Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 9
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Would have been nice to know about that 20% especially after a couple of new purchases. I picked up these items
I also wanted to see if the studio lights would work in rooms and open settings. Not so good in rooms but in open settings I like how they work. Still experimenting with them.
The outfit was from a g3 and I left off the skirt because it would not pose correct for me.
My internet is super slow right now, but here's a quick look at Will's new Iridescent Shaders for Iray. I'm just playing with the presets now, but looking at the what it does in the surfaces tab, the possibilities seem pretty endless. They render fast too. I stopped this early because I was too excited to share, so it's a little grainy.
Here's the Aqua Lame preset on Jepe's Wondersheetz II and the Iridescent Hair Preset on Free Spirit Hair. No postwork. I used Fabiana's Theory of Zen Moods HDR and Lights (Rendo). The soft light really compliments his shiny shaders well. (Click for much bigger pic.)
@llynara Looking good!
Thought I'd mention this Eye Clock Pose Control product since it's in a featured store. If you think of all the times you're going into Parameters to move eyes, or click on eyes in the scene and doing it that way, this is a fun product. (You could just create a Category and then quickly go to it, instead of the default location.) Worth a look.
Thanks, Novica, and I agree- the Eye Clock product is very good. Everything I have from Riversoft Art is excellent. I love all the value he builds into his products. Most of them can be used on multiple figures, often across generations too. Eye Clock will work with G3 and G8 if I remember correctly.
@cismic Very nice and springy! I've been oggling that Wisteria Tunnel for quite a while. I like the deer you added in the background. Nice touch!
Looks like the next hurricane of the season is a bit lost... Lucky for Florida, the Caribbean etc., but I hope Ireland has been properly tied down.
@cismic That wisteria reminded me of ice at first glance- very pretty. I also picked up those lights but haven't used them yet. Keep letting us know what you think- thanks for sharing. (and yes, love the deer too!)
@llynara It's just Genesis 3 and characters. (Edit- or did you try it and it worked with Genesis 8?) The Pose Generator works across a lot of generations, anything with bones actually! Picked that up too.
If you have the Beach Volleyball set, scoop up the poses by that same vendor. (And for the guys.) I got a 20% off gift card yesterday so my purchases were discounted even more, which worked out perfectly to scoop up some of the ones I was waiting on (such as the lights Cismic is using. I don't like Studio Lights Pro in the name, as the Pro-Studio one has a similar name, so you'll see me reference the newer one as the 180 Maps lights if it's in a paragraph.
OT For those of you who may want to do videos/ have a good screen capture, Camtasia is easy and the newest version was released in September. That is important because years go by without a new version- BUT updates happen every few months. They are constantly refining and adding new things. The reason this is important, you can skip adding the "maintenance" service ($50) because that lets you get the next version free- and chances are really, really high that will be more than a year (which is how long the maintenance fee gives you that.) Version 8 was years, released June 2012 and last updated August 2015. Replaced by version 9.0 last month. That's why I am saying the time is good, if you get it now you'll get updates free the next several years.
And the good news is you get the next version about 1/2 price, so $100 off. ($200 for initial purchase.) Expensive, yes- but when you see everything it does, you'll love it. And other folks can post free video editors too, which can save you money. So if you know of any, and HAVE EXPERIENCE using them, feel free to suggest!)
Camtasia lets you add music, add still photographs, comes with animations (like arrows filling in or the line around the arrow showing up and creating the arrow) and has animated backgrounds. There's also more you can buy, including music (it's all one big bundle.) So videos,stills, animations, music, screen capture, and easy to follow tutorials to get you up and running in minutes.
Just thought I'd mention it, I know it isn't cheap but some of you vendors who surf the thread may be interested, as a way to showcase your products. And it's great for doing tutorials. Oh, and editing is a BREEZE. There are "tracks" and you simply move a slider and click the cut button on that particular timeline. It's techsmith (dot) com. (Again, know (and have used) a free video editor? Feel free to suggest it.)
LOL. I spotted Ophelia when it was first at 20% chance, and the next day went up to 70% but I was reading the description going, "Huh? Southeast. North, then Northeast. Then East. Then it changed again, but always going back across the pond! How weird!
Novica- Yes, I think he added support for G8 as soon as V8 came out and it works fine with that generation too. I will double check in the morning (got another iridescent render going at the moment.)
They need to change the product page then, that could get more sales.
I've seen the odd hurricane turning east before; I think one even made it to landfall in Spain, maybe ten years ago or so, but usually the seawater further north is too cold for a system to maintain hurricane strength. I'm curious to see how it develops (and I'll put a net out to catch any leprechauns that are blown in this direction).
Oh wow. This is for real, I just read about these on National Geographic.
Flying Fish. There's one in middle-right that takes off from the water then banks like a 747 doing a turn! And look at that sucker cruising all along the top, not dropping altitude at all! (Show this to your kids or grandkids and they'll think you're ultra-cool LOL)
I can't look at that without imagining them going "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!" :-)
LOL!!!!! Can you imagine being in a smaller boat and seeing those coming at you? Time to get below deck, that would really HURT to get smacked in the face. You'd definitely break your nose!
@Llynara - I have those shaders in my cart now. I think they have some cool potential perhaps with caustics and all. :-) They look great on the hair.
@Novica - thank you. Those deer were only 1.30!
I use wisteria tunnel with and without the wisteria. Lots of good scenes in that set.
@Novica Your comment on flying fish brought back the memory of the first time I heard of them, reading "Kon-Tiki" by Thor Heyerdahl. I wonder how many remember that voyage, book and movie?
Need some insight. Looking at Dimension3D's page, I'm thinking (far down the road) if I wanted to make poses to give away or sell poses, would these tools help me? I think Preset Cleaner, Morph Organizer, DSON Editor Content Gatherer (that's the main one I'm finding in discussions.)
DSF Toolbox question- does that help in any way when you make an object in Zbrush? It says:
Converts the UV-mapping from an OBJ file to an UV-set in DSF format.
Obj2Morph: Creates a DSF morph file from a morphed OBJ geometry.
Is dsf a good/current file format? I'm getting so lost reading all this stuff! It's all in the M.F.Grab and I'm getting 75% off, so want to scoop it up if I need it. So any technical advice would be appreciated. (keep it in simple terms please! :) )
Sometimes the fish just fight back :)
The Russian Hats (G3M) are in MFGrab ($3.73 with qualifying item) and you can hide the emblems- nice for using as generic hats in fictional settings. (YouTube video shows how easy it is to fit to head, the emblems being hidden, etc. It's on the product page.)
Also, this is a really cute dress up at the top. And in MFGrab. Wicked Party Dress goes to $3.73 with qualifying item. I'm wondering if it would be fun to eliminate the lower part of the dress (do as different material zone then opague out) and make a separate band for the waist, then that can be bumped up so it's a hem/band. Make an adorable shirt!
Digital Lite Design has some really pretty pearl shaders, also in MFGrab and $3.74 Shades of Pearl
I know there's a lot of stores in the MFGrab so pointing out this one in case you don't have time to cruise through all of them. If you have the prisoner clothing (multiple vendors make it, IH Kang for example, is a featured store) then check out the Pentonville Prison. If you look at the thumbnails, it shows the inside of the cells. What a deal! (And get the Modern one too) Ness Period Reproductions is one of my favorite vendors, good attention to details. Those go to $4.24 and $2.48 with qualifying item in the cart. A great deal!
I'm looking at Curvaceous Olympia 7 I'd like to add those heavier arms to the gene pool. My mind is drawing a blank, as I've not done this before- how do you use just a specific body PART morphs on another character? I don't want to do the slider that is for the entire body. What I'd like to do is be able to add weight to the underside of the arm, using this product. Is that possible? She's for Olympia 7 and I want it for Gen3F so it's within the same generation. Is this possible? (I'm going to get her anyway, $4.23 in MFG w/ qualifying item.
Unless the morphs are set up that way you would have to split them - either selecting vertices, adding the morph to favourites, and Removing the vertices from the moprh or by exporting as OBJ and loading as a new morph through Morph Loader pro with the Attenuate options (by bones or by a weight map from a dForm).
Here's an interesting sarcophagus in MFGrab for $4.99 (w qualifying item) Draculeum Imagine the special effects you can do with that concrete figure! The top comes off so you can have some fun with that. 4.99
Also, you can use that base for other sets.
So what are you folks finding? Here's my things in the cart, will be whittling that down, I'm doing the MFGrab. But before I whittle, here's some things you may want and the prices if you have a qualifying item.. (Keep in mind I am only seeing things I don't own yet) The Russian Hats are 3.73, as is the Wicked Party Dress, and I've already mentioned those. So no featured stores in this list, these are 72-75% and some at their lowest prices for awhile.
This is more expensive at $6.23, but as-is or re-shadered, there's alot of detail! Mantisaran is also in the gallery, by @dawnblade Take a look and give it some love! Definitely keeping this one!
Relentless Mercenary Outfit Textures 3.62
Lethal Rogue Outfit Textures 4.19
Anatomy Theatre Good for the set but also for props 4.24
Sci Fi Boots for Genesis 3 Female Nice detail! While you're in that store, look at the streaming hair if you don't already have it. Have we featured that before? 3.74
The Dead Zone 6.99
Sentry Gun 3.98
Aftermath @serenenight did a great render with this, I still remember it. SereneNight, do you have it handy? (link to it or repost it here? If you have time.) 4.99
Ktarya Bundle I like the detail in the outfit, the hair feathers, necklace, etc. Kitbash! 11.99 for three items
Gingerbread House and Man Christmas is coming, and this is just plain cute! 3.23
Iray Carnage Skin for Damien Demon If you have Damien, the price is right on this for sure! 3.73 or 3.74 LOL
Iray Carnage Skin for Anneka Demon Same for you Anneka owners. 3.73 or 3.74
People of Earth Faces of Africa Gen3M and the other Faces of Earth. Go to the vendor's store. 3.99
SY Fast Lights Iray HDRs For this price, another light set adds to my runtime! (Besides, it's Sickleyield, enough said.) 3.73
Easy Shadows Iray Another Sickleyield. 3.99
SF Anime Character Builder Because it looks like a lot of fun! 7.49
Fast Flames Iray Look at this gallery image, those flames are fantastic!!! @dawnblade did a great job. Like/comment while you're there if you think about it? 3.98
Strange Eyes for Genesis 3 Male(s) and Female(s) 3.99
Deliciously Evil Queen Outfit for Genesis 3 Females This outfit looks downright elegant. Look at this gallery image. Here's another. Shows the detail. 6.43
Hope this helped! :)
Oh, ick. Thanks @richardhaseltine I'll get her anyway to have a character with more weight, but that sounds like too much work. Appreciate your input!
Um, heads up. If you haven't read the Sale thread in Commons, InaneGlory was listed as a co-vendor with DestinysGarden for the new release today. They had it mixed up in the Featured Stores and Mega FastGrab. InaneGlory is in the MFGrab but NOT discounting, because that name was on the new release (so I took a lot of good products out of my cart!) and IG's were only getting the Featured Artist Discount (which they weren't!) So that only went 60%.
I think Richard is reporting that IG's in the MFGrab should be going to the 72-75% off. Hang on to see what happens. I'm going to add all that back to my cart.
Hmm. I'm gonna gamble that the MFG is going to get bigger, not smaller, tonight. Aren't we due a final catch-up sale? And there might be a new release I want that I didn't already buy.
Though I REALLY want the Ktarya bundle...
Looks like the flying fish won lolol.
Oops. Links to the Strange Eyes product. Here's the link to the Evil Queen outfit: