Novica & Forum Members Tips & Product Reviews Pt 9
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Bast for Genesis 3 Female
Maria from Rendo (P3Design) wearing Bast.
When I installed this product it puts created files here: C:\Users\W\Documents\ContentPA the program itself is installed in my programs file folder and is searchable under the start menu. That is where it also puts the files or copies thereof. I just drag them out of there and stick them in my downloads folder.
I don't bother having it install in a specific folder since it makes a copy of the created package in my users directory in the path I indicated above. So I let it create it there, and put it manually in dim's download folder.
The only bug I run into, is sometimes it creates an DIM download, and even though it is in the correct directory, DIM doesn't recognize it. Those files I must install manually.
Here is a screenshot of my settings. Hopefully this will be helpful.
Yes, thanks- I do have the fields correct then. And I assume regarding multiple zip files, say part one, part two, I just use the Batch?
It's discouraging to hear that this still may require manually installing some. That's the reason I bought the product, to avoid doing that. That's an error that should be fixed?
The other thing- the image isn't showing up. I have a FWSA gal and she is in the Content Library in the Genesis 3 Females, Characters- but in the file list, there's just the folder showing, no teeny image. So I clicked browse to file location and put the image there (in Characters>FWSA>then here where the character name is) but it still doesn't show up. It's a jpg, does it have to be a png or something? I've refreshed and closed and opened the studio, but I'm going to do it again.
I will check when I get my new computer up and running. It will be a while.
The most frustrating thing I think of the packager, is that sometimes I make a file and dim won't read it. I've made 35 successful ones, so I wonder why some fail. Not sure if it is me, or tha file. But sometimes DIM doesn't display the installers.
@serenenight New computer? AWESOME!!!!
Well, I have more problems than that. I reimported metadata already- but in Characters, none of the avatars are showing up past Star- and I have other S's, T's, V's- victoria 7 isnt showing up there or in a file either. Other than reimporting metadata (and I already saved user files) what should I do folks?
Look at the top and see if there is another page that you can access by pressing an arrow. I believe some panes can only show a limited number (256?) of icons per page.
Yep. That was it. Thanks @barbult!
Which tells me when I have 325 Genesis 3 gals, that's going to continue to be the focus of this thread.
Now do you have any idea how to get a thumbnail to show up in the Content Library characters for the folders that are on our right? I tried dropping a png into FWSA folder, where the rest of them are, I tried going one level lower and dropping it into the character, and nada. This package content assist is giving me fits. It installed properly, I'm not saying it's not worth the money, but I want images! (And yes, had one in the Assist) I did notice the images were png so I made mine that, after the jpg didn't work.
I'm not sure I know exactly what you are trying to do, but it sounds like you have items in your Content Library that do not have a picture associated with them. It should be easy to create images for those. The filenaming convention is simple: filename.png. So if the filename is "JoeSchmoesFantasticalUpdater.duf", the image file will be "JoeSchmoesFantasticalUpdater.duf.png". (Although you can leave off the .duf in the image filename, so "JoeSchmoesFantasticalUpdater.png" will also work.) And you can include a "tip" image in a larger size. The base icon will be displayed at 91 pixels square. Typical "tip" images are 250 pixels square, but I've read they can go much larger. Makes sense if it's mostly text you want the user to be able to read... Anyway, that image would be named "JoeSchmoesFantasticalUpdater.tip.png".
I've already got the image made, and it's a png Maybe it does need a duf in the name? What is happening is when I put it in with the other FWSA's images which ARE showing up for the other gals, this one isn't. I'll go check and see if they're dufs, but I think they were all just pngs. (That's when I remembered not to use jpgs.)
Here is a screenshot of some of the files in my G3F Characters folder. There are the duf files and their image files that are shown in Smart Content, and I assume in the Content Library, too. In this screen shot, you can see every duf file has two corresponding png image files. None of the image files include .duf in the filename... Is this the same folder you're working in?
No, I'm over in the individual folders, so you would go on into the FWSA folder for example. Just the FWSA folder (without clicking and getting each character) has png's of the characters, but no DUFS. That's where I put my png, which is not showing any love.
Okay... Here? Content Library: My DAZ 3D Library; people; Characters; FWSA
I'm looking at the above via the Content Library and there is only one icon, labeled "00 Visit"... (a link to Daz and FWSA products...) No other Icons. When I right-click and "Browse to File Location," I see one dsa file for the visit icon, along with the icon image. There are also 6 small (50 x 50) icons for the six characters I have installed. Those images are showing in the folder structure of the Content Library, (far left column,) instead of a folder icon.
So are you saying you have a character that is displaying the folder icon and you are trying to use your image instead?
Well @Novica, that tropical storm that passed your way is reaching far into the Midwest. We've gotten 5 inches of rain since this morning, coming down about an inch an hour this afternoon.
@donovancolbert Back on page 97-98 of review thread 8 we got talking about coastal towns. Here's a render of one I made using the Dreamland City Blocks (Rendo) and a PC+ beach pavilion. The ebach was made using a priitve plane with a push modifier added.
@rgcincy Always happy to share the love. Give Cindy my regards. I think in our neighborhood it was around 8-10" but other areas were 12" up. It just depended on the bands training across. Pensacola Beach had THREE waterspouts at the same time, one was fairly big- gorgeous photo but I wouldn't want to be there!
That town waterfront scene is really nice, I remember that pavilion. It's really big on the inside.
@Ladair Yep, I've done everything exactly the way it's set up for the others. Changed it to a png, no luck. I'm just moving on, I'll just click and see what the people look like. Appreciate your help very much!
This is FWSA Caterina from Rendo. She is wearing Elven for Genesis 3 Female(s) and I want to discuss Sickleyield's Hat and Hair Helper for Genesis 3. The order of loading the character, etc is important. It's load the character and select them, then load the helper. Then select the helper and load the hair. Then select the PERSON and load the hat. Got it? LOL, it's in the PDF- use it! (Linked from the ReadMe, very thoughtful.) The PDF also tells you which controls will usually take care of most of the situations, such as starting with Cap 01 to 200%. And that really does solve a lot of it. I tweaked the skin a lot (click to enlarge) and played with adding a slight touch of metallicity, roughness, and most of the settings just to see what they did.
The second image shows what the helper can do, the top of the hood was slightly lowered after I did the render, but not by much. The hair was Dax. I put a purple color in the Diffuse and the otherwise whitish highlights then went to purple. The expression was from Forest Fey Poses and Expressions for Mika 7 and it was Yearning. I like it.
This was the quickie to test/show the hood. I lit it a bit darker so I could see any poke through better. Anyway, you can see the Helper really works! I really like the texture of the material for Elven.
Just a quick word to let you folks know about a great deal in the G2 Flashback sale: If you don't already have it, or the items in it, the Serenus Bundle is a very good deal, when purchased with any new release. I picked up Deco Downtime and got the bundle for just $5.59. (One of the items in there is for G3F...!) It's only the G2 items that are being affected by a new release... And I've no idea if that's intentional or a glitch.
ETA: Here are some examples of good deals. On the left, the cart with a new release; on the right, the same cart with the new release removed. Click on the images for the full size image. (Opens in a new window, supposedly...)
I have the Hat and Hair Helper for Genesis 2. I was never able to get results like that. Both images are really nice, and believable, too.
I've been spending way too much time converting character morphs to G8F. I should have waited for the techniques to shake out, as I completed all of my G3Fs and now have to decide if I want to do them all once again. (I do, as I won't be buying the G8 characters any time soon.) Anyway, I loaded the G3F into an empty scene, and then loaded the G8F... and decided it was time to do an Iray material preset for G3F. I copy and pasted the materials from G8F onto G3F... But then I had to tweak. The lips were too pale... and glossy. The fingernails were too white... and glossy. And I was liking her so much I let myself get distracted and put together a scene and rendered her.
There are two versions of the image: One without postwork beyond layering a couple of spot render corrections and adding my sig; The other uses Viveza from NIK Collection.
The first, original version is here.
And here is the postworked version of Blue:

Isn't Deco Downtime neat? SO happy to see that for PC+ members! I have two of the three items in the bundle you mentioned, but yep, that's a deal!
I didn't bother reading the details of the sale, I just tested the cart and checked out, fast. When you go to any of those DAZ Original pages, if you're a PC+ member, check the "show PC only" box to find the stuff for under a dollar (on average.) The ones I didn't have that I picked up (and by this time, I had 4 or less pages showing for genesis, G2) that for these prices, I can rationalize getting, are: (all for Genesis 2)
Vintage Boxing Manager Outfit (G2M) 5.59 down to 2.23 89% off
Vintage Boxing Outfit (G2M) 5.59 down to 2.23 With gloves, hand tape- rather unusual items 89% off
Premium Handgun Poses 4.19 down to 1.68 Includes the weapons! 89% off
Hippy Chick Outfit 5.59 down to 2.23 89% off Skirt and Top are separate, the pose drapes are for V6, Olympia, default Genesis 2 Female and the sitting pose shown looks good.
Vista Dress for G2F 5.59 down to 2.23 89% off
Gothic MoHawk Hair same discount as above. i wouldn't use for closeups, seems a bit clunky, or shader it with Slosh's or OOT's hair shaders and change it up.
Maxi Skirt Outfit and Purse same discount as above I don't care for the materials and will change those, and the bend at the bottom seems a bit stiff, but for standing poses and not showing the bottom in scenes (such as seated at a table) this is a good price. Comes with a purse, so why not.
Party Pickup Dress (G2F) Goes 5.03 to 2.02 which is 89% off. I like this one because it's very different, and that includes the shoes. It's got a decent length to it too, family friendly.
Car Mark Goes from 3.99 to .64 which is 96% off. Use shaders and jazz this dude up!
GIS Emperor (G2M) Goes from 4.99 to 80 cents, which is 95% off
GIS Empress (G2F) Goes from 3.99 to 63 cents, which is 95% off NOTE THE COAT IS SEPARATE. If you don't like the bodysuit, get a great cape/coat! Frankly, the head piece is enough to warrant this if you do fantasy renders. Use shaders and change up those diamond shaped pieces, and voila!
I probably should have grabbed a few of those PC+ goodies, but I just spent $16 of July's budget, (store credit.)

Picked up a few older things as well - including finally the Vista dress
From the new items, the Sheffield Sewer with the rubbish removed and a marble shader - it does clean up nicely
(render stopped at 1 hr and 3%)
I did buy The Streets of the Wild West at the 30% discount price, because frankly, after modeling a toon critter and seeing the work involved with modeling overall, that price at 30% off is very generous and I want to support those efforts.
People say they'll wait for a better sale. I understand that. Or they can't afford it right now, that's even more understandable. But I'm just in a mood, I suppose. You can never be sure about unforeseen events, and recent vendor deaths have made me very sad, for obvious reasons. The loss of the person to their family and friends being foremost- but also the loss of talent and experience. That is MIND BOGGLING what talent we have lost in the past year. When I think of what will never be contributed because they didn't get the chance to share their dreams any more- and face it, our art is our dreams. It's in our heads, it's a need to "get it out there"- and those artists/people have those future thoughts and dreams silenced forever. I'm so sad right now, but I'm also glad people posted on the forums and let those artists know how much they loved their work.
So I ask myself now- what if I didn't get (whatever) and it was no longer available? Is this one of the "gotta haves?" That western town was a definite yes. I thought, "What if tomorrow, it wasn't available?" Ouch.
So, I've decided for the weekend, it would be a nice thing to do an "Appreciate You!" for the vendors.
Here's how it works. Put Appreciate You! for your title, in blue or red and bold it. (hold down mouse and mouse over it, then click the B above this text box. To do red or blue, mouse over and hold it, then click the "A" above this textbox, select the color.)
Then be sure and put the @(vendor name) and no spaces between the @ or the vendor name, or IN the vendor name. It would be @novica or @rgcincy or @serenenight for example. That way, the vendor will hopefully see the comment. Leave a space between that and the start of your comment, so they don't run together. (common sense.)
There are some vendors who don't get mentioned much (lol, we love you @valandar ) so share the love, give it some serious thought. You can list as many as you like. It would also be nice to give a linked reference to your favorite product(s) from the vendor. I'll post mine in the next post as an example of the setup,(optional, just to give you some ideas) then go back and add when I get my first list ready.
This also includes behind-the-scenes help you've gotten. Who answers PMs? Helps you with questions? (Although, as mentioned below, ask questions on the forums first please.)
I think it's important to express our appreciation, so hope you participate, even if you don't normally post. Thank you vendors! (and you're welcome to participate too.)
Appreciate You! (List Vendors Only)
This will show you some options on how to do it: (you can use all or part of these lists, or add your own ideas. Just please keep it in this easy to read format, if you want to elaborate, keep paragraphs separate and not one long run-on.)
Note regarding PMing- It's always best to ask for help in the forums FIRST, but if you have something that is specific to you, or pertains to something you want to recommend to the vendor, contacting a vendor is an option. Many do NOT check their inboxes or are active in the forums, so do not get offended if it takes awhile to hear back, or you do not get an answer. It doesn't mean they don't care! They are extremely busy people.
For behind the scenes help and talking with me about their products in general- (in regards to help showcase their products or guide me along) the vendors who come to mind who have helped me the most the past 5 years are: (SO THANK YOU!)
@KindredArts @DarwinsMishap @ThePhilosopher @FirstBastion @Saiyaness @thedigivault @Fisty @GypsyAngel @destinysgarden @chevybabe25 @thomaswindar @Khory @Sloshwerks @lyoness @aavenainen @3dOutlaw @totte
@maclean @ignisserpentus @v3digitimes @sickleyield @nikisatez @alessandro_AM
@dimension3d (he really took a lot of time PMing on February 15th to explain step by step for me what to do. Will never forget it.)
@draagonstorm May 2016: What a delightful sense of humor- We chatted about Zbrush so I sent a picture of one of my zbrush faces, and she told me if I added a few leaves, I'd have the Jolly Green Giant! (and she was spot-on, as usual! And he still looks that way.)
For products I use the most and would really miss if I didn't have them, thank you to: (in list form)
Iray Ghost Light Kit by @KindredArts For portraits and scene supplements
Growing Up for Genesis 3 Female(s) (and Males) for all generations @Zev0
Iray HDRI: Apocalyptic Plant Outdoors Set 1 (and Indoors Set 2) @Dumor3D
Pro-Studio HDR Lighting System @ColmJackson For my portraits and even outdoors!
Iray Light Manager PRO @V3Digitimes
V4 Skins Batch Converter to Genesis 2 Female(s) by Draagonstorm (deceased.)
Genesis Generation X2 (and all add-ons) by Dimension3D (deceased)
Ceramics for Iray @khory
DG Iray Sequins and Scales @destinysgarden
The Pool House @Stonemason (Used for projects, not shown often in my thread though)
Oriental Breeze Pool @Polish
For products that are my favorites, thank you to: (do not re-list any from your "really miss" list. These are your fun picks)
(product) by @vendorname
put second one here, in list form
For products I can't wait to try that I own:
Iray Converter For Genesis @V3Digitimes (see next page- this motivated me to try it.)
put second one here, in list form
For being so helpful on the forums, thank you to: (just a few)
@sickleyield @destinysgarden @darwinsmishap @kindredarts @faveral @jacktomalin @thephilosopher @dogz @gypsyangel @lyoness @mattymanx @alessandro_am @dzfire @marshian @aavenainen @crispalomino @ignussirpentus @jgreenlees
For visiting the galleries and commenting on my work: (I just started doing gallery.)
Wow, it sure does!!! Looks real.
Nice work. That second one reminds me of the iconic National Geographic cover photo of an Afghan girl. A few small changes to the eyes and expression and it could be a perfect match
I thought that too when I saw the pose.
At 8:55am it's already 85 with real feel 95. Welcome to Florida in the summer. I'm going to see mom then out to bring Stetson in for the afternoon (real feel expected to go 105) Back on later this afternoon.
This is gorgeous. I don't have the hat helper, but I've kept it in my wishlist for future purchase if I can. Lovely work., thank you. I appreciate you as well @Novica!