all of its contents on to an external drive. How can I do that without messing up any references to items in that folder?
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DIM set up an install library on my C:\ drive, but I'd like to move that folder and all of its contents on to an external drive. How can I do that without messing up any references to items in that folder?
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Click the gear icon at top-right to get to preferences, which allow you to specify the locations to download and install to. Set your preferred folder (or folders, for install destinations) and then copy the files and folders from the old location to the new (for downloads) or rerun the installation to the new location, if you want updates to work.
Thanks, Richard.
What happens to files I've created that refer to items in that initial set of folders? Will DS be able to figure out where the files have been moved to? Or might I have to manually let DS know where the files have been moved to?
DS uses relative references, so as long as the root of the content folder is mapped in DS there won't be a problem. If you want DIM to be able to automatically uninstall the old version when installing updates, you may want to have DIM uninstall from the old location and install to the new one.
Thanks for your help.
I have another question: is there a way to check the integrity of the files I've moved to make sure no data was lost when I moved them from one drive to another?
I've had problems in the past with bad cables and faulty drives, and it's always a heartbreaker to settle in to refer to files I thought were sound only to find out that files had been corrupted during the move/copy.
The zips are just zips, so any kind of archive tool should be able to check them for errors.