Dynamic gown help please

I have purchased the Maiden Fair dynamic gown. I have V4 loaded, load the gown both are in zero pose. I get the gown to drape but can't get the gown to fit to V4 so when I pose V4 the gown just stays put. I need more help than the quick start guide that was included with the gown download.
You can't repose V4 without redraping the gown again, is that what you mean. Once the drape has been run, if you change the V4 pose, the gown will stay where it is. If you need the dress to fit a particular pose, then you will probably need to do an animated drape to get it just right.
If that is not the problem can you please post a screenshot of what you mean. I appologise if I have this wrong
Thank you Jimmy, I have posted screenshot. I am using the free dynamic tool and latest daz studio. Before I started the drape the gown had poke thru on both shoulders. Once the animation began that went away. This is really all I needed and would like for the gown to 'fit' at this point and pose along with V4. I hope this screen shot will help. I am very new at dynamics and have only used it a few times in poser, but Daz is what I use. Thank you and let me know if I can be clearer in my reply.
If you have "fit to" the gown to V4 then you can go ahead and pose her and the clothing should follow along. Don't worry over much about poke through before a drape. Be sure you have the dress set to collide against v4 and that you don't have it set to collide against things it should not. Do be careful that body parts and clothing don't intersect in the final pose. Also because that dress is long be sure that there is a ground plain with enough segments for it to collide against.
Alternately and possibly for better results (depends on the pose) have the dress and v4 in the 0 pose and then go to about 15 or 20 on the time line and put v4 in the final pose there. Don't worry that the dress does not follow. Then go back to the first frame and start an animated drape. The clothing will follow along with the dress as it moves through the animation. If your using a sash with the dress run it as a separate drape after the dress and be sure it is set to collide with the dress and not v4.
Thank you Khory, will try both ways and post my results. :)
hmm..well there doesn't seem to be a fit to option for the dynamic gown. I am not sure how to proceed. Do I need to use the animate program? I am just not understanding how to make this work. I tried to animate V4, the gown using the program and a final pose. I set her up to pose on frame 10 (animate program) and nothing happened. Is there a step by step process or tutorial? When i do a search I find little bits of info here and there but not an entire process. Thanks for any help or links to a tutorial. Just need a nudge on where to begin. :)
Thank you,
Fit to is under Parameters .
I had to come back and re-read your post (i do that) Now I know what I was doing wrong. The second part of your post helped a great deal. Now I have V4 and the gown working as they should. I'm learning about how collision works too. Thank you so much.
Also thanks for the tip where the fit to was in parameters bigh.
and here is the result! :)
Samanthie, you may want to do a few more drapes to clear up some of the bunching on the bottom of the skirt. And if your looking to have it pool out further a timeline drape where you start the figure high enough in the air so that the skirt clears the ground may help with that.
Hi Khory, I will do that and hopefully get that bunching to go away. Thanks again.
ok..Much better this time. I will experiment some more. I added extra frames to the timeline with a new animation, same ending pose as before. The bottom of the gown looks much better this time. Also I lowered the floor a bit.