Looking for....

A sleeping bag, both rolled up as a prop and laid out for sleeping
A big tshirt like a girl would wear for sleeping
A rope and tire that I could put on a tree over a pond or something
I plan on doing several camping type situations. One with a small pond and rope and tire. Two, a campground like at a state park, and three something along the lines of a big lake which I have.
This has a bed roll. It isnt a sleeping bag but may work
This one has a rope and a tire
Thanks to you both. Not sure how I missed the tire. I look through rendo all the time.
Morphing blanket
Bedding unrolled
bedding rolled
Thanks Cyber! While not exactly what I'm looking for, they come in a good close 2nd. I downloaded all three. :)
I have been keeping an eye open for a sleeping bag but have not found one. I am surprised that with all the camping gear out there, nobody has a sleeping bag.
I know right? Thanks. I always have a hard time finding stuff. I really need to try and make stuff on my own.
Stonemason's tree house also has a tire swing. It is in the store here at Daz.
Thank you! And here I thought I've seen all of Stone Mason's stuff if not owned them. :)
Here you go Cyber....this is what I ended up going with for sleeping bags. And for the record I did see some over at TurboSquid and the rolled up one was really spot on but the others were not. The rolled up one was really just too expensive for me to justify.
What I did was buy the "Hospital Bed" here at Daz, then I took only the bed part and changed the diffuse color. lol. Looks comfortable enough for me. I wouldn't mind camping like that.
That looks pretty good.
I have made some purchases from Turbo Squid. You can get some stuff at reasonable prices but the really good looking stuff can be pricey. Since this is just a hobby for me I usually can't justify the cost. I guess I have been spoiled by the Poser community offering good prices or even free.
The Squid is mostly for 'pros' who are too pressed for time to make it right then...they pass the cost on to the customer...that and people who are smoking something...
I haven't made any purchases there but I know it exists along with a few other places. I mainly stick with Daz and Rendo.
I have been looking for a big shirt, too for v4 or genesis. Any ideas.
I haven't found really what I'm looking for in this department but I did stumble upon some more "sexy" long shirts at Rendo from 3d-age. I'm not sure if they have morphs or not...looks like a lot of items do. I was looking for Genesis cuz I'm such a noob that I'm not quite comfortable with interchanging clothes between figures and such and how well it works BUT I have tried some made for M4/V4 with Genesis and for the most part had great results so now I'm consider V4 stuff for long shirts. I'm looking primarily for a long night shirt type that a teen girl might would wear at a slumber party or wear to bed so not really looking for "sexy" on this one but maybe plain or cutesy.
I am looking for an ordinary nightshirt also. If I find one, I'll post. If anyone knows, please let us know.
So far the only night shirt I have seen is for Staci. Unfortunately it would take a lot of work to fit that to another figure and Staci is very cartoon styled.
You could try using this http://www.daz3d.com/genesis-casual-fun. You can use transparencies to hide parts of the sleeves. You could also try the same method using the dynamic angelic robes.
I tried to edit some tunics but did not have much luck with what I have. If you have any tunics, you can try to expand the waist to get a shirt look.
Of course with any of these you will need to make a texture for it. That would not be hard if you have something like Day Job shaders or something similar.
I have casual fun. Thanks for the suggestion.
(Added later) I just found this. It was just posted. it is a loose shirt for Genesis. http://www.sharecg.com/v/67839/browse/21/DAZ-Studio/Alternative-for-Genesis
Thanks. I looked at them both but neither just quite hits the mark for me. I'll keep looking also. Thanks for your time and effort!