Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 9



  • I picked up Iray Worlds. I think it's going to go very well with Precious figures.

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    well that's a strange orange banner today. No discount or anything - basically just an ad for existing products that have been added to the PC club at PC prices. That's it. Don't think I've ever received an orange banner that was just an ad with no discount on anything. Bit of a waste if you ask me. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    jakiblue said:

    well that's a strange orange banner today. No discount or anything - basically just an ad for existing products that have been added to the PC club at PC prices. That's it. Don't think I've ever received an orange banner that was just an ad with no discount on anything. Bit of a waste if you ask me. 

    I know, right? I was thinking it was gonna be a "Wow! How nice of them!" and then..."Umm." Of course, I had zero showing on the page but that's okay, unless something's 60% I usually don't buy it (Unless it triggers even bigger discounts on a lot of things, like the Mega Fastgrab. And the savings have to knock that first thing down to at least 60% or more once I deduct what I saved off it. Hope I'm making sense.) 

    For New Debut, I went with the Flock Gulls and Crows (love that idea! And low polygon count)  and the Iray Worlds Plus.  I got the 5% off gift card already, so it will be another 5% off for me for my cart. 

    I have those two dresses, Brahm, DG Iray Deco Wood Shaders, Iray Animated Dandelions,  Iray REAL Animated Dust Particles and Bokehs. I'll go for 60% off if it's a utility, or a guy I've wishlisted for awhile. (I already have Sawyer.)  Fast Grab has a few things different, I do have A Bright Loft so getting the Neglected for it at 70% off. Watch out when shopping Fast Grab, they don't always have the changes at the beginning. I was looking at the first one thinking "Same old same old" then I saw some others had been inserted.

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839

    Finally something new I wanted: Iray Worlds Plus and the flocking birds. The only thing I got from mega fast grab was male medical scrubs. I've started trying out Iray Worlds Plus. Very slow to render but looks good. I'll post something when I have a scene different enough from the promos.

  • I don't understand mega fastgrab and how that works. I admit I just had a tooth pulled and am not especially clear head but what is it where can I find what qualifies and is it someing you only get when you purchase another thing?

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770

    Trousseau for V4

    This is a very nice older dress that's in today's flash sale. It's very versatile, with several different looks. The main dress is dynamic, and works just fine in VWD. It's not high poly either. This is just a quick, static drape on a V4. I'll do it on a V7 or V8 next, and play with the scene a bit more. (Consider this a rough draft, lots to fix.) The dress comes with a choker, but it didn't look right, even on the V4, so I took it off. The head band is okay but looks really dated. I'd prefer flowers in her hair instead. For $1.26, I'm not complaining. (Click and zoom in for more details. The lace on the dress renders very well in Iray.)

  • NathNath Posts: 2,856

    Nice pic. Nice dress:)

  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    Mega Fastgrab is right at the bottom of the daily sale page. It consists of certain vendor's stores and one DAZ originals category. They are 65% off, or if you buy one of the daily new releases  OR a Still New Release, you get 75% off. 

    I don't understand mega fastgrab and how that works. I admit I just had a tooth pulled and am not especially clear head but what is it where can I find what qualifies and is it someing you only get when you purchase another thing?


  • Okay! thanks! I didn't notice it all the way down there.

    Has anyone bought this?

    Does the ceiling hide?

  • I'm going to run some toony filters on these. but here's a couple of Iray Worlds Plus renders that aren't straight promo loads.


    One thing I've noticed is that for whatever reason, it triggers the 'on' mode of a Headlamp on Auto, even though (as you can see when I turned off the Headlamp) it's not really needed at all. The dozing unicorn is with a normal HDRI and the reflection-gazing unicorn is with one of the Worlds skies.

    Unicorn in Mega Worlds2.png
    2600 x 2080 - 8M
    Unicorn in Mega Worlds.png
    1200 x 960 - 2M
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    This one is GORGEOUS!!!! 

    I'm going to run some toony filters on these. but here's a couple of Iray Worlds Plus renders that aren't straight promo loads.


    One thing I've noticed is that for whatever reason, it triggers the 'on' mode of a Headlamp on Auto, even though (as you can see when I turned off the Headlamp) it's not really needed at all. The dozing unicorn is with a normal HDRI and the reflection-gazing unicorn is with one of the Worlds skies.


  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited September 2017

    Does the ceiling hide?

    Don't have it, sorry. 
    @llynara  That's a nice dress!  @dreamfarmer    Oh, just adorable, would love to join them for a snooze!

    Post edited by Novica on
  • FYI- today only you get a bogo deal with Jeroyn and a select few characters from my store. :)  Shameless self-plug finished, I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    FYI- today only you get a bogo deal with Jeroyn and a select few characters from my store. :)  Shameless self-plug finished, I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. 

    I saw that!!! VERY generous. 

  • What can I say- love the peeps here.  :)

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    edited September 2017

    I'm going to run some toony filters on these. but here's a couple of Iray Worlds Plus renders that aren't straight promo loads.


    Those look great!

    Here's my first using scene 5 from Iray Worlds-Plus. Added The Moose and rendered with LAMH 2 Iray Catalyzer. For a 1200 x 960 image, it took 1 hr 1 min to render which is good considering it has LAMH fur.

    Iray Worlds moose sharp.jpg
    1200 x 960 - 2M
    Post edited by RGcincy on
  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    I have the 1st Iray Worlds and its expansion, they're completely fantastic.  Would totally pick this one up too if I had the funds.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited September 2017

    Oh, I love the Iray Worlds renders! Very beautiful and perfect for toons!

    Jeroyn for G3M and G8M

    Okay, let's take a walk on the wild side with the Pumpkin King, or should I say, "Punkin'" King? Darwin's newest character has amazing makeup options and gorgeous skin. I'm going to do some more "normal" looking renders of him, but this was too much fun! I wanted to do fire, but had to settle for flares as the fire wasn't coming out right and driving me nuts!

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • Did anyone get the Legends Armour by Aeon Soul?  Holy wow its amazing! I have to go watch my niece in the marching band at tonights football game but I think I'm going to try and render this tonight.  

    @Darwin's Mishaps thank you very much!  I was able to pick up Jeroyn as well as Iain today so I only have a few of your boys left to go lol.

    I have most of Magix's worlds and love them, they are extremely versatile and if you have some of the others you can mix and match on top of it. Highly recommend those.



  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    The Iray Worlds looks gorgeous! wishlisted it for later. I only have his Iray Worlds Skydome....but I can't for the life of me figure out how to use it, so I've not used it. sad

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    jakiblue said:

     I only have his Iray Worlds Skydome....but I can't for the life of me figure out how to use it, so I've not used it. sad

    Not at all? Or just some part of it? Let us know and I can walk you through it

  • dreamfarmerdreamfarmer Posts: 2,128
    edited September 2017

    I have The Legend. I've posted a couple of renders in the sales thread. I can relink them here? One showing how it looks on a male body, and one showing it mixed with Neo Ayane chainmail.



    The male body one is all Autofit with 'None' picked for clothing type (just to be consistent). The decorative shoulder pads do some weird bending on that autofit when the model's head is moved, and the shoes don't fit, but both of these are minor issues in cross fitting lady armor to a dude.

    Post edited by dreamfarmer on
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    I don't quite get how to apply all the options. I use Smart content and had to open asset in virtual folder to figure out what everything is, and they are in numbered folders. So I guessed you go through the options in the numbered order?

    Ok, the options in 1. Sky Mats. What are you actually applying those to?? The IR-Base or IR-Skydome?

    2 Sun colour - do you select IR-Sun in the scene AND in the surfaces to apply this? Or environment in render settigns?

    3 sun Positions - do you select IR-Sun in the scene tab?

    there are 9 'sets' in Iray Skydome folder - desert worlds, skydome basic etc. What is the difference between them and the ones in the '4 Scene Subsets' folder? They have the same filenames with a 'S' on the end.  

    RGcincy said:
    jakiblue said:

     I only have his Iray Worlds Skydome....but I can't for the life of me figure out how to use it, so I've not used it. sad

    Not at all? Or just some part of it? Let us know and I can walk you through it


  • I'd love an explanation too @RGcincy.   I haven't been able to figure out how to use it. I use smart content. 

  • @Dreamfarmer. Lover your Uni pics. Those unicorns look so sweet! very cute

  • RGcincyRGcincy Posts: 2,839
    edited September 2017

    @jakiblue @Worlds_Edge  Here you go - hope this helps. Let me know if you run into problems.

    Iray Worlds Skydome

    First, you need to load one of the 9 "sets". The icons give a pretty good idea of the default sky and ground. In Content Library, there are 9 sets in the main folder and the same 9 in a Scene Subset folder (they have the same scene name followed by a capital letter S). Tonight I didn't find a difference between the two but the 9 scenes without the S may replace what's in your scene whereas the ones with an S will merge into the scene.

    Once you've loaded a set, you can modify it.

    SKY MAT: The Skydome is a physical object and the Sky Mats are shaders. Either click on the sky in the viewport with the Surface tool active or select the IR-Skydome in the Scene pane, then go to the Surface pane and select the sky surface. Then double-click on whatever sky you want. This is easiest to use if you have the Aux Viewport active and set to render IRay. There's also a set of sky intensity materials. Apply with the IR-Skydome selected after you've applied the sky material. 

    The usual Iray dome found in Render Settings under the Environment tab is not used by Iray Worlds.

    SKY POSITION: Select the IR-Skydome in the Scene pane and go to the Parameters pane. Change Y-rotation to move clouds around. There's also one morph that adjust the vertical height of the sky-clouds.

    SUN POSITION: To set the sun position, you can apply a pose to it. Select IR-Sun in the scene pane and then double-click on whatever pose you want from the Sun Position folder. Note this can cause a misalignment with the sun in the skydome and the sun supplying light.

    SUN COLOR: These are shaders, so select IR-Sun in the Scene pane and select the surface in the Surfaces pane. There are colors and intensities shaders and you can apply both.

    MIST: Select the IR-Base in the scene pane and there's a set of morphs which let you adjust the mist.

    Smart Content vs Product Library: Same icons in both. Sets are found under environment, just pick the one ending in S. Skies are under materials as are the sky intensity materials. Sun color and Sun intensity are found under Shaders.


    Post edited by RGcincy on
  • Great explanation on the Iray worlds.

    And thanks for the render of the armour its definitely as gorgeous as I thought it would be!

  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,504
    edited September 2017

    In another thread, people were discussing the situation when you recognize the merchant resources used. I decided to render two Raiya characters who might or might not be using the same  resource masterfully changed by the artis .  I realized I ended up being more curious about how there is a unique Raiya look (sunken cheeks, distinctive nose, cupid lips ) and noticed how much more pronounced the HD displacement is in Genesis 8.  I'm going to go back and render some of the Michael 4 and Genesis series characters.

    1651 x 1273 - 454K
    Post edited by nemesis10 on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @nemesis10  Interesting!  Agree, there is a certain "look," particularly the nose.
    @dreamfarmer    Certainly, you can show things here that are on other threads. I do that too.  :)  Legends looks SO much better without those big pauldrons IMO. I think they look downright silly/ clunky, more like a ceremonial addition when the person would only be slowly walking. Trying to do anything in those would be a disaster. Lovely attention to detail and beautiful sculpting.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I've been waiting to check out (well, since half the day the stores weren't discounting right, or the other sections were screwed up- they were discounting 17% instead of 50% when you had two of the qualifying things in there, then things were removed, others added- if you don't visit the sales thread every day, I'd recommend it.

    The store is turning over in half an hour, so these may disappear. I try to post earlier in the day but was offline, prioritizing Life. Hope you can look at these if you haven't checked out yet, or want to do last minute shopping. I only have 4 pages of V4 stuff to look through, these are things I am getting that I don't have.

    Anyway, something interesting I've been doing more of- visiting the gallery links for the products. I normally take a quick glance at the thumbnails, but now I open it up to see what generation it's used on. Like to direct you to a skirt (V4) on Genesis 3 that is only 73 cents (with qualifying items)   Flared Skirt  and the gallery render.  The waistband leaves a lot to be desired, but look at the flow of the skirt- and the length. (Yes!) 

    I like Genevieve for V4 because the beauty marks are SUBTLE.  And if I don't use the materials, I like the morphs. She's $1.89

    Other items are Modern Muses Nera because you can reduce that (too much IMO) bump in the lips, apply Iray, and have a dainty freckled face with nice brows that are a bit asymmetrical which is good. (In the 4th thumbnail you can see the brow on OUR left is missing a teeny bit of hair on top, the other one has it.)  She's 

    Otherwordly Wonders Equinox   Gallery image   Gallery Image  is $1.99

    Warrior Maiden Eth has really fun makeups- in the second row, last thumbnail- even the eyebrow has the studs- one at the beginning of each brow. Really cool.  $1.88

    Heartbreak V4    Love the eyebrows  and it says second skin so I think that is actually ON her. Strange but fun. $1.89

This discussion has been closed.