Install Manager 1 question

Say. After trying out the Install Manager, I'm happy to report that many of the items I'd previously attempted to install are at least visible now. I was eager to test out the system by loading M4 cr2 and dressing him with the cyberpunk and cyberpunk expansion outfit. After searching a long while, I finally located M4 and got him loaded. Turns out only the cyberpunk pants and cyberleggings and mask will install. The rest is missing. (Well. I didn't try any of the weapon props.) I'd decided to try out the install Manager after having given up on finding and using lots of my assets. What did I do? I installed EVERYTHING. When I reported problems, I was advised that I should have uninstalled everything first. Hey. THANKS! However, since Cyberpunk was a new purchase, shouldn't it have installed properly? What do you suggest. Uninstall EVERYTHING, including DAZ, then put it all back in again?
Ugh. I'm still trying to make sense of Install Manager as well. It doesn't show me which of my purchases have new updates available. It also doesn't seem to uninstall old versions automatically either before installing a new version.
Maybe we can both get some help... :/
It's in beta. Not too surprised there are bugs. Plus, the old installer was never very good. Let's hope they don't get side tracked before this one is working right.
It will only show you updates after you download a product with IM -- it doesn't know what you may have installed with installers previously. Similarly, it can uninstall what it has installed, but not something that was installed previously.
If the product was never installed before it should be fine (and uninstalling items installed previously is not essential, but it is advisable in case there were updates you weren't aware of). It may be that there were errors in the zip file, however. I don't have the products to test myself, however. Are you loading them from Smart Content or Categories, or from the Poser-formats section?
I have just ordered a new iMac from Apple while my current setup is running on Windows 7 64bit. My question is: should I use the install manager to install all of my content (including the latest version of DAZ Studio) from scratch direct from the DAZ store? I have over 400 items but I do have a pretty fast broadband link with unlimited download bandwidth.
I'm told there is a 4-6 week wait for delivery from Apple so I'm just trying to get my ducks in a row before the big switch.
The Install Manager won't install application, like DS, or shaders or plugins. It also isn't yet complete, though it must be getting close and should include most recent content (and as old items are added they will appear in the download list). Using the DIM would ensure you had the current version of everything, but would miss any rearrangement or customisation you'd done.
It depends on what all content you have. I believe it also depends on if some of that content was purchased in bundles, but cannot yet confirm this. For example, DIM has installed V5, V4, and V2, but not V3. This was filed as a bug report by request.
On the other hand, DIM is BLAZING FAST compared to installing manually. It downloads and bypasses mouse clicks sufficient to create a repetitive motion injury.
Well, my alternative is to copy my Content folder directly from my PC to a folder in the Windows partition I intend to run under bootcamp on OSX. However, I was hoping to make a clean start as my Content/Runtime has been around since 2005. On the other hand, I do tend to put things where I can find them (my logic seems to be different to either Poser or DAZ). As Richard points out though - I have no idea whether I have the most recent versions of a lot of my content. I also have some non-DAZ stuff ... freebies and a few purchases from elsewhere.
One further question: would I need to login and reset every item before downloading with the DIM?
No, you need to accept the new EULA (which you've probably already done), then you enter your email and password into DIM (the password isn't stored after closing the app) and after a while it will show all the content you have bought that is available via the installer.
No, you need to accept the new EULA (which you've probably already done), then you enter your email and password into DIM (the password isn't stored after closing the app) and after a while it will show all the content you have bought that is available via the installer.
Ahh yes, I did enter those details. I didn't continue with it though because it wanted to install to a public folder in Windows. I'd prefer mine in my own user folders. It seemed to have an option to change the destination but gave me a warning when I did so. So I gave up.
It depends on what all content you have. I believe it also depends on if some of that content was purchased in bundles, but cannot yet confirm this. For example, DIM has installed V5, V4, and V2, but not V3. This was filed as a bug report by request.
On the other hand, DIM is BLAZING FAST compared to installing manually. It downloads and bypasses mouse clicks sufficient to create a repetitive motion injury.
It appears to me that after they'd done V4, they put priority on items in bundles, so a lot of V2 stuff was done before V3.
Ahh yes, I did enter those details. I didn't continue with it though because it wanted to install to a public folder in Windows. I'd prefer mine in my own user folders. It seemed to have an option to change the destination but gave me a warning when I did so. So I gave up.
What was the warning? There's no problem setting your own location (or locations, if you want more than one).
OK - I see what happened ... I had selected the folder which contains my present content which it obviously doesn't like ... it wants to install to a new location. That's understandable.
Anyhow, I think I'll stick with my manual method because it doesn't look like the DIM will suit my needs by the time my iMac arrives. BTW - is there a reason why I have two icons for each item of content? Should I reset the database somehow?
OK - I see what happened ... I had selected the folder which contains my present content which it obviously doesn't like ... it wants to install to a new location. That's understandable.
Anyhow, I think I'll stick with my manual method because it doesn't look like the DIM will suit my needs by the time my iMac arrives. BTW - is there a reason why I have two icons for each item of content? Should I reset the database somehow?
Do you have it in two locations, one from DIM and one from the old installers? Or did you install more than one version (e.g. DS4.5 and legacy)?
Ahh - that might be the reason. Before I realised that only one of the several downloads need to be installed, I had been installing all PC versions (including legacy but not the Mac version).
I guess there is no way to know which icon points to which version? If so, I could go through and delete the icons I don't need.
EDIT: Seems not to be the case. I just checked using "Browse to file location" and they are both the same:
Do you mean there's actually only one file there? Or are there two with different extensions?
Actually, it points to the same folder - not to a file - so you are correct: two extensions (.duf and .dsf). Not sure whether I need both but it is looking as though I don't.
Install Manager work great for me what I did was just make a blank folder name it install manager 1 and connected IM and DAZ to it and went and installed everything to that, work great for me it made it's own folders as I installed my files from my account.
The only problem I had was some of my stuff is not in the download list I can get them from my account and download them from there but IM doesn't see them. Also I have Light Dome Pro and that not there any more what up with that is it discontinued? and the Martian ship are now just zip files and no installer, have to manually install them.
I Light Dome Pro not used in DAZ 4.5 any more and that why the got rid of it?
So when U go threw all that change over make sure all your stuff is listed in the ready to download tab
Actually, it points to the same folder - not to a file - so you are correct: two extensions (.duf and .dsf). Not sure whether I need both but it is looking as though I don't.
For DS4.5 you just need the ,duf version. If there were two zips, the legacy one would be the one to uninstall.
They're still adding items. They haven't done any plugins yet -- from the change log it looks like they're currently adding in the code needed for non-content products, like software and plugins.