Hair Systems: Garibaldi vs Look At My Hair

Talk about an abundance of riches. Who knew we'd have two plugins to handle hair in such a professional looking way.
Currently I have both in my wishlist, but I'll only be able to purchase one of these. Garibaldi is slightly cheaper but seems just as powerful as LAMH. LAMH seems to make very full hair while Garibaldi seems to handle finer hair better. This is what I can tell only from their sample images.
Is anyone out there using LAMH currently that can give some feedback on it? The same goes for Garibaldi, but since it's so new, not that LAMH isn't, I'm not expecting much from this front.
I'm just trying to see if I can get a handle on which plugin would work best for me.
Any takers?
As there are threads about both of these plug-ins in the Commons and/or Commercial Froums, would you not be better looking at those threads first, to see what others have been doing with them.
Even another comparison thread
I wonder if these guys will compete to produce Dynamics and/or a new cloth system :) (HINT HINT HINT...)
Best that I can tell, neither of these work dynamically, i.e. having collision or gravity modifiers. Would be awesome though to have.
I have LAMH but not Garibaldi. Here are a few pictures I did with LAMH. The second picture tries be an apple. ;-)
Edit: there is going to be a new shader for human hair in the near future, as well, see: