[Coming Soon] Epic Skydomes - Ocean Mountain Sunset HDRI (commercial)

PA_ThePhilosopherPA_ThePhilosopher Posts: 1,039

Hey guys,

Got another HDRI coming down the pipeline for you. Keep on the lookout for more, as well as more animated products.

As always, your feedback is appreciated.

Hope you like it!



The easiest and fastest way to create an epic scene in Iray: Use a skydome, and create the illusion of a ground plane under your object by utilizing its shadows. It’s the oldest trick in the book. But it can work remarkably well. And it renders blazingly fast---literally in seconds!

Say hello to the third installment of the “Epic Skydomes” HDRI environment series: Ocean Mountain Sunset---an exotic and beautiful ocean environment enclosed by a surreal mountainous terrain. This 360* skydome can serve multiple purposes, depending on where you turn your camera. Whether its the vast ocean water, the warm golden sunset, or the rolling mountains capped with beautiful cloud formations, this skydome has you covered.

Plus setup is simple. Just open the scene file, load your object and position the water disturbance prop and volumetric light box accordingly (you "position" your object by simply rotating camera as needed). Press render and in seconds, presto! Instant epic. (User Guide included).


- High Resolution HDRI image (8000x4000)
-Full Scene included (with sun lights, water disturbance prop, and volumetric light cube)
-Volumetric Light Cube included: Adds atmosphere to your object, and creates Godrays around object
-Water Ripple Prop included: Adds ripple effect to the water under your object
-User Guide included
-Designed in iRay (but skydome can be used with 3DL too)

1000 x 1300 - 263K
2000 x 1000 - 364K
2100 x 900 - 444K
1920 x 1080 - 443K
2100 x 900 - 427K
2100 x 900 - 429K
856 x 1000 - 456K
1600 x 900 - 393K
2100 x 900 - 426K
1599 x 900 - 725K
Post edited by PA_ThePhilosopher on


  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    I was all kinds of excited till I realized the terrain isn't really 3D terrain, but the skydome. It looks like a brilliant product and I'm sure it has it's advantages over complete 3D and I can see some uses for it, but I was really hoping it was a 3D environmant. I would buy that in an instant. I have been using Aako's mud river flats with a custom water plane for images smililar to this (see test image), but would love more options, especially greener ones.

    fantastic promo images though, could use some wake water disturbance props also for ships

    1539 x 870 - 2M
  • Thanks FSMC. Hmm, yeah using actual geometry does have its advantages. But in this case it would not have given me the look I was going for. I may try my hand at it some day though.m

    As for ships...

    1600 x 900 - 357K
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Love this one too.  Can't wait for both of the new ones to come out.

  • Looks lovely.  Your whale might be a bit too small, though, in that last image...  I've wanted a skydome like this one for a very long time.  So much so, that I tried to make one in Vue and failed miserably!

  • Looks lovely.  Your whale might be a bit too small, though, in that last image...  I've wanted a skydome like this one for a very long time.  So much so, that I tried to make one in Vue and failed miserably!

    Thanks @VortigensBane. Yeah, VUE can be hard to work with, especially since its render engine is CPU-only. I'll make the whale bigger!


  • Just to make sure... that comment about the whale was a joke. wink The current one is probably 150 meters long.  It looks absolutely awesome, though.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Any word on the lost world and this one being released?

  • Any word on the lost world and this one being released?

    It was held up in QA for a bit, but is due to release soon. yes


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Hurray!  looking forward to these!


  • Added a new promo, which is also a new product coming soon;


    1599 x 900 - 725K
  • FirePro9FirePro9 Posts: 456

    Added a new promo, which is also a new product coming soon;


    So surreal....very intrigued!  

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Original base render. (note that the splashes and waterdroplets don't come with it) Although the water does come with the ripples and wake.

    This is an awesome prop. ( Don't mind the tiling on the water drops, Marshian gave me an idea to get rid of it.  I completely forgot to blend the straight line out (my excuse is it was way late and I just forgot lol)


  • Original base render. (note that the splashes and waterdroplets don't come with it) Although the water does come with the ripples and wake.

    This is an awesome prop. ( Don't mind the tiling on the water drops, Marshian gave me an idea to get rid of it.  I completely forgot to blend the straight line out (my excuse is it was way late and I just forgot lol)


    Nice work and nice prop. I like your use of the water distruption in this one too. yes


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Its an awesome prop!  I hope you do more lol.

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