Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 9



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    Here's that closeup of the eyes, I like them better after looking at them closeup (but still want darker options, so will use Surface pane and darken the base color.)  I like the lips- lately some characters have had long vertical lines, and these seem realistic to me with a good balance of bump. You can see what I mean about the eyebrows, they do have individual hairs and don't look penciled on.

    This is that Makeup 02 that is the only one resembling a "normal" makeup IMO.

    stephanie8 eyes.png
    533 x 800 - 931K
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  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited October 2017

    I picked up Cabin In The Woods. I did this outside render first, I have the inside set up to render but haven't got around to that yet, and found it is VERY high in memory use. It topped out my 16GB, which takes about 11GB to do that, and went to the swap file. I deleted all the inside and it was still taking a lot of ram but the laptop was at least usable.

    Click on image for full size.

    1280 x 720 - 963K
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  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @fishtales   I bought that too, but hadn't rendered it yet. Good to know it may take awhile or make my computer scowl at me LOL. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I picked up Stephanie 8 for the content. I don't have the other 3 bundles so it is a good deal for me. 

    I don't care for stef's head. in fact I don't care for any of gen 8 pro bundle heads. They have weird jaws and odd mouths and are thin and boney  at the same time. Yes she has a lantern jaw and sharp chin. Her makeup is extreme showgirl makeup and way over the top... the hair and clothing look like filler. I can make something from this hot mess but it definitely looks thrown together. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    War Hawk MKI Dropship

    This was in Mega Fast Grab- got it for $4.99. WOW.  When doing the jet blasts, select the appropriate engines in Scene tab (the right blast for the right engine, left blast for the left engine.) 

    I also used the background brush (light blue) and opagued out some of the ends of the blast, it was too defined. I'm not rendering the inside as I have too many things to try and wade through, just giving you a quick example. The inside definitely has to have light added (like a ghost light) from my brief exploration of the cockpit. It's got very nice details, with glowing screens and instrument panels.

    This also comes with Genesis 3 poses for the flight crew.

    The cockpit as viewed from outside.

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    warhawk 2.png
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  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017
    900 x 1200 - 2M
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  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    @fredwinklerart   @sabby

    For Lavana: These files are missing when loading her up from the Content Library (People>Genesis 8>Characters- Actor icons.)  She loads in the scene though, so don't know what those two files do. (I uninstalled and reinstalled and yep, they are missing.) 

    data/daz 3d/genesis 8/female/morphs/fwsa/lavana/ctrl-fwsalavana.dsf

    data/daz 3d/genesis 8/female/morphs/fwsa/misc/fwsa_pbmnailssquare.dsf

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Novica said:

    @fredwinklerart   @sabby

    For Lavana: These files are missing when loading her up from the Content Library (People>Genesis 8>Characters- Actor icons.)  She loads in the scene though, so don't know what those two files do. (I uninstalled and reinstalled and yep, they are missing.) 

    data/daz 3d/genesis 8/female/morphs/fwsa/lavana/ctrl-fwsalavana.dsf

    data/daz 3d/genesis 8/female/morphs/fwsa/misc/fwsa_pbmnailssquare.dsf

    The first one seems to be a control slider for the character morph, if I'm reading the name correctly. The second seems to be a nail shaping morph, again, based on the name.



  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    QA apparently did not see that the  IGD Diva-tude is its own section under Genesis 8 Female in the Content Library.  Those go under POSES. I submitted a ticket already. Just imagine if everyone doing poses decided to put theirs out in the main section for Genesis 8 Females.  I also submitted a ticket on the character missing files from a couple posts back. Rendering Lavana now.


  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited October 2017

    I always submit tickets for badly placed files. I am not keen on my runtime getting messed up because of a typo or organizational issue I've had more of this lately. 

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    FWSA Lavana HD for Stephanie 8         Breeze for Genesis 8 Female(s)        Nick Hair for Genesis 3 And 8

    Lavana is meant to have unique skin, and she certainly lights that way. I did add a bit of metallicity and flakes, and increased the glossiness a bit. I did not change the color on anything though. I'm not a fan of the eyebrows as these are more of the penciled, thinner type, but that's just personal preference. (Edit- this is still with the missing files. She did load up for me, as mentioned a few posts down.) 

    600 x 800 - 813K
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    I don't know, she doesn't look at all like the promo, something's missing from her features.She looks like the base Genesis 8. I'm trying her now but Daz crashed so I'm going to bed.  Hope this gets sorted out because I really like this one. Not really into goth but I like her face and body.

  • I too have missing Lavana files -- the figure morph to be precise "data/daz 3d/genesis 8/female/morphs/fwsa/lavana/ctrl-fwsalavana.dsf".  Without this there is no Lavana :(

    Thank you Novica for submitting the ticket. Much appreciated.

    You were able to render Lavana -- did you find the morph files somewhere or did they just work for you?

    I appreciate your help.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Lavana just loaded up, even without the files. I'm so non-technical I wouldn't know where to start looking for them,  LOL! 

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited October 2017

    Loaded the interior of A Cabin in the Woods. Again I had to delete the two bedrooms and the bathroom to get some ram back  before I could use it :) I stopped this after 8 hours, it ran overnight, but it still looks good at that. I will now have a go at getting the render time down to a reasonable level :)

    Click on image for full size.

    1280 x 720 - 656K
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  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited October 2017

    Managed to get it down.

    2017-10-04 12:55:16.531 Total Rendering Time: 5 hours 54 minutes 57.7 seconds

    The other one was 75% converged and this one went the full way to 95%.

    Click on image for full size.

    1280 x 720 - 573K
    Post edited by Fishtales on
    Novica said:

    Lavana just loaded up, even without the files. I'm so non-technical I wouldn't know where to start looking for them,  LOL! 

    She loaded up for me too but I got the error about the missing data fies.  The figure looked like the default G8 just a little shorter.  When I went to the parameters or shaping tab and looked under curently used, there were no morphs showing. 


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @fishtales    Love the skeletons and the single, soulful candle in the fireplace. Very creative! 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    Oh here we go again. Hurricane Nate will form and this time, the hurricane will be in the Gulf of Mexico targeting eastern Louisiana, over to the Florida panhandle. Models are showing Florida more than the other states at the moment. The timeline has accelerated and instead of Mon/Tues next week, now it's Sunday, the end of the week! Going to be offline running errands today (I'm one of those who never have to wait in line for gas or look at empty shelves at the store. I think by tonight things will start getting hectic as people get off work and hear the 6 o'clock news.) So heads up Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida panhandle/upper 1/4 western peninsula! (lCedar Key-ish area and slightly south of there)

    Oh, another thing- and try not to laugh. Current Stetson news- the vet was out for his yearly shots/Coggins, etc- and my boy has to lose about two hundred pounds! The little roly-poly gained weight this summer because of being stalled for the heat, plus I hadn't been riding that often. So switching from a Daz focus to horseback riding for the foreseeable future, plus it's Fall anyway and that's when it's nice to ride.  I've got a lot of stuff to render and will be doing that, just may be a sporatic schedule so far as being on the thread. Aka, not predictable (except evenings. Horsie will be sleeping lol)   As always appreciate your help in answering people's questions on products in a timely manner, I know sometimes it's with products that are flash sales or Fast Grab and we need to get answers quickly on those. 

    If anyone else discovered missing files or problems with new releases, please let us know too so we're not all re-inventing the wheel with support ticket duplication.

    And just want to thank all the PAs for participating in the sale, we appreciate you very much. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    edited October 2017

    Most users of Daz Studio are familiar with Daz scripts but most do not know how to write them. Scripts can do all sorts of things, easily seen if you take a look at the 100's of scripts published by mCasual.  For those wanting to learn to write their own scripts, a new series was started recently by @Winterbrose. The first two installments have been published (SCRIPTING Made Simple Vol-1: Intro to Daz Scripting and SCRIPTING Made Simple Vol-2: Mathematics and Looping in Daz Script). I am very familiar with scripting, and have used several scripting and programming languages. I have not done any scripting in DS and thought these products might be a good way to get started. Here's my review of these first two products.

    These are well-made products. Each comes with a 36-38 page PDF for those who learn best from the written word and 5-6 video segments for those who like to learn that way. The videos come in two different formats, wmv for Windows and mp4's  that can be used for Macs and most all other devices like phones and tablets. 

    The PDF's are well structured with a table of content, lots of screen shots, example scripts for you to type in and test, and a logical flow. I found them very easy to read and follow along. The teaching starts from the very basic (how to get to the Script IDE) through case sensitivity, variable definition, basic math and string manipulation, conditional statements (e.g., if-then) and looping statements. At the beginning of the second PDF there is a one page review of the key points from the first volume. Not only are the PDF's good for learning they also serve as a lasting reference document, and if you print them out, you could make margin notes as you go along.

    I personally do not care much for video tutorials so I did not look at all of them but I did look at a few. The speaker was easy to understand, the sound was clear, the screen shots were large and easy to read, they followed the flow outlined in the PDF's, and in several cases had an additional example or two. 

    As an experienced programmer, I debated buying these. Daz does have online documentation for scripting but there are missing links and the structure is fragmented. Much that was published in the old forums is lost.  There is a Daz Script Developer forum but the discussions are mostly aimed at those who already know the language. You could learn to script from those resources or by reviewing the mCasual scripts which are not encrypted, but I think if you are new to programming, a more structured step-by-step approach as these two products follow would be more helpful.

    My one complaint about the product is the cost. I don't know how many volume are planned, but at a list price of $34.95, even five volumes would be $175 which is a pretty good investment in a course. I got them at half off as part of the sale, but that is still substantial. If you are a new programmer, the first two won't be enough to teach you to script so recognize you will have to get future volumes as well. Perhaps the PA will offer a bundle at some point or provide some way to reward those who purchase along as they are released.

    If you want to try them out, I'd suggest skipping number one to start and getting number two which has a brief review of the first volume and is more focused on scripting rather than the IDE. If you like the second, you can then go back and get the first.

    Post edited by RGcincy on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    Pix Onynx for Genesis 8 Female        One Piece Swimsuit For Genesis 8 Females       Vertigo Ponytail for Genesis 8 Female(s)

    The Onynx cyborg does have moisture in her skin, but this isn't the default. I played with the reflectivity, bumps, glossy settings a bit. Note that One Piece Swimsuit has textures that are really fun too. I like the options which cut out the sides, as shown in the first renders here.  Note that Onynx requires Pix Venus500 for options (read the product description.) 

    I wanted you to see the closeup of the grooves and materials. Interesting!

    pix onyx 2.png
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    pix onyx 4.png
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    pix onyx.png
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    Post edited by Novica on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Heads up! Flash sales!!!

  • Having been around for a wile  due to Real life stuff .

    Still trying to catch up here, but wanted to pop in and say thank you Novica for mentioning my image of Gypsyangels Brahm. I love her characters.

  • RGcincy said:

    If you want to try them out, I'd suggest skipping number one to start and getting number two which has a brief review of the first volume and is more focused on scripting rather than the IDE. If you like the second, you can then go back and get the first.

    Thank you @RGcincy for the review! I too program and have debated on purchasing these items. I will take your advice and start with the second video in the series. 


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    AN Gianna (Not available here)     Woodman House: The Bathroom

    Wish other Woodman House rooms were available, they're quite lovely. (The complete set was shown in my post on the first page of this thread.)  I need to get Marshian's foam product to experiment with too,  I was testing lighting and bubbles.  She does have soapsuds on her too, but it got hidden with the pose. Doing a different render for that.

    Trying to think if there's any other bathtub / bubbles sets, this one came to mind as I had rendered it already. I had to do multiple layers of it and rescale them to get the density I needed. Plus postwork to blend. In other words, this isn't out of the box.

    Gianna BathtuSIG.png
    599 x 770 - 862K
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  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    Did you notice Stonemason is in Fast Grab? The Ministry is $7.49  (There may be other things, I just note the ones I see / haven't yet purchased.)  I also like the Denim Jacket outfit, several vendors make sleeves too darned short. Aka, what's with just above the wrist but supposedly full length sleeve? That just looks shrunk in the wash. This outfit has great sleeves and you can use it with other outfits. More IH Kang in Fast Grab.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Novica said:

    Did you notice Stonemason is in Fast Grab? The Ministry is $7.49  (There may be other things, I just note the ones I see / haven't yet purchased.)  I also like the Denim Jacket outfit, several vendors make sleeves too darned short. Aka, what's with just the above the wrist but supposedly full length sleeve? That just looks shrunk in the wash. This outfit has great sleeves and you can use it with other outfits. More IH Kang in Fast Grab.

    I checked Stonemason's store and there are four of his older products in Fast Grab:

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    I didn't care for the ministry. It looks kind of dated just FYI.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited October 2017

    H&C Shower Towel for Genesis 3 Female(s)     Soap Suds Iray For Genesis 8 & 3

    The bubbles are still from the Woodman House bathroom.

    Gianna bath towel.png
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    Gianna bath towel2.png
    400 x 533 - 355K
    Post edited by Novica on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I didn't care for the ministry. It looks kind of dated just FYI.

    They all are. Faded Industry is the newest of the four, and it was released in July of 2007.

    I'll probably pick up The Backstreets, if it's still in Fast Grab when I get back from running a few errands.

This discussion has been closed.