Garibaldi Express Hair System?
I thought I'd ask - is it really what they claim? Can I really create new hair from scratch for my characters?
"Create new hair styles and fur grooms in just a few clicks on any DAZ character or geometry."
I can't help wonder what's the catch since this would be an answer to a prayer of sorts. Thanks.
The only slight catch would be a massive number of polygons, and a greatly increased render time I think. Maybe someone else will chip in.
Until you export them as obj, neither LAMH or Garibaldi add 1 single polygon to a scene. They use a curve based method (integrated into the 3Delight renderer) to generate the hair. In actuality, rendering them under 3Delight (which does not require them to transformed into actual geometry) has little impact on rendering times, compared to 'traditional' transmapped fact under certain conditions they can render faster!
The only 'physics'...and that's more of a DS thing than either plugin. So you would have to sculpt the drape or wind blown look, but it's easy enough to do.
Well, loading one that someone else has made for sale definitely slows things down for both the OpenGL vieport AND 3Delight.
There was one along with the Freak Pro bundle, forget what it was called, but I can barely use it at all, and I have an i7 with 16 GB RAM.
That's Fibermesh hair, which is actual geometry. Look At My Hair and Garibaldi Express use RiCurves, no geometry and no transmaps.
Jimmy...are you talking about the Flat Top hair in the Freak5 bundle?
That's Fibermesh hair...not LAMH or Garibaldi hair...and yeah fibermesh hair is very heavy as far as poly count is concerned.
I would suggest, like for all programs or plugins, you check the minimum system requirements. They are posted on Garibaldi's web site.
Yes, that's the one. It just came into my mind about an hour after I posted that it was 'fibermesh'. I wasn't sure if that made a difference, so thanks for that. It really slows things down, looks good, but at a cost.
That helps me now too, I may even have a look at these plugins now. I think they should both make more of a selling point that it is not poly heavy, maybe I just missed it. :)
And thanks to you too Mike for your input.
Here's one I did with the beta took about an hour to render on my machine. If it was a transmapped or displacement hair, it would have been a couple of hours, at least...
Wow, that is really superb! People have been looking for something like this for years, it is so realistic.
I got the beta for Garibaldi a few months ago, but I never really did anything with it, I think I should maybe have a go now. Thanks for posting the image.
[Post deleted, because it was a space problem ... the space between my ears :red:]
I am about to try as well, hope I can manage :)
Just grabbed it myself, at least we are all learning together, and some members here were on the beta team for it as well, so plenty of help available I should think.
Is there a big difference between the Garilbaldi and the LAMH systems? I've already purchased LAMH and now I'm wondering if I should have waited.
There is a thread in the commons about this. You may want to check out the youtube chanels of the published artists who make each of these to see the difference in action.
When i load one of my hairstyles to genesis, how do I apply
Garibaldi to it???
Garabaldi is for creating hair for models, not editing it. You can create your own hair using the plugin, and then you can edit that.
Is that what you mean?
No i mean how do i use it on pre-made hairstyles from my smart content?
You should probably ask the creator that question: he is monitoring this thread. I wasn't aware that you could use Garibaldi with pre-made hairstyles.
By premade styles, you mean 'any' hair made by anybody in your smart content?
Gariabldi can only edit hair that is made in Garibaldi. It is not a hair editor, but a hair creation package.