Question regarding Mat zones in DAZ

Hi! I am trying to use a .cr2 prop in DAZ 4.5, and I have come across an unusual problem. Most of the mat zones (all except 1) will not accurately show shaders when applied; all that shows up is changes to the diffuse color; no diffuse maps, spec, bump, displacement etc.
I tried importing the item from the base .obj, and the error still happens. Does anyone know of a fix for this?
Thanks in advance for your help!
It would help to know which product.
The product is SamTherapy's free Exterminate 2012 from Renderosity. It is a prop set designed for Poser which I am trying to use in DAZ 4.5.
Well I can't find it on Rendo but if it was made for Poser only then I suspect the mats zones you are having trouble with are Poser only Mat zones and will not work in Daz Studio.
It may be that the model is not fully UV mapped, if it was meant to rely on procedural shaders. Try switching the view port to UV view, and then select the problem areas - do you see a wireframe template?
Ok found the file, downloaded and installed. Which one are you having trouble with as the ones I looked at don't seem to be uvmapped fully.
I am having trouble with the mark 2. I can try exporting to Blender and uv mapping myself if it is a problem with the UV mapping. I will try it and get back to you. Thanks for the input. :)
Strange this is what I get when I load MK2 and render it with UberEnviroment in DS4.5.1.56. All I did was load and render. But yes if I want to change the Mats then yes I would have a problem as it looks like it is UVmapped but not to the point of being able to throw any map in there. Procedural shaders works no problem just map base textures won't unless as you say take it in to Blender and sort it out there.
Yeah, you need to do that. Unless you are planning on using a tiling texture or something on it, don't worry too much about making a 'pretty' UV map...add a seam, and unwrap will be enough to do things like use reflection maps and such. Then after unwrapping just save the obj, you don't have to worry about exporting the map if you don't need to use it as a template.
Scrap's going to be a pain the posterior...he used booleans to add all the spheres to the main body. And has several materials on the same physical geometry. You aren't going to get any nice seams to play with...
Edit has to have been parially UV'd or Blender's UV tools have vastly improved in 2.65...because I just imported it and dropped into Edit mode and hit 'unwrap' and came up with a usable map...
Thank mjc for chipping in. Booleans you say....BOoooooooooooo
Yeah like I said in has been uvmapped just not properly so texture map base surfaces won't work right inside Daz Studio for the get go.
If I was to redo the suraces I would do them via the shader mixer or leave out texture maps completely.
The OBJ doesn't have any UV data in it, but then the Classic '70s Dalek didn't have textured surfaces to require UV, they should be machine smooth, each panel a single colour, and reflective and shiny. The problem is that these are set up for Poser and as such the material settings don't transfer very well to DS, so you will need to adjust the specular settings on each of those material zones, as well as either adding an environment map to the reflection channel or setting up a spherical environment for the reflections to work.