Environment for Michael 4 used with Michael 5

Can someone tell me if this product PONTE MAGGIORE that says it need a Michael 4 base would work with Genesis and Michael 5. I want to buy it but I'm not sure if it's going to work.
Thanks for your support!
I have absolutely no idea why an environment/scene prop NEEDS any figure.
The only reason it needs M4, is that it includes 4 poses for him...one is probably the seated pose shown in the first promo. And for the most part Gen4 (M4/V4/K4) poses will work on Genesis, with minor adjustments. So, other than those poses, it's usable for/with ANY figure.
THe only reason that it says it needs M4 is because there are some poses for him included in the set. I am sure the poses can be made to work with Genesis or M5, possibley may need a little tweaking. However none of the figures are necessary