Daz 4. No Clothify or Dynamic hair.

arth_darth_d Posts: 0
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

I know there is a plugin to use dynamic clothes and Optitex dynamic hair but whats the deal with not being able to Clothify meshes withing daz. This is really bringing this software down. I was really exited about this software, been using it for a month now love its ease of use but with this feature i may as well stop using it and go back to max. Although its 5 times more tedious to get the results from max that you do in Daz. It is 2012 and this should be included, who wants to animate characters with stiff hair. They may as well take the animation options out and just leave it as a still render program. Does anyone know if this function will become available.


  • KLForbesKLForbes Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    There was talk from the creators of Marvelous Designer about a DAZ Studio plugin...but haven't read anything lately about it.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited December 1969

    Its been this way since version 1 of DS and your not the only person that would like to see it added.

    At this point if you know anyone who is willing to attempt to write their own plugin for DS to accomplish either or both then I recommend you point them to the DS4 SDK.

    Other then that, there is a unique hair plugin in development called "Look At My Hair" that will not have Dynamics for version one but the developer is hoping to add it in a future version.

    WIP thread for LAMH - http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/381/

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