Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 9



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Down another rabbit hole- I was surfing over in the Freebie section, and I was trying to remember what came with the studio and what was bought. The expressions (Bored, Confident, Disgust, Excitement, etc) are a product (like Genesis 3 Female Expressions)  so do the Visemes and the pose controls (such as mouth, nose, eyes)  come with the studio? 

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Novica said:
    kayleyss said:

    Only the body morphs use the Victorias. The Head morphs don't need them smiley 

    @kayleyss   Ah! Good to know!  And you should- I can't remember if you surfed in to the favorite character/hair thread, but you got mentioned repeatedly.  yes

    Another TIP I learned today- to reset a pose back to a T pose (I haven't tested on Genesis 8, is that called the A pose?) , it's CTRL+SHIFT+F   

    It's a great keystroke shortcut, but be cautious. CTRL+SHIFT+F will "restore" everything: The figure goes back to it's zero pose. It is also moved to world center, (Translate X,Y,Z to 0,0,0.) And if you made changes to the shape morphs, (for example, you gave your character a large bulbous nose and small beady eyes,) you'll lose those, too. If you load a character, that character will be restored. Another example, f you load the base G3F and then use the Shaping tab to find and dial in a character, the figure will be restored to the base G3F. Aging Morphs, Vascularity, Shape Shift, etc.: Those morphs will also be "restored".

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    I always leave my characters at zero or close to it in the case of couples poses since only one character can be at zero. I don’t move my characters to suit a scene I move the scene to fit the characters. I find it tiresome to move the scenes but lately sets have been loading above and below the ground floor and out of the 'cool looking zone' so  I have to move it anyway or the character jumps below the floor when I zero or move the figures feet. I get tired of fixing the soles so I move the floor to the correct location so I don’t have to do that again.

    I like to leave the camera at default position and zoom in and out and roll it but I try to pose characters for the default camera because lights are designed to work with those  settings frequently.  some poses are rotated away from the camera so what I do is parent the figures to the vignette handle and rotate them around. Once I get the characters where I want them I rotate them towards the camera.

    I do this too. Everything is centered around the character when I create a render (I do the same in writing.) Keeping them at 0 also helps with light sets. It's a real pain to adjust a character to a set and then have to adjust all the lights too. Easier to bring everything to the character.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited October 2017
    Novica said:

    Oh yeah, remember this product?   Kaleidoscope   I found a forum thread from the product page saying you can render a group of people (say 6 people) then use this to multiply them. I have yet to use this, although I recall some of you did. Can this use Iray?

    I picked this up when I was new to DAZ. It sure looks cool, but have never used it. Not sure it can be used in Iray. Will give it a try soon.

    ETA: Nevermind, looks like you can. Still catching up on the thread!

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Taming the Beast- Darwin's new Salvatore for G3M/G8M and Hellborn Dragon HD for Dragon 3. Strangely, Hellborn has no Iray textures! I used Uber and played with emissives.

  • sueya said:

    I recently bought the  Legends outfit for Genesis 3 Male

     I decided to use Genesis 3 cross figure resource kit to make it fit Victoria 7.

    I think she looks really good in it.

    Late to the party here on this reply, but wow, nice one! It looks fantastic on her. yes

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @llynara  Looking good. No Iray textures? Well, you did really well to make it look up to speed!

    Barn owner's brother- ribs were in really bad shape, five permanent plates were put in yesterday. He is not responding but is opening his eyes. Still not breathing on his own or responding to commands, but his heart rate increases when his mom talks to him. (awwww...) He is taking additional breaths per minute on his own (very low numbers- it was one breath on his own, now up to 3. But that's progress.) They are going to do a tracheotomy tonight.   Brain is stabilized (but no improvement.)  I have relayed the well wishes (and gave the barn owner a hug from you folks, made her smile and she said to tell you "ya'll are so sweet!" 


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Will keep him in my prayers Novica.  Sounds like he has a long, hard road ahead, hopefully, he will start to improve now that his ribs are stablized.  I can't even imagine the pain he must be in.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    What happens when you let 100 artists decorate a school. (It all gets plastered over/ repainted over though.) 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    Consider Those Visemes

    So anyone know about the visemes- if they come with the studio?

    If you are doing a series of renders with characters interacting with each other, some characters may appeal to you more than others. Why risk surprises when you use facial expressions- test them with the same standards. That way you don't have to limit the range of expressions.  Do some pose better than others? Is there a difference? Do you wonder what those teeth will look like during expressions?

    Characters react differently to the Visemes or expression morphs. Vismes REALLY add that fluidity to expressions. (98% of the portraits in all these threads have Visemes either added or as stand-alones.)  And you get great expressions with various Viseme combinations.

    So although you may fall in love with a character at first glance, test him/her with the Visemes. All the gals below did quite well.

    Wanna play? To see how this works, grab two to four characters from DIFFERENT VENDORS and with different styles of lips.  Select your character in Scene, then in Parameters>Pose Controls>Head>Visemes

    I've done this awhile, so here's a good test series. I put one skin on all the gals to compare apples and apples. Before I tell you who these are, pick your favorite.
    Here's a 6 Viseme combination to gradually test a "big surprise/ shocked" mouth.

    "er" at 30% is a great beginning for a relaxed mouth, to get rid of the default setting "blah" mouth.
    Keep that. Add "L" 50%  This combination works well for "slight surprise"
    Keep that. Add "UW" 34%. The bottom teeth usually shows. 
    Keep that. Add "OW" 35%
    Keep that. Add "IH" 40%  This series up to this point gives you a great "suprise" mouth without being overdone. "You gotta be kidding me." 
    Keep that. Add "AA" 75%  This gives you the full effect of a dropped lower jaw without widening the mouth.
    This combination on Genesis 3 Females (Left to Right) all with the same skin- pick your favorite from the gals above, then from left to right, see who you picked.Go to the next line, hold down your mouse and mouse over to see who is who.
    Jenn, Ronja, Rane, and Uma. Who did you pick? I picked #2, Ronja.


    gals viseme er.png
    936 x 111 - 140K
    gals viseme er L .png
    939 x 108 - 135K
    gals viseme er L UW.png
    917 x 114 - 144K
    gals viseme er L UW OW.png
    933 x 124 - 156K
    gals viseme er L UW OW IH.png
    937 x 145 - 184K
    gals viseme er L UW OW IH AA.png
    929 x 145 - 183K
    Post edited by Novica on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Ugh. I'd bought a bunch of stuff yesterday and checked out with a giftcard payment. This morning I realised I'd been charged $62.37 (full price) rather than $19.37. Luckily I could still reproduce the cart, so a refund request has been put in. (And I always check before checking out. Ugh; again.)

    Note to self: always screenshot cart.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017
    Nath said:

    Note to self: always screenshot cart.

    I'm lazy. I just duplicate the page by opening another tab then compare after the payment goes through. If it matches, close the tab. :)  

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NathNath Posts: 2,856
    Novica said:

    I'm lazy. I just duplicate the page by opening another tab then compare after the payment goes through. If it matches, close the tab. :)  

    New note to self: do this instead.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    Um, will someone check their DIM and see if there are any operational-type files that would cause your studio to do this? I didn't really look at what I was installing, there were some new updates. What the heck did this?

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  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    I'm seeing Daz Studio 4.10 as installed. This is confusing. The opening page for the studio is still 4.9. In the upper corner, when studio opens, it says 4.9.  What the heck is the Daz Studio 4.10 doing in my DIM installed? (along with the Go Z 4.10 version.) 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

     Keep in mind I'm very tired, and I haven't been surfing other threads, so is this related to the Dforce thingie? Do you have it in your Product Library? 

    Edit- found this thread.  IT SCREWED UP MY STUDIO!!!!

    dazstudio4 10.jpg
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    Post edited by Novica on
  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152
    edited October 2017

    I updated to 4.10 yesterday. Straight from 4.6. It works a lot better for me than 4.9, which had all kinds of errors loading files from my library. I blamed my new PC at first, but as 4.6 did work, I decided to keep that for now, hoping 4.10 would come soon and work better.

    With 4.10 I can load a hair or prop without the program wanting to open a new scene before announcing the item is not where it should be. Oh, and actually is. ;) Autofit doesn't work properly on all items. At least, not to good old Genesis, but that's easily fixed with FitTo. I can live with that.

    Haven't found any other issues with it so far.

    EDIT: it did mention that CMS was not loaded or something, but I only work offline, so I'm kinda glad it didn't. I suspected that from messing up my studio in 4.9.

    Post edited by mori_mann on
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    I just updated to 4.10 about half hour ago. Via DIM. I'm not seeing what you're getting Novica, at all. Mine looks totally normal. Havne't done any renders or antyhing tho, cos I'm writing a bunch of tickets for stupid metadata errors for PC+ products - NEW ones. 

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Studio was updated while it was running. Reinstalling it will correct it.

  • mori_mannmori_mann Posts: 1,152

    Mine apparently conferred with 4.9 and is now throwing all kinds of errors.. Back to 4.6 then..

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    Fishtales said:

    Studio was updated while it was running. Reinstalling it will correct it.

    Hey there- thinking the same thing at the same time. I had already uninstalled when I got your post, installing it again now. Here's hoping!

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Yep, that fixed it. Thanks all! Haven't used it yet, it's 6:30am here and I've been up all night (off schedule) so signing off. BTW folks- check your mailbox in your account for Exclusive messages on the 200 Head product. If you bought the Female version, you get a discount on the Males. Orange banner isn't up yet, as usual.

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    Kinda disappointed in dforce release so far. No men’s clothing at all with the dforce capabilty. Yeah I know I can add it to some outfits but eh... just another way to market more female clothing while guys get nothing? Tiresome. I’m passing until I see some male clothing.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited October 2017

    I upgraded to the new version yesterday and had no issues. I did have to Merge and Update menus to see the dForce stuff, and then open the Simulation pane in the Windows menu. L'Adair has some good tips in a dForce thread around here somewhere (I'll link it as soon as I find it.) 

    Heads up for anyone that bought Lucas 8 Pro last week. He's cheaper this week. I made up a new cart, took a screenshot along with a screenshot I had of my old one (screenshot of your order will work too), then started a ticket. A $9 price drop in 10 days is pretty significant.

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited October 2017

    I'm still clunking around with dForce. I agree, Serene, I'd love to see more male dForce stuff, but until then, I'll test what I have and see what I can get working. 

    Highland Centaur

    Here was an experiment with dForce- draping a kilt on a centaur! I didn't work out perfectly and is hard to fix in post work, but it's a start. Darwin's new Salvatore wears it well! This is part of the Highlander Outfit from the Elijah 7 Pro bundle and IDG's wonderful Iray Essentials for DAZ Horse 2 and Centaur 7.


    Post edited by Llynara on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Dforce actually works fairly well on most of the clothing I have tried so far.  A lot of it is figuring out what parts you need to nail down and what parts you don't. I'm not going to buy clothing specifically for this, I have more than enought clothing to play with and see what works with this. I just did the Queen of Hearts for V4, I draped the skirt and it worked well.  The sleeves on the jacket won't drape or move but the skirt was the main item I was concerned with at this point.  I'm sure there are settings that will help with the sleeves that I haven't figure out yet.

  • zombietaggerungzombietaggerung Posts: 3,760
    edited October 2017

    Just a heads up, i've got a BYOB, the Iray Liquid Shaders and the Peasant Outfit for G8M in my cart plus Ophelia 7 as my free figure with purchase of 2 new things for a total $7.77! Fantastic deal with a very low priced entry fee. And without the BYOB it'll only be $4.89!

    cart 1.JPG
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    cart 3.JPG
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    cart 2.JPG
    1280 x 800 - 74K
    Post edited by zombietaggerung on
  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484

    Does anyone have Spicy Fusion and can they tell me if the 200 head morphs are required, because it's not listed as a requirement. 

  • EtaminEtamin Posts: 129
    edited October 2017

    Does anyone have Spicy Fusion and can they tell me if the 200 head morphs are required, because it's not listed as a requirement. 

    It lists as a pre-requisite for me - maybe it wasn't displaying correctly before and Daz updated the product page?


    ETA: Sorry, how do I make the attachment open in a new tab?

    513 x 210 - 36K
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  • firewardenfirewarden Posts: 1,484
    Etamin said:

    Does anyone have Spicy Fusion and can they tell me if the 200 head morphs are required, because it's not listed as a requirement. 

    It lists as a pre-requisite for me - maybe it wasn't displaying correctly before and Daz updated the product page?


    ETA: Sorry, how do I make the attachment open in a new tab?

    Thanks! It's showing that now. Weird that it wasn't there earlier. I should have thought to refresh the page.

This discussion has been closed.