Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 9



  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2017

    I don't like that pa's know who buys  their products. In fact I find that disturbing. That is a privacy issue and customers should be made aware that their purchases aren't private and that the store is sharing this info is not cool. Customers should have a reasonable expectation that content they buy here is not unnecessarily shared with people without their knowledge.

    People buy from a store.... if they bought directly from a pa I can understand... but that seems strange to me.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited June 2017

    I don't think it's stated anywhere but perhaps assumed that buyers know? I remember reading something a long time ago when I was new to these forums that made me realize the vendors can see who's buying their products. One had stated that they looked up all their customers and gave them a special gift or coupon or something. I don't remember who or what it was. But it hit me- they can see who buys what. Makes sense, but at the same time, made me feel a little like being spied on. Data is powerful, and useful, but sometimes feels a bit creepy because it can be used at such a personal level. 

    Of course, we see this same thing being played out time and time again with the orange banners and special offers. Some kind of algorithm is used in the system to determined who bought "Vendor X's" stuff recently and then the resulting customers are given the orange banner and coupon for a special deal. Personalization can be cool, but also creepy.

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited June 2017
    Llynara said:

    Of course, we see this same thing being played out time and time again with the orange banners and special offers. Some kind of algorithm is used in the system to determined who bought "Vendor X's" stuff recently and then the resulting customers are given the orange banner and coupon for a special deal. Personalization can be cool, but also creepy.

    But I think that is just the company, using a script that can tell- as opposed to a specific person knowing. (A person who can get their feelings hurt. There's that aspect too.)

    LOL, not that I'm complaining. If Daz were to do it, the vendors should absolutely ADORE me.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited June 2017

    Not all vendors are customer friendly though. I know most are great people but still some vendors do leave the store and some can be quite antagonistic in the forums. I think it's a bad idea to share unnecessary info.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Not all vendors are customer friendly though. I know most are great people but still some vendors do leave the store and some can be quite antagonistic in the forums. I think it's a bad idea to share unnecessary info.

    Especially if Daz were to do it. The reason given by the "other site" PA, aka identifying if it were a pirated acquisition, wouldn't come into play. We have a good customer service department who acts as the interface, and can easily see if the customer ordered from here. Pirates wouldn't bother asking for help.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    Novica said:

     Pirates wouldn't bother asking for help.

    You'd be surprised.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited June 2017
    Novica said:

     Pirates wouldn't bother asking for help.

    You'd be surprised.

    LOL, that's pretty pathetic. I'd love to see Support's answer.
    "FIrst, you might want to lower that skull and crossbone flag so you're not quite so obvious. Second, give it up. Your questions, not the flag." 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680

    eh, piracy is not an excuse to violate paying customer's privacy, and that to me seems like a weak way to determine who is pirating. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited June 2017

    Well, to be clear- that wasn't the store's statement, it was an individual PA's. I don't know the reasoning behind it. If you want to see the interviews with that question in it, Google Why We Love Brokering with (store name.)  Edit: I've always wondered why Daz didn't have an article section, with interviews, and featuring different vendors. It would help sales.

    Post edited by Novica on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited June 2017

    Novica your mom and son will be in my prayers, glad he is feeling well enough for Wendy's!

    As far the vendors knowing who buys from them, I am a bit torn.  I really like supporting vendors but I can't always afford to buy everything so then I wonder if they are going to be upset because I didn't buy everything the second it comes out.  And I'm not sure I like anyone really knowing how I spend my money.  On the other hand, I sell my beads directly to the customer, and really like the interaction that I get from my customers and never expect them to buy all the time, I am very grateful for the sales, even if they only buy once.

    I also started that clothing conversion thread so if anyone wants to chime in please, feel free.

    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • jakibluejakiblue Posts: 7,281

    I'm of two minds about it. "The other site" - the vendor receives an email when a sale is made that says "Username customer purchased Product Name. You've earned 6c" along those lines. As far as I know, the vendor only has access to your username, no other personal detail about you. As in, they can't go into your details to find your real name or address or email etc. I've seen cases where someone has posted their art using a particular product, and the vendor in question has jumped on them, saying they have no record of that username purchasing their product. In one particular case, the artist was quite upset to be pounced on like that in public, as they had two accounts at that store, and had purchased the item under one account, and posted the art using their other account name. (I think one account was for work purposes and the other for hobby purchases or something along those lines). It turned quite nasty - all in public - and the artist made a point of saying he should have been contacted in private where we would have pointed to his other account as purchasing it. From what I can see, about the only reason a vendor would know WHO purchased their product, is to try and curb piracy - which let's face it, is absolutely rampant in the 3d community. And don't quote me on this as I'm not absolutely sure, but problems with a product go to the vendor in question at the other store - whereas problems with a product here at daz are handled by daz themselves (unless it's something specific that only the vendor can correct). On the one hand, I have no problem with a vendor knowing my username as a customer. I'm not a pirate, it's no skin off my nose if VendorJoe knows jakiblue bought their fantasy environment. On the other hand, I kinda like my purchases to be private, simply for privacy reasons. And if I was approached in public and called out for using something they have no record of my username buying, I'd be absolutely ropeable. Contact me in private, and I'd still be a bit pissed off, but I'd simply show them a screenshot of my purchase number...and probably never buy from them again. 


    Dunno. Issues of privacy dictate you don't want anyone to know what you buy (even tho they only have access to your username only). But just knowing my username as a customer, doesn't bother me too much. So yeah, I'm on the fence. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I've got it linked in my first post, along with Llynara's sets and Kerya's really early generations. 

    You wouldn't believe what it took to set up the first three posts (go take a peek, they're done now.)  I used to be able to go in and edit a post on a closed thread, I KNOW I did, because on all the past threads, I would go do an edit, hit the source code, grab it, and then paste. Wouldn't let me do it, said Page Not Found. So I had to get the source code for the ENTIRE PAGE and then muddle through. Took me hours to get the References, the Top 3-5 Lists, etc. Next time, before I close the thread, I'm starting the new one and getting that stuff set up FIRST. 

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited June 2017
    jakiblue said:

     I've seen cases where someone has posted their art using a particular product, and the vendor in question has jumped on them, saying they have no record of that username purchasing their product. In one particular case, the artist was quite upset to be pounced on like that in public, as they had two accounts at that store, and had purchased the item under one account, and posted the art using their other account name. (I think one account was for work purposes and the other for hobby purchases or something along those lines). It turned quite nasty - all in public - and the artist made a point of saying he should have been contacted in private

    Edit- oh, I get it- the original artist said he should have been contacted in private. Totally agree. 

    Post edited by Novica on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    Novica said:

    I've got it linked in my first post, along with Llynara's sets and Kerya's really early generations. 

    You wouldn't believe what it took to set up the first three posts (go take a peek, they're done now.)  I used to be able to go in and edit a post on a closed thread, I KNOW I did, because on all the past threads, I would go do an edit, hit the source code, grab it, and then paste. Wouldn't let me do it, said Page Not Found. So I had to get the source code for the ENTIRE PAGE and then muddle through. Took me hours to get the References, the Top 3-5 Lists, etc. Next time, before I close the thread, I'm starting the new one and getting that stuff set up FIRST. 

    Oh I believe that lol! 

  • luci45luci45 Posts: 2,781
    edited June 2017
    Post edited by luci45 on
  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479

    I haven't seen any more images featuring Khory's products, but I've been working on this one for a couple of days. I've had Khory's Iray Sprites for more than a 1-1/2 years, but never did anything with them. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to give them a whirl. Takes a bit of time to render, though, with so many emissive surfaces. But I think the effect was worth the wait.

    Magic Moment

    Magic Moment, by L'Adair


  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    edited June 2017
    Post edited by L'Adair on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited June 2017
    Post edited by barbult on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    @luci45  Tuscany is beautiful, and I love the mail order bride!  The dragon at the door was quite funny.

    @ladair   The unicorn is stunning. You're reminding me of all the products I've got to get to and use. And Her Little Black Dress is so classy!  Love At Peace and Kissin' Cousins, too.

    @barbult   Fern Lake looks very real- amazing. Love the birds. I do remember Taylor, too. I think Diesel looks pretty real, would make me look twice.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    Novica said:

    @luci45  Tuscany is beautiful, and I love the mail order bride!  The dragon at the door was quite funny.

    @ladair   The unicorn is stunning. You're reminding me of all the products I've got to get to and use. And Her Little Black Dress is so classy!  Love At Peace and Kissin' Cousins, too.

    @barbult   Fern Lake looks very real- amazing. Love the birds. I do remember Taylor, too. I think Diesel looks pretty real, would make me look twice.

    I didn't even notice the dragon! I had to go back and look. Too funny. Wonder what the dragon has on the menu tonight...?

    Thank you, Novica. I think it really helps to not use the DAZ Horse's mane! Glad you like the other images, too. It wasn't popular, but I actually like The Eyes Have It, (the second example render,) more than Her Little Black Dress.

  • L'AdairL'Adair Posts: 9,479
    barbult said:

    And back to the galleries I go. (I left a comment on Diesel for Elijah 7 before I saw your list in here. I changed my mind in the middle of writing the comment, and now it looks like I can't write in English. Please feel free to laugh at me when you read it.) Now I must give the other images a bit of attention.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    Thought I'd mention this post as Taoz was nice enough to point out how to find your RDNA purchases. I'll add it to the references under RDNA Purchases.

  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905
    edited June 2017

    May 2017  Top 3 - 5  Picks  (Summary Post)

    I will add a link to your current month post here, so all the posts are in one place and easy to surf. Then in the third post of the thread, I'll be linking the summary post.  The list of all the picks since January is in the second post of the thread, as are the guidelines.

    Sorry for the slow start! Take a look back at what you rendered (not necessarily bought) in May and post your top  3-5 here. You can visit mine, below,  to see how it's done. Remember too- only ONE product per render can be showcased. 

    I'm going to give a week as usual to get these posted, so let's go through the 13th. 

    Ice Dragon Art


    Post edited by Novica on
  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    It is a breach of trust for the PA to publicly ridicule the customer on an open forum. It should have been dealt with privately in the first place and then through the store and I wouldn't buy anything from that vendor again. I don't have a problem with PA's knowing what I have bought from them, have you looked at the receipt from shops where you use a card for your purchases and see the amount of information they get? :)

  • ValandarValandar Posts: 1,417

    DAZ does not give PA's any sort of list of who bought our products, so that's one thing you can relax on. wink

    On the other hand, and this is a debate that was active back before I closed my Rendo store in 2006 or so, a list of customers is pretty much useless for the purposes they claim. Why? Because some people have multiple accounts - one for their purchases, and one for their renders, just as an example. It gives them an extra layer of privacy. There was one merchant on a certain other site that actually had a very public meltdown about pirates there, and at least one person they "named and shamed" proved they did, in fact, own the product legally through another name... which led to a massive debate about multiple accounts.

    As BOTH a merchant and a customer, I don't like the idea of being given a list of customers. As a merchant, it is pretty much useless to me (especially at DAZ, where THEY handle any form of DMCA or the like), and as a customer I'm not sure I like other merchants knowing exactly what I did and did not buy. "Hey, Val, you bought Supertechno Longjohns," they might say, "but why didn't you also buy Cyber TightyWhiteys?" Now, no merchant I know would do something like that, but there are people who do think like that.

    Meanwhile, let's see more lists! I don't make it onto them, but it's interesting to see what you guys enjoy!

  • DarwinsMishapDarwinsMishap Posts: 4,087

    I have a few things in the other site's store; the only reason I ever go into that listing of purchases is if someone wants a return (just did one recently) so I can verify the purchase order number to the person that contacted me and how much the price was (if it was on sale or not) and let the site admin know so they can get a full refund.  Otherwise, I don't bother with that listing.  I've only been in that list once. XD  I don't need to know who buys what, but it's there just in case so if someone says "hey, I got this and it wasn't what I ended up wanting due to xyz" I can verify they did before going to the admins.

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited June 2017

    Thanks, nice to have PA input on that. There must be some tool that's used for orange banners and special coupons for specific buying patterns. Maybe it's on DAZ's side. 

    How did I miss the May picks? I'll pull some together. Seems like we were just doing picks!

    PS. Faveral is in Fast Grab right now! 

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548
    edited June 2017
    Valandar said:

    DAZ does not give PA's any sort of list of who bought our products, so that's one thing you can relax on. wink

    On the other hand, and this is a debate that was active back before I closed my Rendo store in 2006 or so, a list of customers is pretty much useless for the purposes they claim. Why? Because some people have multiple accounts - one for their purchases, and one for their renders, just as an example. It gives them an extra layer of privacy. There was one merchant on a certain other site that actually had a very public meltdown about pirates there, and at least one person they "named and shamed" proved they did, in fact, own the product legally through another name... which led to a massive debate about multiple accounts.

    As BOTH a merchant and a customer, I don't like the idea of being given a list of customers. As a merchant, it is pretty much useless to me (especially at DAZ, where THEY handle any form of DMCA or the like), and as a customer I'm not sure I like other merchants knowing exactly what I did and did not buy. "Hey, Val, you bought Supertechno Longjohns," they might say, "but why didn't you also buy Cyber TightyWhiteys?" Now, no merchant I know would do something like that, but there are people who do think like that.

    Meanwhile, let's see more lists! I don't make it onto them, but it's interesting to see what you guys enjoy!

    Well, you are on my list, I own 94 of your products lol.  I also probably have another 3/4 of your shop wishlisited. Your items are those things that are used all the time and are essential to a lot of scenes but don't get mentioned for exactly those reasons, because we don't tend to think of poses or weapons or any of the other hundreds of things that make a scene pull together.  We just use them. 

    Post edited by IceDragonArt on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    Valandar said:

    DAZ does not give PA's any sort of list of who bought our products, so that's one thing you can relax on. wink

    On the other hand, and this is a debate that was active back before I closed my Rendo store in 2006 or so, a list of customers is pretty much useless for the purposes they claim. Why? Because some people have multiple accounts - one for their purchases, and one for their renders, just as an example. It gives them an extra layer of privacy. There was one merchant on a certain other site that actually had a very public meltdown about pirates there, and at least one person they "named and shamed" proved they did, in fact, own the product legally through another name... which led to a massive debate about multiple accounts.

    As BOTH a merchant and a customer, I don't like the idea of being given a list of customers. As a merchant, it is pretty much useless to me (especially at DAZ, where THEY handle any form of DMCA or the like), and as a customer I'm not sure I like other merchants knowing exactly what I did and did not buy. "Hey, Val, you bought Supertechno Longjohns," they might say, "but why didn't you also buy Cyber TightyWhiteys?" Now, no merchant I know would do something like that, but there are people who do think like that.

    Meanwhile, let's see more lists! I don't make it onto them, but it's interesting to see what you guys enjoy!

    Well, you are on my list, I own 94 of your products lol.  I also probably have another 3/4 of your shop wishlisited. Your items are those things that are used all the time and are essential to a lot of scenes but don't get mentioned for exactly those reasons, because we don't tend to think of poses or weapons or any of the other hundreds of things that make a scene pull together.  We just use them. 

    Exactly! And I have you beat, Ice Dragon Art, I have 119 Valandar products. In fact, I have another Fern Lake render with a kayak from Canoes.I'll post it here and add it to my top list for Fern Lake.

    Fern Lake Kayak G3F DTHDR-OutdoorB Draw Ground Off_001.jpg
    2560 x 1440 - 3M
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    L'Adair said:
    barbult said:

    And back to the galleries I go. (I left a comment on Diesel for Elijah 7 before I saw your list in here. I changed my mind in the middle of writing the comment, and now it looks like I can't write in English. Please feel free to laugh at me when you read it.) Now I must give the other images a bit of attention.

    I noticed the little typo, but I just figured you were not a native English speaker and moved on without prejudice. wink Goodness knows, we all typo a lot!

    I appreciate everyones comments. It is fun to see them.

This discussion has been closed.